2022 11 20 3753
저는 누워서 고요를 즐기는 중..
I'm lying down and enjoying the silence.
몇시간째 ..
For hours...
ㅋ ㅋ
"아 커피 먹고 싶다"
"I want to drink coffee."
넘 늦엇어
It's too late.
나도 요즘 커피 많이 먹어
I drink a lot of coffee these days, too.
그래서 요즘은 보리차 자주 먹으려구해
So I try to drink barley tea often these days.
발아보리.. 이거 사서 우려놓구
I'll buy this and boil it.
I put it in the fridge.
벌컥벌컥 마시기
gulping down
벌컥벌컥마시고 크학하면서
I drank a lot and laughed.
참던숨을 뱉어줘야
You have to breathe out that you have to breathe out.
진정한 상여자
a true woman
넘 잠오네용?
I'm getting too sleepy.
웅 자볼게
Let me sleep.
잘자 ~~~~~~~!
Good night!
Monday morning.
I'm going home.
너무 춥네 …
It's so cold…
핫팩계절이 온 듯
I think it's hot pack season has come.
"나는 겨우 코타츠를 샀어( ¯ ꒳¯)
코타츠에 들어가면서 드라마를 보다.
"I barely bought a kotatsu.
watch a drama while entering a kotatsu
The best 👍"
코타츠~ 탐나는걸
Kotatsu! I want it.
코타츠하니까 일본오빛들 귀여워
Japanese ORBIT are so cute when you say kotatsu.
편지보면 .. 말투가 너무 귀여워서 벽뿌실거같아
When I read the letter... I think you're going to break the wall because your way of speaking is so cute.
"일본오빛분들 편지 한국어에요?"
"Japanese ORBIT's letters are in Korean?"
넹 다 한국어로 써서 주시더라구요 ㅠㅠ 감동..💖
Yes, they all wrote it in Korean. Touched...💖
물론 모든 오빛들도 다 귀엽다
Of course, all ORBITs are cute, too.
You know, right?
"저도 일본오빛이지만 귀여운건 양심에 찔려요,,,,,ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"I am also Japanese Orbit, but I feel guilty about being cute.(Laughs)"
와우 한국인이신줄..?
Wow, I thought you were Korean?
일본.. 하니 생각나는
Japan... That reminds me of...
요즘 핫하신 다나까상..
This is hot these days. Danakasang is hot these days...
오이시쿠나레.. 오이시쿠나레..
Oishi-Kunare... Oishi-Kunare...
What the...
일본오빛이 봤을 때 다나까상의 패션은 몇년도의 패션입니까 ?
In the eyes of Orbit Japan, what year is Tanaka's fashion?
"나도 일본의 오비💓"
"Me too, Obi of Japan 💓"
It's cute.
"내가 귀여운 게 아니라 번역기가 귀엽게 해준다~~~ㅋㅋ"
"It's not that I'm cute, but the translator is making it cute.(Laughing)"
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 그래?😂💖
(Laughs) (Laughs) Oh really?😂💖
오늘 무쫄사했지
I was so scared today.
오늘 정신없어숴 ㅠ
It's hectic today.
그래도 지금 김치찌개먹을라구
But I'm going to eat kimchi stew now.
근데 요즘 입맛이 없어요
But I don't have an appetite these days.
글서 하루종일 암것도 안먹을때도 있구
Sometimes I don't eat anything all day.
머라도 먹어야되나 하고 시간보면 벌써 밤이어가지구
If I look at the time, it's already night.
이럴 때 느껴지는 엄마의 빈자리 …
At times like this, I feel my mom's absence...
ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
때 되면 차려주시던 밥상…
The table you used to prepare when the time came...
"시 한편 또 금방 나올것 같다"
"I think another poem will come out soon."
ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ. 큐쿸 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
LOL. Q Cook. (Laughs)
저 밥먹으러 가니까 노추하고갈게요
I'm going to go eat, so I'm going to do my old recommendation.
Rowena Fysx - Idfk
Paramore - this is why
Rowena Fysx - Idfk
Paramore - this is why
Starcrawler - stranded
Starcrawler - stranded
안녕 나중에 올게 ~~~~~~
Bye! I'll be back later!