2022 11 08 3551
"그거 그냥 긴장성두통같은디 뒷목좀 마사지하고 따땃한 물좀 마셔요"
"It's just a tension headache. Massage the back of your neck and drink some warm water."
오 감사합니다
Oh, thank you.
오빛 최고 ~~~~
ORBIT is the best!
나 넷플릭스아티스트인데
I'm a Netflix artist.
넷플 추천 좀 해줘
Please recommend something on Netflix.
참고로 바람이분다 귀를기울이면 보다가 잠든 사람
By the way, it's windy. A person who fell asleep while listening.
티빙은 아이디업서요
Tving is an ID-up.
환승연애 낫 마이 스타일 ~..
Transfer dating is not my style.
"넷플릭스 영화 파운드 맥날만든 얘기래 그거 개재밋대"
"They said it's a story about the Netflix movie Pound McNally."
"18어게인 봤어요?"
"Have you seen 18 Again?"
당근 ~
"이별의 아침에 약속의 꽃을 장식하자
요고 마니처럼 눙물 콩물 빼고 싶을때 보셔융"
"Let's make a promise on the morning of parting.
Watch it when you want to take out the beanstalk like this one."
콩물은 어떻게 빼나요?
How do I drain the bean water?
소셜 딜레마 다큐임 파운드 벅찬재질이라내요 소공녀 이솜언니가이쁘다함 에놀라홈즈2 구해줘홈즈아님 패딩턴 안보면 겸상안한다네요 불량공주모모코 난 불량스럽지않은데 패딩턴 킬링타임용 구미호뎐 거기내가나온다고?ㅋ 웃기셔~ 연애가체질 이세요?.. 하트브레이커하이 앞에 욜마 붙여서읽음
It's a social dilemma documentary. It's a pound of material. Small princess Lee Som is pretty. Save me Enola Holmes 2. Not Holmes. If I don't see Paddington, I don't care.Yes. I'm not a defective princess, Momoko. For Paddington Killing Time. I'm coming out in "The Tale of the Nine Tailed Fox"?He's so funny. Do you have a temperament? Read it with yolma in front of Heartbreaker High.
너무 많다
That's too many.
누가 정리좀해줘요
Someone please organize it for me.
"엉..? 설명이 인터넷 많이 하는 사람 같아요 머리아퍼"
"Huh? I think he explains a lot on the internet. My head hurts."
나도 머리아퍼 ~~~ ㅠ
My head hurts too.
"니체 오라버니 말은 길어도 읽으면서"
"Nietzsche, even if it's long, read it."
ㅌㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 신박한 질투에 웃음이 나는군
T, T(Laughs) (Laughs) It's a new kind of jealousy that makes me smile.
니체 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오라버니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Nietzsche (Laughs) my brother (Laughs)
It's Nietzsche.
멀 바야할지
I don't know where to go.
"나 봐"
"Look at me."
*"수영아 냇플릭스에 [플레이리스트]라고 이번에 새로 올라온 다큐멘터리스러운 드라마(?)가 있는데 이거 바로 ‘스포티파이’라는 서비스를 만든 사람에 대한 이야기야...음악 업계 종사자라면 꼭 봐두기를 추천하는 시리즈니까 시간 나면 틀어서 보도록~~~!💖
(나도 요즘 보는 중!)"
"Sooyoung, on Netflix...
[Playlist] It's a new song.
There's a documentary-like drama.
This is the product of Spotify.
It's about people.If you're in the music industry,
It's a series that I recommend you to watch.
I'll play it when I have time.💖
(I'm watching it these days too!)"*
음냐 .. 종사자긴 한대.. 안보면은 어케되나여..
Well, he's a worker. What if I don't see it?
I think I'm going to fall asleep.
*"잔잔한 음식영화가 보고싶음
남극의 쉐프, 카모메 식당(둘다 일본영화), 어메리칸 쉐프
머리쓰는 천재들의 이야기가 보고싶음
21, 오션스 시리즈
감동 + 인생에 대해 다시 생각하고 행복해지고 싶음
라스트 홀리데이, 터미널, 트루먼쇼, 예스맨, 어바웃타임
정신놓고 웃고싶음
셀럽은 회의중
요정도...? 급하게 쓰느라 빠진것도 있을텐데 도움 되었음 좋겠당 히히"
"I want to watch a movie of calm food.
