2022 10 18 3406
에 예전에 바솩이에게 받았던 와인한잔 맛보기했어오
Yeah, I tasted a glass of wine that Basuk gave me before.
"She ate alio olio e olio..."
I'm alone.
콥케 포트
Copke Port
"저사람 쫌 하는사람이네 알리오내리오 ㄷㄷ"
"He's kind of a good guy. Allionario d."
"모르오 내리오 ㅋㅋ"
"I don't know. I don't know."
끗판왕.. ㄷ
The end of the end of...
"하.... 하수영 팹키고서 이걸 어떻게 힌트줄까 고민했을거 생각하면 너무 귀여워서 블베 부셔버리고싶어ㅠㅠ 귀염댕이야 사랑하고 고마워💖"
"Ha... When I think about how to give a hint after Ha Soo-young's fashion, it's so cute that I want to break the blackbe.귀염댕이 I love you and thank you 💖"
조금 난폭하지만 감사합니다
It's a bit violent, but thank you.
그럼 브금 추천
Then, I'll recommendation.
빈지노- break
Beenzino - Break
"아니 웅니야 웅니는 화이트 와인이 조아 아님 레드 와인이 조아?"
"Woongni, do you like white wine or red wine?"
음냐 .. 글쎄요 다 조아요
Hmm... I don't know. I like them all.
"웅니 와인이랑은 무슨 안주 먹어여"
"What kind of side dish do you eat with Woongni wine?"
와인맛에 따라 달라여!
It depends on the taste of the wine!
"아 저사람이 부시고싶다해서 추천한거구나 ㅋㅋㅋ난또 수영이가 지금 뭐 깨부시고싶어서 말한줄"
"I want to break that person.That's why I recommended it. I thought Sooyoung said it because she wanted to break something."
난 그럼 큰일나지ㅜ
Then I'll be in big trouble.
"난 보통 그 분위기…?ㅋ 그 공기? 습도? 온도? 를 안주 삼아 먹어 ㅋㅋ "
"I'm usually in that atmosphere.The air? Humidity? Temperature? I eat it as a snack."
공 .. 습.. 온..
Air... Wet... On...
"대박 나 경비실에 택배찾으러갔는데 경비원아저씨가 나보고 고등학생이녜 ㅎㅋㅎㅋ"
"Wow, I went to the security office to find a package and the security guard asked me if I was a high school student."
어두워서 그랬나부다!!!
Is it because it's dark?
애플블랑 꿀사과와인 ?
Appleblanc honey apple wine?
I searched it and came here it is.
It must be sweet.
근데 날 먹을 순 업지 ㅋ..
But you can eat me.
"코리안 라이스와인 막걸리는 어떠신가요"
"How about Korean rice wine and makgeolli?"
I love it.
"달달하고 디저트같은 와인 괜찮우시묜 로얄토카이 5푸토뇨스 블루라벨 드셔보셔용 250ml긴 한데 맛있고 알콜도 낭낭하게 들어가 있답니다 호호"
"Sweet and dessert-like wine is okay. It's 250ml for you to try Royal Tokai 5 Putonyos Blue Label, but it's delicious and has a lot of alcohol in it. Whoo-hoo!"
와 이름 어떳케 외우새요..
Wow, how can I memorize your name?
전 그냥 와인샵가면 추천해주실스잇나영.. 긁적
I just want to go to the wine shop and recommend it to me. Scratches.
해서 삼니다요 ㅋ
That's why I bought it.
"사장님 여기 소주한병이요"
"Excuse me, can I have a bottle of soju?"
와인샵가서 좋은데이달라하기
자 누가할래 ???
Go to a wine shop and ask for a good day.
Who wants to do it?
*"고럼 와인 취향 조사 해보실래요?
꿀떡꿀떡 잘넘어가는 가벼운 와인 vs 여운이 오래 남는 바디감 있는 와인
살짝 시큼새큼 산미 있는 와인 vs 깔끔한 와인
달달한 와인 vs 씁쓰름 하니 드라이한 와인
탄닌감 있어서 살짝 텁텁한 와인 vs 끝이 부드러운 와인
"Do you want to research the taste of gorum wine?
