2022 11 13 3645
이런말하면 죄송스럽지만 귀여우셔..
I'm sorry to say this, but he's cute.
"연하는 안된다?"
"You can't be younger?"
아 할머니도 연상언니긴 하죠
Oh, my grandmother is older than me too.
여자는 영원히 언니니까
Because women are always older.
Sister ❤️ haha
It's Bokran. ❤️
울 할무니임
a grandmother in law
질문 팹 컴퓨터로 할 수 있으면 좋게ㅛ어요
I wish I could do it on my computer.
저 지금 노트북 켜놓고 카톡만 하는 사람같음
I think I'm a person who only sends messages with my laptop on.
Is it?
컴으로 어케해
How can I use the computer?
"할 수 있긴 한디 녹스라는 앱 깔고 팹 깔면됨"
"I can do it, but I can download an app called Knox and download a fab."
앱스토어에 잇남
Continued to the App Store
"그건 공식적인 방법은 아니고요. PC나 아이패드 등은 아직 지원 예정이 없습니다"
"That's not the official way. There are no plans to support PCs or iPads yet."
너무 단호하셔서 조금 상처예요
I'm hurt because you're so firm.
이모티콘이라도 붙여주세요
Please add an emoticon.
*"와 잠만 언니야… 가시나들 나온거 언니였구나…??!? 나 ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 지금알았음…완전 충격!😱💥💥
뭐야 다시 한번 봐야겠네…"
"Wow, wait. It'sister...
You were the one who came out...??!?
I...(Laughs) (Laughs)
Now I know... I'm in shock!😱💥💥
What? I need to watch it again..."*
으 악~!
케챱고백) 가시나들 미팅이 들어왔을때 회사가 저는 생각안했었는데 피디님이 저를 픽해주셧따
I didn't think about it, but the producer picked me.
작가님피디님😍 감사합니당😍💖
Writer and producer. 😍💖 Thank you. 😍
나 나중에 또 올게
I'll be back later.
조심히 퇴근해~
Get home safely!
He drank coffee.
마우스위에 손이 달달 떨려서 창피해
I'm embarrassed because my hands are shaking on the mouse.
🗣️👥👤‘저 사람은 커피 몬 묵나봐..’ 👤👥🗣️
👥👥‘어머 저 손 좀 바..’👤🗣️👥
🗣️👥👤 'That person must be drinking coffee..' 👤👥🗣️
👥👥 "Oh, my God, I need your hands..."’👤🗣️👥
"마우스?? 가사쓰는거양?"
"Mouse? Are you writing lyrics?"
Writing lyrics.
5주년 편지 마지막수정했서
I edited the last letter for the 5th anniversary.
나 보통 가사없는음악 틀어놓고 글쓰는데
I usually write with music without lyrics.
저번에 보니까 편지초안을 4시간동안 움직이지두 않고 적엇드라
Last time I saw that I wrote the draft letter without moving it for 4 hours.
"편지 기대해도 되는 부분?"
"The part where you can look forward to the letter?"
그건 쫌 ㅋ😂
That's a bit... 😂
근데 나는 글쓰는거 완전 조아행
But I really like writing.
Because it's fun.
It relieves my stress.
"여태까지 편지 다 이렇게 오래 쓴거???"
"All the letters I've written for so long?"
Of course, of course.
몇일에 걸쳐 수정한다구
It takes a few days to correct.District
우리 기념일인데 그냥 쓸 수 업지
It's our anniversary. We can just use it.
"헐 진짜루??? 책 읽는 건 어때??🥺🥺 나 곧 새 책 나와!!"
"Seriously? How about reading a book?🥺🥺 My new book is coming out soon!"
책 이름 알랴줘~ 바솩이들이랑 같이 읽으께
Tell me the name of the book. I'll read it with Basak.
"수영이도 그럼 수정1 수정2 찐막 찐찐막 찐찐찐막 이렇세 쓰나"
"Sooyoung, do you write Su-Jeong, Su-Jeong, Su-Jeong, Su-Jeong, Jin-Jjin-Jjin-Mak?"
아니구냥 메모장에서 수정하구 카톡 나한테보내기에 계속 새로 보내
No, I just edit it in my notepad and send it to me on Kakaotalk, so I keep sending it new.
"언니 혹시 수능축전 문제에 보기 5개 언니가 정하고 만든거야..? "
"Unnie, did you decide and make 5 questions for the college entrance exam?"
아닠ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 팬매언니들이 해준거같은데???? 재밋고 기엽넹
No, I don't.(Laughs) I think the fans did it for me? It's fun and cute.
[한여름 손잡기] <<< 바솩이 시집이래여
[Holding hands] <<<<BASAK is a collection of poems.
다들 읽어보쟈
Let's read it.
*"언니 좀 완벽주의 성향도 있어…? 나는 이게 좀 고치고 싶은 것중 하난데… 남들은 좋다는데…난 너무 완벽에 집착해서 좀 스트레스 받음…진짜 사소한것두
ex) 핸드폰 화면에 묻은 지문"
"You have a tendency to be perfectionist...?
I'd like to fix one of these things.
Others say it's good...I'm so obsessed with perfection.
I'm a little stressed out...Even the smallest things.
ex) Fingerprints on the cell phone screen"*
오 난 그렇긴한대 그런건 또 무뎌.. 액정 깨져도 걍 들고다니고
Oh, I do. I'm not used to that. Even if the screen is broken, I just carry it around.
"책은안읽어서 잘.."
"I don't read books."
ㅇㅋ 솔직하시내요 맘에듦
Okay, be honest. I like it.
취향이 확고한 바솩
a firm-minded person
"마자요 제가 써ㅛ어요 동네 바솩들~~~~~💖💖💖💖"
"Yeah, I wrote it. The neighborhood bassok~~~~~~~~~~~~💖💖💖💖"
자래따 잘해따😍💖👍
Sleep well 😍💖👍
"안돼 꼭 새로 바꿔 깨진부분 유리파편 손가락에 들어가면 큰일나"
"No, you have to change it. You'll be in trouble if the broken part goes into your finger."
그냥 아따거 하고 슥슥털고 쓰는편
I tend to just use it and shake it off.
"수영인 자기가 잘하고싶은 분야에는 ㄹㅇ 완벽주의"
"A swimmer is a perfectionist in the field he wants to be good at."
마장 그것만 ㅋ
That's the only thing.
"주문했어요 작가 바솩님👍👍👍"
"I ordered it. Writer Basuk. 👍👍👍"
They say it's cool?
Let's see if it's a bestseller.
난 다시 가보께
I'm gonna go back.