Antarctic Chef, Kamome Restaurant (both Japanese movies), American Chef
I want to see the story of genius who use their brains.
21, Oceans Series
I'm touched. I want to think about my life again and be happy.
Last Holiday, Terminal, Truman Show, Yes Man, About Time
I want to laugh straight.
Celeb is in a meeting
This much...? I'm sure there's something missing because I was in a hurry, so I hope it helped."*
대박 친절하셔라 ~~~~~~👍
He's so kind.~~~👍
"안볼수도 있죠 나도 한의사인데 허준하고 이제마 드라마 안봄..."
"I might not watch it. I'm also an oriental doctor, but Heo Jun and I didn't watch the drama anymore."
웃기다 따봉드려요~👍
It's funny. I'll give you a thumbs up.👍
"한의사분들은 동의보감 공부하시나요"
"Do you study Donguibogam?"
"모교에 한의대 있는데 같은 교양 들으면 막 수업안듣고 한자 깜지쓰고있어서 머냐고 물어보면 동의보감이랬움.."
"There is an oriental medicine school in my alma mater, and if I ask if it's far because I don't take classes and write Chinese characters, it's Donguibogam."
헉 그렇다내요
That's what I'm saying.
"수학의 정석같은거죠"
"It's like the standard of mathematics."
That's right.
*"가을엽서 안도현
한 잎 두 잎 나뭇잎이 낮은 곳으로 자꾸 내려앉습니다. 세상에 나누어줄 것이 많다는 듯이 나도 그대에게 무엇을 좀 나눠주고 싶습니다 내가 가진 게 너무 없다 할지라도 그대여 가을 저녁 한때 낙엽이 지거든 물어보십시오 사랑은 왜 낮은 곳에 있는지를
오늘의 시 한 편 띄웁니다..."
"an autumn postcard
Ando County
One leaf, two leaves, To a low place. It keeps falling down. Like there's a lot to give out to the world. I want to share something with you. Even if I don't have a lot of course. My love. Autumn evenings. Ask if the leaves are falling. Why love? I don't know if you're in a low place.
Here's a poem for today."*
갑작스럽지만 감사해요 따뜻하내요💖
It's sudden, but thank you. Stay warm 💖
크 사랑은 왜 낮은 곳에 있는지를
Why love is so low?
"수영아 ㅋ... 사랑혀...ㅋ
언니 달 보면서 술 한 잔 햇다...ㅋ"
"Sooyoung... I love you...
You drank while looking at the moon.(Laughs]"
I can't live.
팝콘맛있게먹는법 아는사람
Who knows how to enjoy popcorn?
나 전자렌지팝콘잇음
Microwave popcorn.
그거랑 버블티키트읶는데
That and bubble tea kit.
걍 집에있는거먹을까
Should I just eat what's at home?
아우 기찮아
Oh, it's nice.
아오 ~~~~~~~
Oh, my.
간식이 왜 먹고싶어가지고
Why do I want to eat snacks?
"누나 그냥 안먹는건 어떤데~~"
"Noona, how about not eating it?"
너가 그러니까 다시 먹고싶어졌어 고마워👍
That's why I want to eat it again. Thank you 👍
자 만들어볼까
Let's make it.
*"언니 혹시 기찮음을 극복햇다면 카라멜 팢콘 만들기도 이써요
"If you're overcoming the pain, make caramel popcorn easily, too.
근데 나 버터가 없어
But I don't have butter.
"버터 없으면 포도씨유 !!!!!!!!!!!!!(조금만)"
"Without butter, grape seed oil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
그거 엑스트라버진올리브유는요
The extra version of "Olive U" is...
난 그거밖에없어
That's all I have.
그거 넣을래
I want to put that in.
아 엄마 좀만 더 잔다고 ㅡ ㅡ
Mom, I'm going to sleep a little longer.