Light wine that goes over well vs. wine that leaves a lingering feeling for a long time. Sour and sour wine vs. clean wine. Sweet wine vs dry wine. Tannin-like, slightly dry wine vs. soft-tipped wine"*
추천해주시는 와인 ㅋ
The wine that you recommend...
"늘 먹던걸로... 해야함"
"The usual... Must"
그렇게 100만원짜리 와인을 결제하게 된 바솩
So I bought 1 million won worth of wine.
"모스카토 다스티 진짜 니 취향임 제발 믿어줘 진짜루 "
"Moskato Dasti is really your type. Please believe me."
Morse... What is it's...
모스카토다스티.. 모스카토다스티
어서오새요 멀루드릴까여
모스키토 아이스티 주새요
Moskatodasti... Moskatodasti
Ring. Welcome. May I give you Meru? Mosquito iced tea, please. Yes.
"마 최선을 다해주이소"
"Please do your best."
그냥 마 최선을 다해 골라주이소
Just do your best to pick one.
으아아아아아악 언니이이이!!!!!!!!!!
It's Woongni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"거 뻘건거 하나 허연거 하나 주이소"
"Give me one red one and one empty one."
하.. 킹받아
Ha... Get the king.
김치랑 동치미 살 거 같은 말투임 ㅜ
It sounds like I'm going to buy kimchi and dongchimi.
"근데 저 갑자기 궁금한게 잇는데..저 말이 너무 많나요???ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ맨날 오백개 보내고 자제해야지..하는데 하고시픈 말이 너무 많음ㅜ"
"But I have a question.Am I talking too much?(Laughs)I'm going to send 500 messages every day and control myself.There are so many things I want to say."
아녀 다하세요 생각보다 다들 말이 적으세요
No, do everything. Everyone talks less than you think.
"짐 다 쌌어?"
"Are you done packing?"
아니 ㅡ ㅡ
No, it's not.
짐 싸기 귀찮아서 최대한 미루는 중 ..
I'm trying to postpone it because I'm too lazy to pack.
"오키~~그럼 계속 메모장으로 써야겟다💖근데 어ㅐ 존댓말 하세여 거리감 느껴짐"
"Okay~~Then I'll keep using it as a notepad. 💖But yeah, use honorifics. I feel distant."
그래 알겟다. 밥은 먹엇니
Okay, I see. Did you eat?
"내일인데??????????? 새벽에 싸려고???"
"It's tomorrow?????????????????????????????????????????"
음 그냥 일박짐이라 ㅎㅅㅎ
Well, it's just overnight luggage.
"언니 없는 한국은 최악이에요"
"Korea is the worst without you."
거짓말 그러고 저녁으로 야식 맛있게 시켜드실거잔아
You're lying. You're going to order a good late night snack for dinner.
"근데 J는 미루는것도 계획한다.. "
"But J also plans to procrastinate."
저는 지금 강민경 선배님 브이로그 보는중
I'm watching Kang Min Kyung's VLOG right now.
?: 브이로그 올려줘
?: Please post a vlog.
Anticipated answer sheet.
"난 내성발톱 유투브"
"For me, it's YouTube."
밥맛 뚝 떨..
The taste of food...
"어놔… 그거 왜 인용해서 저까지 떨어지게 해요"
"Why would you quote that and make me fall too?"
It's "Shoonghapdi".
근데 저는 침대에만 누워있어서 재미가 없을걸요
But it's not going to be fun because I'm only lying on my bed.
할머니잠옷입고 똥머리하고 안경쓰고 티비만 보는걸요
She wears pajamas, bun, glasses, and watches TV.
저희집에 박채원 잠옷만 세개..
I have three Park Chaewon pajamas at home.
He always wore it every time he went.
"암어 쎄비지 니 잠옷 쎄벼줄게"
"I'll put on your pajamas."
Wow, wow.
"그게보고싶은거야 넘꾸며진것보다 꼬질한거"
"That's what I want to see. More dirty than overflowing."
하 하지만 저는 패셔니스타가 되고픈걸요
But I want to be a fashionista.