2022 11 14 3657
I changed the lyrics.
멜로디 알지
I know the melody.
"하부장님 컨셉은 아직 안끝나셨죠?"
"Manager Ha's concept is not over yet, right?"
나 하부장이란 단어 먼가 좋지 않아 ㄱ-
I don't like the word subordinate.
"하부장도 엉덩이랑 쫄깃쫄깃과 같은 맥락이야?????"
"Is the lower intestine in the same vein as the buttocks and the chewy ones????"
그때 하부장생일파티 브이앱할 때 먼가 악플이 넘 많이 보엿어서 몬가 좋은기억으로 안남게됏으
At that time, I saw so many malicious comments during the birthday party of Manager Ha, so Monga was not left as a good memory.
"신입아솩이라 몰랐습니당..
'하부장'이라는 용어 다신안쓸께유..😂"
"I didn't know you were a rookie.
I won't use the term "subordinate" again.😂"
하디만 바솩이들이 쓰는건 봐쥴게 ㅎㅋ💖
But I'll watch what the Basuks use lol 💖
"브이앱에 악플을 다는 사람들이 있어?? 오빛 아닌데 지나가다 염탐하는 그런건가...??"
"Are there people who write malicious comments on Vapp? It's not Orbit, but is it spying on me?"
아니 내가 봣을 때는
No, I think...
우리항테 관심많아서 하루종일 우리에게 관심을 쏟는 비뚤어진 사람들
The perverse people who are interested in us all day long.
*"시츄야 털시츄야 깎지마 깎지마 사랑해 사랑해
멜로디 모르겠어서 깊은 소외감 느끼는 중..😢"
"Shichu, don't shave your hair. I love you. I love you.
I don't know the melody, so I'm feeling deeply left out.😢"*
이거 윤종신선배님 빙수야~~~ 팥빙수야~~~
This is Yoon Jong Shin's shaved ice! Red bean shaved ice!~~
"언니.... 악플 얘기 스탑🙏 좋은 얘기만 하자❤️"
"Unni... Stop talking about malicious comments. ❤️ Let's only talk about good things. 🙏"
그랭? 그래도 이런 얘기 가끔씩 하는건 나뿌지않다구 생각해
Really? But I don't think it's too bad to talk about this sometimes.
여긴 악플다는 사람들아니구 나를 사랑해주는 사람들로 가득하지만
This place is full of people who love me, not people who are mean.
본질적으로 악플은 내가 걸러내야할게 아니구 악플쓰는사람자체가 없어야한다구 생각..?
Essentially, I don't think I should filter out malicious comments, but there should be no malicious commenters themselves..?
합 니 다 ㅎㅎ
I'm going to do it's haha
그런 세상이 됏음 좋겟군여
I hope that's the way the world is.
상처받는사람이 없는 세 상 ~~~~
The world where no one gets hurt.
근데 제가 악플에 눈물 흘린다고 생각하면 오산..
But if you think I'm crying because of malicious comments, you're mistaken...
전 속으로 겁나게 욕해줍니다 걱정 노노
I swear in my heart. Don't worry.
"근본적으로 악플러들이 없으면 좋겠지만, 현실적으로 그렇지 못하다면 예쁜 말들만 보고 듣는 선구안을 길러야 오래도록 우리들이랑 하고싶은 음악 하면서 활동한다 ㅠㅜ... 지금처럼 속으로 욕도 해주고! 화병이 제일 무서운겨..."
"Basically, it would be nice if there were no malicious comments, but if that's not the case in reality, we need to develop a vision to see and listen to pretty words so that we can continue to do music that we want to do for a long time. You can curse inside like you do now! The vase is the scariest..."
마자 이미 잘 걸러내고 잇으니 걱정마셔😂💖
I'm already filtering it out well, so don't worry. 😂💖
저녁 머먹진
What did you eat for dinner?
울언니가 이거 인프제라고 보내줫다
My sister sent me this as INFJ.
내 배경사진
My background picture.
He opened the window.
My hands and feet are so cold.
It must be winter.
"Hang in there."
"수족냉증 있써요????"
"Do you have cold hands and feet?"
나 예전에는 손 막 터지고 그랫다능
My hands used to explode before.
"열어놓은김에 인센스 스틱 피워놔~"
"While it's open, light up your insense stick."
Is that so?
Smokey Judy
어머 공개댓글 죄송해요
Oh my! I'm sorry for the open comment.
아직도 전 이게 헷갈리네요
I'm still confused about this.
아우 이런거너무긴장돼
I'm so nervous about this.
"갠답 부러버.. 흐규"
"I'm so jealous. Oh, my."
다 답 못해주어서 미안혀요
I'm sorry I couldn't answer everything.
"언니 이거 댓글 와다다다다다다ㅏ닥 빠르게 올라가ㅏ여?"
"The comments are coming.Climb up fast?"
아닝 새로고침하면 생겨
No, it happens when you refresh it.
새로고침하면 퐉 퐉 생겨
If you refresh, it'll pop up.
"새로고침 기능이 따로잇능겨?"
"Does the refresh function work separately?"
음 그냥. 트위터랑 똑같애요 올리면 새로운 피드
It's just the same as Twitter. If you post it, it's a new feed.
트위터 계정은 당연히 잇찌..
Of course, Twitter account...
헤이 우리 공개계정도 잇어
Hey, we have an open account.
트위터도 하나의 sns인걸요?..
Twitter is also an SNS.
흠 ㅠ 제가 막 여러분들 다 찾을 수 없는 거 알죵..?
Hmm... You know that I can't find all of you, right?
그냥 제 직업적으로 일적으로 사진이뜨거나 무대했을때나 반응같은거는 봐야한다구 생각해서요 유튜브 댓글도 똑같구요
I just thought I should look at the photos, the reactions when I was on stage, and the comments on YouTube are the same.
"오히려 안 봤으면 좋겠다는 생각~~~"
"Rather, I don't want them to watch it."
걱정마셔요 저도 딥하게 안본답니다!!!
Don't worry. I don't watch in depth either!
모니터는 중요하다구 생각해 갠적으루
I think monitoring is important.
"오오… 그런데 이 얘기 왜 나온 거에요..?!!"
"Oh... but why did you mention this?!!"
다들 트위터 보지말라구해서😂
Everyone is telling me not to look at Twitter. 😂
오늘 월욜인데 다들 수고햇규
It's Monday today. You all worked hard.
다들 푹 쉬엉
Everyone, take a good rest.
나두 이만 가보께
I'm going to go, too.
안뇽 ~~~~~