2022 10 16 3389

"현규쌤땜에 환연도 못본다는 애한테 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅜㅜㅜ"
"To the kid who can't see Hwanyeon because of Hyunkyu teacher lol."

ㄹㅇ .. 샘한테 그 얘기하니까 아니 세상에 현규들은 다 비슷한 상이야~~~!! 해가지구 해주랑 저한테 비난받으심
When I told Sam about it, Hyungyu in the world are all similar awards! And then Haeju and I criticized you.

"현규샘은 진짜 질투가 안 나... 담에 남댄이 필요하다면 그냥 현규샘이랑 해주라... 💖(평온)"
"I really don't get jealous... If you need a male dancer, just do it with Hyunkyu Sam... 💖 (Peaceful)"

아니 샘이 첨에 자기가 한다고 햇다고요ㅠ 근데 다행히 맘을 돌리심…
No, Sam said he would do it at first. But fortunately, he changed his mind...

암튼 그랫엉
Anyway, that's great.

마지막으로 궁금한거 잇으십니까
Do you have any last questions?

"지금은 모해요 소화중?"
"What are you doing now? Digesting?"

가요무대 보는중
Watching K-pop performances.

"이번 디마원 무대에 이브 스스로는 얼마나 만족하는지 ..?"
"How satisfied are you with this performance of D-MA-ONE?"

How satisfied are you with this performance of D-MA-ONE?

"마지막 질문인데 너무 소소한 질문인 거 웃겨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"It's the last question. It's so funny that it's such a small (Laughs)"


(Laughs) (Laughs)

일단 너무 가성이라 걱정이긴 했지만 핸드마이크로 라이브를 꼭 하고싶었고 내가 구상한 무대라 뿌듯한건잇서
I was worried because it was falsetto, but I really wanted to do a hand micro live. I'm proud because it's a performance that I planned.

근데 액팅을 좀 더 과감하게 할 걸이라는 아쉬움에 울언니항테 자꾸 괜찮앗냐고 귀찮게함
But I was sad that I should have acted more boldly, so I kept bothering my sister if she was okay.

근까 언니가 좀만 더햇으먼 과햇을거라고 위로해줘서 좀 나아짐..
But my sister comforted me that I would have gone a little too far, so I got better.

*"어쩌면 이 질문이 너무 깊을지도...

응원하는 팬들의 경기장에서 조용한 아파트로 돌아가는 것이 이상하게 느껴지지 않나요?"
"Maybe this question is too deep...

Doesn't it feel strange to go back to a quiet apartment in the stadium of your cheering fans?"*

저 어제 그냥 기즈얼 햇어요..
I just gazed yesterday.

"언니 담번에 또 무대 구상할 기회 생기면 어떤 노래 하고싶어여!? 막 아이디어가 떠오른다 하는 거!!! 단체곡에서!!!"
"What kind of song do you want to do if you have a chance to plan a stage? Something that comes up with ideas! In the group song!"

나 완전많지
I have a lot.

락장르도 해보고싶어서 작곡팀이랑 만들고있었구 청량한노래도 잇구..
I wanted to try rock genre, so I was making it with the composition team, and there is a refreshing song.

근데 또 제가 할 수 있다고 다 할 수 있는것도 아니궁 회사가 권한을 주셔야하는데
But I can't do everything that I can do. The company needs to give me authority.

아직 그정도의 신뢰를 드리진않은것같아서..?
I don't think I've given you that much trust yet.

머 언젠간 할 수 있겠죠.. 묵묵히 열심히 할 뿐..^^
Maybe one day I'll be able to. I'm just working hard silently...^

전 공연때마다 올파트 적은게 갠적으로 넘 아쉬웠거든요
I was disappointed that I wrote all the parts for each performance.

떼창할 수 있는 부분도 업구
Even the parts where you can sing along.

그런 노래를 만들고잇엇우요~~~~
I'm making a song like that.

암튼 마지막 징문 가요무대 맞지
Anyways, it's the last stage.

작곡팀은 내 개인적인 팀이양..! 요번에 디마원 댄브도 시간내서 만들어주신🥹
The songwriting team is my personal team! The person who made the time to make the DMA1 dance break...

회사에 부탁드리면 안해주실것같아가지구..
If I ask the company, they won't do it.


왜냐면 음 다른멤버들 곡도 준비할게 많으니까 ….?
Because there are a lot of other members' songs to prepare....?

그래도 콘서트 온 오빛들 한테 꼭 특별한 무언가는 주고싶어서 솔로곡댄브는 어떻게든 부탁햇지이
But I wanted to give something special to ORBIT who came to the concert, so I asked for a solo dance break.

초안은 좀 달랏어!
The draft was a bit different!

담에 들려줄게 ㅎㅎ
I'll let you hear it later.

"근데 그럼 사비 쓰는구야..? 작곡팀에..? ㅠㅠ"
"So you're using your own money? In the songwriting team? crying"

아냐아냨ㅋㅋㅋ 같이 작업하는 분들이라 부탁하면 친절하게 해주셔용 ㅜㅜ 내가 탑라인쓰고 가이드하구 이래가지구
No, no. LOL They are the people I work with, so they are kind to me when I ask them to do it. I write the top line and guide them.

