2022 10 28 3501
•지금 볼살빠짐
•같이 촬영하면서 찍은거아님
•Not a recent photo
•Losing cheek fat now.
• We didn't film it while filming together.
•It's not a set.
"우아… 대박 알바 어디어디 해봤옹"
"Wow... Awesome. Where did you work?"
너 애기바솩이니 ??!??!???
Are you a baby Basak?!?!?!?!?
"하... 아솩이 알바 이야기가 진짜 재밌고 따뜻한데!
엣헴! (어른 바솩 부심..)"
"Sigh... The story of Asuk's part-time job is really fun and warm!
Ahem! (Proud as an adult...)"
(Laughs)a small party
애기바솩이를 위한 정보!
이부 알바리스트
•이마트 명절택배접수
Information for Baby Basak!
an assistant part-timer
•E-Mart Holiday Delivery Receipt
•Shinjeon Tteokbokki (Stir-fried Rice Cake)
•Hongdae Donburi
•Fitting model
이렇게 적으니 별루 안햇네요
I didn't do much writing like this.
"뭐가 제일 어려웟어??"
"What was the most difficult?"
어려운건 없엇구 ㅋ 가장 바빳던건 쿠우쿠우 저당시 매출 상위권지점이어서
Nothing was difficult lol The busiest was the top sales point in Koukuu mortgage.
"근데 알바 다 서울 올라가고 한 거예여?"
"Did you all go back to Seoul?"
이마트는 본가있을때 서울갈라구 돈모은거구 나머지는 서울가서 생활비벌려구 한 거 !
E-Mart saved money in Seoul when I was at my parent's house, and the rest were to go to Seoul to earn living expenses!
근데 연습시간도 필요하다보니 적합한 알바가 잘 없더라구요ㅜ
But since I need practice time, there aren't many suitable part-time jobs.ㅜ
그래서 찾는게 어려웟어
So it was hard to find.
나 그래서 알바갓다오면 연습하다가 맨날 졸앗음 ㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ
That's why I always dozed off practicing when I came back from my part-time job.
첫 서울생활을 지하 숙식연습실에서 햇거든 거의 2평..? 이랬던듯
I spent my first time in Seoul in the basement room. About 2 pyeong? Like this.
그래서 잘 때 옆에서 드럼소리 들리고 그랫어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
So I heard the drum sound when I was sleeping.
그러다 알바해서 돈모아서 반지하로 올라가구
Then I'll work part-time and save money and go up to the semi-basement.
반지하에서 좀 지내다가 회사 들어와쎵
I spent some time in the semi-basement and came into the company.
부모님한테 말하면 좀 더 좋은 환경에서 지낼 수 있었겠지만 그러고 싶지 않았어서 언니랑 둘이 의지하구 지냈징
I could have stayed in a better environment if I told my parents, but I didn't want to, so I relied on my sister and I.
엄마두 우리가 몇년뒤에 그렇게 지냈던거 얘기해서 우셨음 ㅜㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
My mom cried because we talked about how we spent the next few years.(Laughs) (Laughs)
아니 왜 얘기안햇냐며
Why didn't you tell me?
근데 둘다 그런성격이 안돼서🔥
But both of them are not like that. 🔥
담에 더 자세히 풀어주껰ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I'll let you know in more detail next time.(Laughs)
암튼 다들 서울생활 파이팅임 ㅠ🥹
Anyway, let's all cheer up for living in Seoul.
다들 고생이 많어유💖
You're all working so hard. 💖
제가 유난히 고생한거도 아니고 세상엔 묵묵히 열심히 사시는 분들이 많더라구요
It's not like I had a hard time. There are a lot of people in the world who are working hard.
다들 힘내여💓💓💓💓💓💓
Cheer up everyone 💓💓💓💓💓💓
"근데 아솩씨는 연습생되기전에 춤이랑 노래 연습은 어떻게 했소, 혼자 숙식하던 연습실서..? ㅠ
나는 배워두 안무따서 영상볼때마다 너무 못춰서 부끄럽고 창피해서 못 참겠어,, 아솩이는 스스로 피드백하는게 대단한거가터"
"But how did you practice dancing and singing before you became a trainee, in the practice room where you stayed alone? (T)
I can't stand it because I'm embarrassed and embarrassed because I'm so bad at dancing every time I watch the video after learning the choreography. Asuk is great at giving feedback on his own."
