2022 10 26 3480

코멧 홈 스파 테라피 욕조임
Comet Home Spa Therapy Bathtub

근데 거기에 입욕제 풀어서
And I took out the bath bomb.

땀 뻘뻘흘림
sweating profusely

너무 더웠삼
It was too hot.

근데 지금 붓기 싹빠짐
But my face looks less puffy.

짱구 목욕물 색깔이었삼
It was the color of Shin Chan's bath water.

입욕제는 배민이요 ;..
The bath bomb is Baemin.

저는 선물은 좋은거사지만
I buy a good present,

저한테는 박합니다
It's hard for me.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

"배민에서 입욕제도 팔어..????먹을거아닌데"
"Baemin also sells bath bombs? I'm not going to eat them."

Let's sell it's for sale.

향은 없었지만 기분 좋앗음 !
It didn't smell, but it felt good!

근데 리뷰에
But in the review,

맛있어요 다음에 또 시킬게요
It's good. I'll order it again next time.

one after another

먹은 건 아니겟지?
You didn't eat it, did you?

"유니끄 꺼야 아임밤 꺼야? 나 손민슈 갈길래"
"Is it UNIQUE or I'M BAM? I was going to Son Minshu."

아임밤 푸른색깔
I'm Balm, blue.


알려주면 찾을 것 같아서
I think they'll find it if I tell them.

ㄷ ㄷ

제가 리뷰를 다 적어가지규
I wrote down all the reviews.

"그럼 제가 수영이한테 선물 갑니다😘"
"Then I'll give a present to Sooyoung. 😘"

하~.. 제 트위터 바이럴 못 보셨나요? ^^
Ha... You didn't see my Twitter viral? ^^

"ㄷ ㄷ 사진까지올려?"
"You're going to post a picture of c and d?"


최대한 맛있게 찍음
I tried to make it as delicious as possible.

"음식 보정 한다 안한다"
"Are you going to edit your food or not?"

I'm not doing it.

"그럼 리뷰이벤트도해?"
"Do you have a review event?"

넹 돈없가없이라 한다네요
Yes, they say I have no moneyless.

는 농담이고 사장님과의 약속이잔어요
I'm just kidding. I'm having an appointment with the boss.

콜라만 먹고 리뷰안적으면 넘 화날것같은데
I think I'd be so angry if I didn't write down a review after drinking cola.

"그치 그치 자영업자 분들은 리뷰 하나에 갈리니까 "
"That's right. Self-employed people are divided by one review."

근까요 진짜 리뷰 일부러 악독하게 적는 사람들 보면 천불남
If you look at people who purposely write bad reviews, you're a man of a thousand Buddhas.

"사장님이 맛있고 음식이 친절해요👍"
"The owner is delicious and the food is kind.👍"


근데 저 정성스럽게 리뷰 적엇응데
I wrote the review carefully.

사장님이 답글 안달아주면 조금 서운함
If the owner doesn't reply, I'll be a bit disappointed.

하 예전에 증말 조아하던 타코야끼집 사장님께 폐업하지 말아달라며 적었는데 결국 폐업하심 근데 답글로 장문의 편지적어주셧듬
Ha, I wrote to the owner of the Takoyaki restaurant, who loved it in the past, asking him not to close the business, but he ended up closing the business, but he wrote a long letter in reply.

"제일 최근에 리뷰 적은 음식이 궁~금 합니다아-~(튀르키예즈 이용진님 말투로)"
"I'm curious about the food that I wrote down the most recent review.Ah~ (Turkeyes Lee Yongjin's way of talking)"


기엽네 당신
You're so cute.

It's mushroom curry.

근데 먼가 굉장히 배고팠는지

I guess he was really hungry.

It's delicious. ❤️🫶

만 적혀잇음
It's written only.

"근데 가끔 내 입맛에 안 맞는 음식 잇잔아 ,, 그거두 리뷰 올려 .. 수영이는 ?"
"But sometimes food that doesn't suit my taste, I post a review of that, too. What about Sooyoung?"

그런건 안적어여 그냥.. 굳이 올려서 뭐가 짭네 머가 달고 머가 별로네 적진 않어요
I don't write things like that. I just... I don't have to post it. What's salty? What's sweet and what's not good. It's not that small.

"만약 벌레나 머리카락 나오면 어케 할꺼야????"
"What are you going to do if a bug or hair comes out?"

그거는 그냥 전화해서 해결하는편
I just call and solve it.

"하지만 리뷰 이벤트 약속을 했다면!?"
"But what if I made an appointment for a review event?"

햇으면 잘먹었습니다👍 하고 그냥..
If it's done, I'll just say, "Thank you for the food."

"거짓된 사람"
"a false person"

세상 살면서 어느정도의 거짓말은 필요하다고ㅠ봅니다잉
I think we need a certain amount of lies in life.Ing

입욕하고 누워잇으니 노곤하군요
I feel tired lying down in the bath.

"이부가 영화 리뷰해주는 프로그램 생기면 좋겠음. 시간 제한 없이 인물들 감정이나 대사 차분히 돌아보면서 자기 경험이나 이야기도 나누고. 가끔 ost도 마지막에 불러주고."
"I hope to have a program where Lee Bu reviews movies. Without any time limit, you can look back on the emotions or lines of the characters and talk about your own experiences. I sometimes sing the OST at the end."

That sounds fun.

그런주제라면 내 평소 텐션으로 진행해도 부담없을 것 같앵
If it's that kind of topic, I don't think it'll be too much to do it with my usual energy.


언젠가 해보고싶군여
I want to try it someday.woman

How many years later...?


잠온다 ..
I'm getting sleepy.