2022 10 10 3326
배고푸다 ..
I'm hungry...
채언이랑 먹기로해써
I'm going to eat with Chae-eon.
낙곱새 !
나 오늘 병원갔다왔는데여
I went to the hospital today.
Mi-Joo's nervous faint. 🤔
앞으로 꾸준히 관리해야겠더라구 🥲
I'll have to take care of it steadily from now on 🥲
우웅 되게 무심하게 두통약 먹거나
I just casually take headache pills.
얼마전에 지하철탈때 식은땀 너무나구 핑도는거야
I was sweating so much when I was on the subway the other day.
구래서 공연전에 가봐야겠다 했는데
So I thought I should go before the concert.
약도 타왓구
Yakdo Tawatgu
앞으로 꾸준히 관리하께요 💗
I'll take good care of myself. 💗
말하구 사라졋네…
He disappeared...
넘 걱정하지마 !!!!!
Don't worry too much!!!!!
The food came.
in a hurry
의사샘이 짜게먹으래용
Doctor, I'm telling you to eat salty.
짜게 먹어보께요?
Will you taste it salty?
웅 원래 저혈압이 있긴한데
Yes, I do have low blood pressure.
아무래도 우리는 체중관리해야하니까 어쩔수없징!!
We have to manage our weight, so we can't help it!
그 안에서 건강관리도 우리몫이니까
And it's up to us to take care of our health.
너무 걱정마셔용
Don't worry too much.
내가 근데 습관적으로 쭈구려앉는데
But I habitually sit crouchy
그게 도움이 된대!!!
That helps!!!
"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 몸은 답을 알고있었던 것임 🍎🧎🏻♀️"
"(Laughs) (Laughs) The body knew the answer 🍎🧎🏻♀️"
웅 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나도 신기해서 의사샘한테 막 우아우아 하면서 대답햇어
I was amazed, so I replied to the doctor, saying, "Wow!"
넘 걱정말구 오빛도 건강 무심히생각말고 지나치지말고 아프면 꼭 병원가바요 몸도마음도 !!!!
Don't worry too much Orbit, don't think too much about your health and don't go too far. If you're sick, make sure to go to the hospital. Body and mind!!!!
나는 고운이랑 밥먹구오께
I will eat with Gowoon.