2022 11 11 3602

택시안잡혀서 😂
I couldn't catch a taxi 😂


길바닥에 낙엽짱많은데 벌레 나올까봐 혼자 요란스럽게 걸엇슴? 점프? 해서옴 ㅠ
There are a lot of leaves on the street, but I walked loudly because I was afraid of bugs. Jump? And came.

출근하는사람들의 웃음거리가 되엇을테야…
It'll be a laughing stock for people going to work...

"아. ㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 그 프사로 얘기하니까 ㄴㅓ무웃겨ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ"
"Ah. ㅜㅜ아[Crying] It's so funny to talk with that profile picture.[Crying]"

왜요ㅜㅋㅌㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅔ

아니 걸어서 본가가면 한달뒤에 도착이나 할 수 잇을까요..
If I walk home, can I arrive in a month?

생존여부가 중요한데 그건
Survival matters.

"수영 ... 자 .... 너 알림에 깼다 난...."
"Swimming... Now... You woke up at the notification. I..."

아놔ㅠ 지송 ㅠ..
Oh, my god.

다들 주무셔용
Everyone is sleeping.

쏴리 가이즈
Sorry guys.

다들 소리를 켜놓구나
Everyone's turning on the sound.

으른이다 .. 직장인의 고충인가 ?
I'm an adult... Is it the pain of an office worker?


"웅니 저랑 끝말잇기 해요 나부터 시작 도토리 "
"Woong, let's play word chain with me. Starting with me. Acorns"

리제 잘게 안녕
I'm going to sleep now. Bye.

난 커피 마셧더니 잠은 안와서 오빛이 보내준 메시지북 보구있다 크크
I drank coffee, but I couldn't sleep, so I'm reading Orbit's message book. (Laughing)

나만 봐야징
I'm the only one looking.

"너무 웃겨요 우리는 코미디언으로서의 당신의 경력을 지지할 것입니다 🎤"
"It's hilarious. We'll support your career as a comedian. 🎤"

Thank you.

"수영아 팹에 지금 사람 꽤 많아? 다들 저처럼 출근중이신가요?"
"Sooyoung, are there a lot of people in Fab? Are you all on your way to work like me?"

다들 일어나신건가바용
Are you all awake?

지금 몇명잇나보까
How many people are there now?

울지말고 말씀해보세요
Don't cry and tell me.

바솩씨 다시 해오세요
Mr. Basuk, please do it again.

입모양 킹받네
I'm getting the shape of my mouth.


잘 준비하는 사람이 더 많네
There are more people getting ready to sleep.

왜 안주무세요?
Why aren't you sleeping?

메시지북에 나한테 궁금한 점이 있는데
There's something I'm curious about in the message book.

It's amazing.

이런걸 궁금해햇구나
That's what you were curious about.

난 안궁금해할까봐 티엠아이는 말하지 않는 스타일인데 헷
I'm the type that doesn't say TMI because I'm afraid they won't be curious.

나중에 각잡고 얘기해주께~~~
I'll tell you later when I'm ready.~~

"뭘 궁금해하길래…"
"What are you curious about?"

내가 나중에 팹에다가 질문이랑 답변이랑 다 올려주께요 ㅎㅎ
I'll post all the questions and answers on Fab later. Haha

"메시지북이 뭔데? 왜 나 빼고 했어!!!!"
"What's a message book? Why did you do it without me?"

나 데뷔기념으로 여기 편지를 모아주셨어 책처럼! 그거 읽구이써
They collected letters to celebrate my debut. Like a book! I read that.

•메시지북 권장,유도하는 글아님 •모든 편지를 사랑합니다 •말만 해주셔도 감사합니다 •안해주셔도 마음을 압니다
• Message book recommended, not induced writing •I love all letters. •Thank you for just telling me. •I know how you feel even if you don't.

"수영님도 팹 편지 읽다가 마음을 울리는 편지가 있으면 북마크 해놓으시나요?"
"Sooyoung, do you bookmark a letter that touches your heart while reading a fab letter?"

You're a carrot.

"혹시 그거 하수영의 천방지축 기고만장 파란만장이야?"
"Is that Ha Soo-young's cheery and cheery?"

크킄ㅋㅋㅋ 이거는 데뷔5주년 메시지북이라 다른거!
LOL. This is a message book for the 5th anniversary of our debut, so something else!

"수영아,,, 하나만 골라죠… 지금 씻고 나가서 공부한다 vs 좀만 더 자고 10시쯤 나간다…"
"Sooyoung, let's just pick one... I'm going to wash up and go study. vs sleep a little more and go out around 10..."

엉니가 피곤하면 더 자 ..!.
If your sister is tired, sleep more...!

"또 언니팬이있어? 뉘기야 다들 저한테 연락좀 친해져여💖"
"Do you have another fan? Nugi, get in touch with me. 💖"

하 저 언니한테 인기많거든요?
I'm popular with you.

"오 나도 고민중인거… 한숨 더 자고 10시 30분 운동간다🆚지금 준비해서 9시 운동간다"
"Oh, I'm thinking about... I'm going to exercise at 10:30 🆚 I'm going to get ready and exercise at 9 o'clock."

지금 눈감아용
Close your eyes.

"나는 이따 오빛모임간다ㅋㅋ 수영이는 얼른자 이따 비온대"
"I'm going to Orbit gathering later. Sooyoung, hurry up and sleep. It's raining later."

헐 ㅠㅠㅠ
Oh my.

다들 우산 챙 기 셔 요
Take your umbrellas.

*"오늘 출근길 플리

이브 D-1 윤하sbn 사건의 지평선

들으면서 가야징 수영이가 한개만 더 추천해줄래?"
"On my way to work, please.

Eve D-1 the horizon of the Younha sbn event

I'm going to listen to it while I'm going to go. Sooyoung, can you recommend one more?"*

하현상 - a book of love
HA HYUNSANG - a book of love

"출근하시는 분 화이팅이비다요💖"
"For those who are going to work, fighting!💖"

마자마자 화이팅
As soon as it's over, fighting!

걸어오는데 어떤 할머님이 조금은 구부정하게 유모차에 지탱해서 똑같은 거리를 계속 왔다갔다 걸으며 운동하시더라구여 그땐 가로등도 별로 없어서 어두웠는데 넘멋있으셔서 자기반성햇음..
I was walking, and a grandmother bent a little and supported by a stroller and kept walking back and forth on the same street. At that time, there were not many streetlights, so it was dark, but she was so cool that she reflected on herself.

그르니까 다들 오늘도 하이팅구리
Right. Everyone, I'm so excited today.

저도 몇시간뒤에 샵가서 두피케어룰 받아야하므로 눈 좀 감아보겟어요
I have to go to the salon in a few hours to get my scalp care rules, so I'm going to close my eyes.


잘 자 ~~~~
Good night!

출근도 하이팅~!~!
Go to work, too!