"외부 작업도 신기한데 컨펌해준 블베도 신기하넹"
"It's fascinating to see the outside work, but it's also fascinating to see BLACKPINK who confirmed it."

저희쪽에서 믹스까지 다하구 넘긴거라 완전 땡큐죠 👍💖
I'm so thankful that we finished mixing and passed it over. 👍💖

"언니 근데 콘서트 대화중에 진짜 미안한데 라면을 먹을까 아님 걍 먹지 말까 나 진지함"
"I'm really sorry but I'm not going to eat ramen or just eat it. I'm so serious."

먹어 …
Eat. . . .

"엉 고마워 콘서트 대화 마저행~"
"Thank you. Let's finish talking about the concert."

이눔이..! ㅜ

Gold basket.

"그래도 콘서트 하니까 이런저런 썰 듣는 재미가 있네🤍"
"Still, it's fun to hear this and that about the concert. 🤍"

그랭??? 궁금한건 앞으로도 또 물어바
Really? Ask more questions in the future.

"저 질문 이쓰요.!!!! 혹시 그럼 믹스도 언니 쪽에서 하고 의상 시안 안무 컨셉 다 언니가 짠거면 회사에다 이렇게 이렇게 하겠습니다. 하고 알려주고 확인만 해준거에요??"
"That's a question! Then, do you mix it on your side? If you made all the choreography concepts for the outfit, I'll do this to the company. Did you just let me know and check?"

음 그쵸..? 제가 안무샘 작곡팀 의상팀이랑 얘기햇으니..
Um, right? I talked to the choreography team and the costume team.

근데 솔로곡은 그렇게 할 수 있어서 좋앗어요 저는 ~~~~
But it was good to do solo songs like that. For me...

제가 그리고 오지랖이 넓어서요^^ 제가 다해야하는성격이라 유난 좀 떨어봄..
And I'm very nosy.^
^ I'm the type to do everything, so I'm kind of making a fuss.

"디렉을 어케 준걸 의견을 조율한게 아니고 애초부터 그냥 직접 하겠다 말씀하신거에요?"
"I didn't coordinate my opinion on how to direct it, but I'll just do it myself from the beginning. Are you talking about it?"

음 원래 디렉이 없어요..? 셋리 정한 순간부터 안무샘이랑 얘기..!
There's no direction? From the moment we decided on the setlist, we talked with our choreographer.

저희는 약간 방식이 그런듯..?
I think that's how we do it.

"나도 질문 하나..유니버스나 데앤나같이 무대 이리저리 돌아댕기는 무대할때 동선같은건?? 멤버들끼리 정한건가용...?"
"Let me ask you a question.When you go around the stage like UNIVERSE or D'Anne, do you have any movement on the stage? Is it something that the members decided on...?"

현규샘과 제비뽑기<~~~
Hunkyu Sam and drawing lots.

"아까 막질문이랬는데 나 또 질문해도 되는 겅가 ㅜ… 언니는 무대 구성이나 곡 구성 같은 거 어떻게 생각하는거야?!?? 나도 졸업공연 자작곡으로 쓰고 있는데 아주 꽉 막혀서 답 안 나오는 중…🫠 어떤 곳에서 영감을 받거나 그런 게 잇나요잉???"
"You said it was a question earlier, but can I ask you another question? What do you think about the composition of the stage or the composition of the song? I'm also writing my own song for my graduation performance, but it's so crowded that I can't answer it...🫠 What kind of place do you get inspired?"

저도 잘하는게 아니지만 하고 싶은걸 다 해보세용! 그리고 내가 다른가수의 무대를 볼 때 어떤점이 좋았는지 생각해봐요!!! 평소에 진짜 다른 선배님들 무대 많이보면 도움되는 거 가태여
I'm not good at it either, but try everything you want to do! And think about what I liked about watching other singers' performances!!! When I see other senior artists' performances, it helps me a lot.

"수영아 웅니 먼저 자께~~~ 조잘조잘 얘기해줘서 거마어!! 무대관련 흥미로운 얘기 많이들었다 ㅋㅋ 본업잘하는 내새끼ㅜㅜ 아가두 가족분들이랑 좋은 시간 보내구 이따 잘자 사랑해😚❤️"
"Sooyoung, Woongni will go to bed first. Don't talk too much about it! Stage related. I've heard a lot of interesting things. Lol my baby who is doing his main job well. Have a good time with your two families. Good night later. I love you 😚❤️"

잘 자 ~~~~~
Good night!

"언니 ... 진지한 얘기중에 미안한디 아직도 가요무대 보시나요?"
"I'm sorry I'm talking about something serious. Do you still watch K-pop performances?"


"가요무대에서 무슨 노래 나와요??"
"What song is coming out on the K-"

아까는 안동역에서 ..
Earlier, at Andong Station...

지금은 전출 하시는 중
He's moving out now.

It's over.

울산 안뇽~~~
Ulsan, hello!

울산대교 넘 이뿌!!!
Ulsan Bridge is so cute!

아침부터 하늘이한테 콧물폭탄 맞음
HA:NEUL has a runny nose.

얼굴 간지러 ..
My face is itchy.