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마중나와주고 편지도 줘서 고마워~~~
Thank you for coming to meet me and writing me a letter.~~

난 가는동안
While I'm on my way,

슈룹 보려구
I'm going to watch Schroop.

"아 언니 사과잼쿠키처럼 나왔어요 🥹♥️♥️"
"Oh, you look like an apple jam cookie. 🥹♥️♥️"

LOL. Come on. 💖

필리핀 오빛 기다려 ~~~~~~
Philippines ORBIT, wait!


True confidence.


기내식 먹고 체한 수영…
Swim with an upset stomach after eating in-flight meals...

잠에 들 수 업따 …
go to sleep class 따


소화제 세번먹었따
I took digestive medicine three times.

내 위는 죽엇어
My stomach is dead.

"손가락 따야함"
"I need to pick my finger."

진심 그거 살까봐
I'm serious. I'm afraid I'll buy that.

그렇게 공항검색대에서 수상해서 걸리고…
I got caught because I was suspicious at the airport security...

명치를 누군가 행주처럼 쥐어짜고 있는 느낌 5시간째 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
It's been 5 hours since I felt like someone was squeezing my solar plexus like a dishcloth. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹

기내식 거의 안먹얼는뎅
I rarely eat in-flight meals.

의사오빛 있나요
Do you have ORBIT?



"#Pray for Sooyoung's disguise.




글고 나 멍청이인게 로션 안챙겨옴
And I'm an idiot because I didn't bring lotion.

악건성하수영 얼굴 찢어질 것 같아서
Ha Sooyoung's face looks like it's going to rip.

Park Chaewon rented a lotion.

"엄지랑 검지 사이 두 뼈 사이에 음푹 들어간 혈자라.. ‘합곡혈’ 마사지를 해보십시오.. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ "
"Blood between the two bones between the thumb and index finger. Try a 'Hapgok blood' massage. [Crying][Crying]"

rpg게임 마을 이름 같네…
It sounds like the name of the village in the rpg game.

"빨리 마싸지 쫌 해 바!!!!!!!!!!!! 내가 구글링 엄청 해서 더 찾아와복게.."
"Hurry up and get some massage. I'll Google it a lot and find more clothes."

아냐아냐 얼른 자
No, no. Go to sleep.

*"위경련일때 응급처치 -통증이 발생하는 위치인 명치 또는 아랫배에 따뜻한 수건을 올려 30분 가량 복부에 온찜질늘 해줍니다 -명치 부근을 천천히 가볍게 누르면서 복부 안 쪽에서 바깥쪽으로 마사지 해줍니다. -따뜻한 차를 마셔 위를 진정시킵니다. 증상 완화에는 캐모마일차가 도움이 됩니다 -오른발 또는 왼발의 중지와 약지 발가락 사이 경혈을문질러 자극합니다

네이버에서 찾았어유..

웅니 할 수 있는거 함 해봐여..ㅠㅠ 조금이라두 나아지길..ㅠㅠㅠ"
"First aid for stomach cramps. - Place a warm towel on the stomach or stomach where the pain occurs for about 30 minutes. -Massage from the inside of the abdomen to the outside while slowly and lightly pressing the area near the pit of the stomach. - Drink warm tea to calm your stomach. Chamomile tea helps relieve symptoms. - Stimulate the acupuncture point between the middle and ring toes of the right or left foot.

I found it on Naver.

Woongni, do what you can.I hope it gets a little better.[Crying]"*

Thank you. 💖

|| ∧ ヘ  ⠀|| 
|| ( ´ ー) get some rest ♡ 
|ノ^⌒⌒づ ̄\⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀( 💤 ) 
( ノ  ⌒ ヽ \ 
\  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| 
  \,ノ||――――――|| "
"∩----∩ ∩――――∩ 
|| ∧ ヘ  ⠀|| 
|| ( ´ ー) get some rest ♡ 
|ノ^⌒⌒づ ̄\⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀( 💤 ) 
( ノ  ⌒ ヽ \ 
\  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| 


슈룹 재밋더라
It was fun.

"언니 잠 안와서 어뜩해요...🥺 "
"What are you going to do because you can't sleep?🥺"

잠은 겁나 와 3_3
Sleep is scary 3_3

유튜브 사피엔스 스튜디오 아는 사람
Do you know Sapiens Studio on YouTube?


역사얘기 꿀잼
It's so much fun talking about history.

"난 언니 직캠이나 볼란다"
"I'm just going to watch your fan cam."

역사가 있기에 언니가 있는구야
You're here because you have a history.

근데 제 직캠은 보세요
But watch my fan cam.

I'll try sleeping.

안녕 ~ ~ ~

이따보자 ~~~~~~~~💖
See you later~~~~~~~~💖

나 속 괜춘 !
I'm okay!

공연 보러 온 오빛들 소리 많이 질러줘어우우어
ORBIT who came to see the concert, please scream a lot!

좋은 하루 보내~~~
Have a good day!~~

게시글 낮에 올렸는데 주말이라 늦게 올라갈 수도 있다하네
I posted it during the day, but it might go up late because it's the weekend.He's doing it.

"a horse to buy coffee"

먹어 ~~~
Eat it!

"오늘은 뭐할거야"
"What are you going to do today?"

오늘은 생각없이 끝장나게 쉬어볼게!!!!!
I'm going to rest today without thinking!!!!!

"인프제 생각 없이 쉬는 거 가능한가"
"Is it possible to rest without thinking about INFJ?"

"To the end".

"출근할말… 이런말하지마까"
"Don't say things like this."

할 !!!!!