2022 10 05 3281

I'm having dinner.

나도 연습하다가 편의점가서 먹을거 좀 사왓어
I also went to the convenience store and bought some food while practicing.

Oh, a shot recommendation!

인기가요샌드위치 사옴..
I bought the Inkiyo sandwich.

"수영이 원조꺼먹어봣슈?"
"Sooyoung, have you tried the original one?"

당근 !

나 그리고 요즘 자기전에 ‘알고있지만’을 정주행했는데
I've been binge-watching "I Know You" before I go to bed.

어제 다봤다 ~~~~~
I watched everything yesterday.

On Netflix!

"한소희 배우님 넘 예뿌죠 ㅜ ㅜ"
"Actor Han Sohee is so pretty."


"이부는 유나비 박재언 커플 지지하십니까"
"Do you support UNB and Park Jaeun?"

아뇨 유나비 💖 하수영
No, Yu Na-bi 💖 Ha Soo-young.

"유나비 하수영? 저도 지지합니다"
"Yu Na Bi, Ha Soo Young? I support you, too."

Thank you.

"It's a fabrication."

No, it's not.

내가 조아할만한 드라마 있어요 또?
Is there another drama that I like?

"예능은 왜안바여..? 환승연애.."
"Why don't you change the variety show? Transfer relationship..."

안무샘 동명이인 나오시더라구요…
The choreography teacher, Dongmyeong, came out...

유튜브 클립으로 뜰 때 댓글보면
If you look at the comments on YouTube clips,

I can't get used to it.

현규 귀여워 현규 설레
Hyunkyu is so cute. I'm so excited.

이런 댓글이 짱 만ㄹ은데
I can't stop reading comments like this.

저희슨생님 얼굴이 스쳐지나간다고요
My teacher's face is passing by.

"언니는 언니 영상 봤을때 가장 기억남는 댓글 있엉???"
"When I saw your video, Is there a comment that I remember the most?"

난 그런거 캡쳐해놔 ^^^
I capture things like that ^^^

나 기억에 남는거는.. 넌 언젠가는 꼭 잘된다
What I remember is... You'll be fine one day.

이런 댓글이 있었는데
There was a comment like this.

먼가 힘났어
It cheered me up.

"그럼 수영이는 팹도 캡쳐하나요? 궁금"
"Sooyoung, do you capture Fab too? Curiosity"

Of course!

저희엄마도 유튜브보다가 댓글캡쳐해서 보내줘요 ㅎㅎ
My mom also screenshots the comments and sends them to me while watching YouTube. