2022 10 29 3507
"오늘 안추웠어?"
"Wasn't it cold today?"
오늘 안나갓어 ㅎㅎ
I didn't go out today.
"근데 저는 요즘 글이랑 되게 멀어진 기분이 들어요.... 집중도 잘 안되고 읽으면서 이게 무슨 말일까? 같은 문장을 두번 세번 반복해서 읽기도 하고 진짜 막 책을 안 읽다 보니까 너무... 🥺"
"But these days, I feel very far from writing... I can't concentrate well. What does this mean? I read the same sentence 2 or 3 times over and over again. Since I don't read books, it's so... 🥺"
나도 수백년만에 읽은거라 같은 자리를 몇번이나 읽었는지 몰라 😂😂😂 오늘 내가 보내준거 읽었으니까 독서한거야~
I don't know how many times I read the same place because it's been hundreds of years since I read it. 😂😂😂 I read it because I read what I sent you today.
"아솩이 오디오북 해줬으면 좋겠당 같이 읽어줘"
""I want you to do an audiobook." Please read it with me."
해보고싶당 예전에 김태리선배님거 들어봣오 ㅎㅎ
I want to try it. I listened to Kim Tae-ri's song before.
"언니 글 길어서 못 읽겠다고 한거 장난이니까 상처받지 마~~ 제발 내가 미안해 꼭 읽어볼게 진짜 미안해 지금 무릎 꿇어써 읽고 리뷰 남길게 그 누구보다 사랑해😘"
"It's a joke that you said you couldn't read it because it was too long, so don't get hurt. Please, I'm sorry. I'll read it on my knees and leave a review. I love you more than anyone else. 😘"
상처안받아 ㅎㅎㅎ😂
I won't get hurt lol 😂
괜차나 ~~~
It's okay!
"헙 긍데 바지 이뿌다 나도 비슷한 거 스컬프터 꺼 샀는데 생각보다 넘 카키카키해서 조금 시무룩 … 베이지 색 사고펐는디 😂"
"I bought a similar one from Skultu, but it was khaki khaki more than I thought, so I'm a little sad... I bought beige 😂"
이거 지그재그에서 산곤디 알려주까요
Should I tell you what I bought at Zigzag?
원로그 라는 쇼핑몰
a shopping mall called One Log
포그 카고 카키베이지 롱기장
Fog Cargo Khaki Beige Long Length
I bought it.
2000장 팔렸대여
2,000 copies have been sold.
"핸드폰에 줄 단거 어디서 샀는지도 알려줭 근데 저런 줄은 어케넣는거임..? 폴더폰때는 구멍있어서 거따넣는건디 요즘 스마트폰은 어케하는건지 ㄱ-"
"Please tell me where you bought the string on your phone. But how do you put such a string? There's a hole in the folder phone, so I put it in, but how do smartphones these days?"
플러터제이 라는 쇼핑몰에 키치치키미 하이틴무드 비즈 핸드폰 스트랩 휴대폰줄 올진주리본
Kichichikimi High Teen Mood Beads Cell Phone Strap Mobile Phone Strap All Pearl Ribbon at a shopping mall called Platter J.
너무 길다 ..
It's too long.
It's 13900 won.
바지는 36600원이양
Pants cost 36600 won.
"아 뮈친 롱기장"
"Ah, Muchen Long."
166인 저에게 롱기장은 신발신으면 딱 예쁜 기장입니다..
For me, who is 166 years old, the long length is perfect for wearing shoes.
신발벗으면 바닥청소하실 수 잇슴
If you take off your shoes, you can clean the floor.
하지만 그게 멋이라는
But that's cool.
"웅니야 요즘 그 마땡킴 가방 잘 안들고 다니시나요"
"Woongni, don't you carry around the Ma-something Kim bag these days?"
저거 핑크 마땡킴거양
That's pink. That's Kim's.
나 케이스 바꿧다
I changed my case.
이것도 지그재그야
This is zigzag, too.
나랑 커플케이스 할 사람은 손민수해
If you want a couple case with me, Son Minsoo.
핀프 라는 쇼핑몰에 just imagine if
Just image if in a shopping mall called Finf
"이 아이돌은 다 알려줍니다"
"This idol tells you everything."
엉 나 사주지말고 오빛들 사라는 ..😂
Don't buy it for me and buy it for ORBIT...😂
"외투는 어디서 샀어요?🧐"
"Where did you get your coat?🧐"
저거 더베를린 들어가면 있엉
If you go into The Berlin, it's there.
다 보세야~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Look at all of them!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
그냥 보세요
Just watch it.
하 그냥 보세요 쫌
Just watch it. A little bit.
"신발은 어디꺼야??
개이쁨 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ"
"Where are the shoes from?
So pretty. [Crying]crying"
신발 안나왓는데 감사합니다
My shoes didn't come out. Thank you.
"앞머리 기르시나요? (순수 의문문 앞머리 없는거도 좋음)"
"Are you growing out your bangs? (Pure question. It's good without bangs, too.)"
아녀 앞머리는 꾸밀때만 내림니다
My bangs only come down when I decorate them.
"요즘 즐겨신는 신발은 뭐야????"
"What shoes do you enjoy wearing these days?"
어그에서 산 털슬리퍼..
The fur slippers I bought from Uhg.
"저 질문!!!
이브님 동안얼굴은
어떻게 유지하시나요?"
"That question!
Eevee's baby face...
How do you maintain it?"
음 저 동안은 아니라구생각 😂 감사해요..
Well, I don't think I look young 😂 Thank you.
좀 감동이네용
It's kind of touching.
"인생네컷 부스에서 찍은 사진이네"
"It's a photo taken at the 4-cut booth."
언니랑 찍엇어
I took a picture with you.
넷플에 슈룹 언제올라와 ?
When is it going to come up on Netflix?
오늘거 올라왓구나
Today's was uploaded.
I'm going to go see it.
그럼 노래 추천해주고 갈게
Then I'll recommend a song and go.
오랜만에 브라이슨틸러 노래를 들엇는데 좋아서 추천해주껭
It's been a while since I listened to Bryson Tiller's song and I like it, so please recommend it to me.
Bryson tiller - 7:00 - Always forever
Alaina Castillo - just a boy - tonight
woodz - 안녕이란 말도 함께
태버 - 2049
다운 - home
딘 - breath
Bryson tiller - 7:00
- - Always forever
Alaina Castillo - just a boy - - tonight
Woodz - With Goodbye Taber - 2049 Down - home 딘 - breath
우아 힘들다
Wow, I'm tired.
안녕 ~~~💝
승인 ..
Please do it.
갈변될 것 같아요..
I think I'm going to be browbeaten.
카톡도 드렸는데..
I even sent you a message.
새로고침 이백번째 ..
200th refresh...
I've changed my hair color.
I give up.
올라오는거보구 갈래슨ㄴ데ㅜㅜ
I'm going to go see you come up.