그냥 쫍은데서 연습하다갘ㅋㅋㅋ 영상 찍어야할때는 사당연습실 새벽에 대여해서 하구그랫서
나도 햇으니 할 수 있어 ~~~~~~~
to practice in a narrow placeWhen I had to film a video, I rented the Sadang practice room at dawn.
I can do it since I did it too.
근데 알바해서 좋은점 한가지 생각낫따
But I thought of a good thing about working part-time.
명절날 아무리 접시많구 그래도
No matter how many plates there are,
언니랑 나랑 잇으면 순식간에 치움
If we're together, I'll clean up in an instant.
엄마가 칭찬해줌
My mom compliments me.
접시도 쌓는법이 잇다구요
There's a way to stack plates.
You know, right?
"나는 반대로 밖에서 일 쥐리게 열심히 해서 집에서 잘 안 하게 돼,, 불효녀 >,<"
"On the contrary, I work hard outside to make things work, so I don't really do it at home, bad daughter >.<"
저두 잘안해욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 맘먹어야하지
I don't do it often either. I have to decide.
잽싸고 빠르게
모르면 차라리 물어보기
말보다 행동으로
눈치껏 찾아서 일하기
다시 체크하기
신입오면 답답하다고 내가 계속 해주지말기
A great tip for part-time jobs.
Quickly and quickly.
If you don't know, just ask.
through action rather than words
Find and work tactfully.
Check again
Don't tell me you're frustrated when you're new.
마지막 ㄹㅇ인
The last person in the real person.
마지막 제가 안저러다가 쌀포대도 옮기고잇엇음
Lastly, I didn't do that, but I was moving a bag of rice.
"A great tip for the company.
Not going to work."
Good tips on quitting speedily.
*"알바 신입들이 제일 서러운 부분 1. 몰라서 물어보면 알려줬는데 왜 모르냐고 함 2. 모르는 거 물어보면 혼날까봐 혼자 끙끙 대다가 헤매면 와서 모르면 물어보면 되지 왜 안물어보냐고 함
결국 혼나게 돼있는 부분 ㅠㅠ"
"The saddest part of part-timers.
1. I told you when I asked because I didn't know, but you asked why I didn't know
2. If you ask something you don't know, you'll get in trouble, and if you get lost, you can come and ask if you don't know. Why don't you ask?
The part where I'm supposed to get in trouble."*
오우 전 혼내지않음
Oh, I'm not scolding you.
저도 일하다가 접시 쏟아보고 많이해봄
I've done a lot of dishes while working.
그럴땐 빠르게 죄송합니다~..
In that case, I'm sorry quickly.
전 일식집일할때 어서오세요~ 하는게 너무 부끄럽고 힘들엇움 저당시 내향200이엇음
I was so embarrassed and tired to say "Welcome" when I was working at Japanese restaurant. I was 200 years old.
"언니 근데 진상 손님 오면 어케 햌ㅆ어여"
"But what if a terrible customer comes?"
다받아줬어요😂 제가 어쩔 수 없는 부분..
He accepted everything. 😂 I can't help it.
"기억남는 진상손님 잇어여?"
"Do you have any bad customers that you remember?"
There's a lot...
어쩔 수 없는듯 ?
There's nothing I can do.
"수영이는 진상 손님을 이해하려고 해, 아님 그러려니 하는 편이야....? 나도 사람을 상대하는 일을 하고 있는데 진상손님을 어떻게 대처해야할 지 아직도 모르겠다...ㅜ"
"Sooyoung is trying to understand bad customers, or is she willing to...? I'm also working on dealing with people, but I still don't know how to deal with bad customers...ㅜ"
예의를 모르시는 분이구나.. 안타깝다ㅠㅠ
불쌍하다.. 이렇게 생각하면 맘편해요
You don't know manners. That's too bad.
Poor thing. I feel comfortable when I think of it like this.
꾹참고 더 예의있게 해주기^^🔥
Hold it in and make it more polite ^^🔥
속으로 시원하게 욕해주면 됨!!!!!
You just have to curse inside!
"주제 살짝 벗어난거긴한데
언니 알바할 때 번호 따인 적 많을 거 같다"
"It's a bit off topic.
I think you've asked her number a lot when you worked part-"
아무도 안물어보심
No one asked.
다들 잔다구하넹
Everyone is sleeping.
잘 자 ~~~~~!
Good night!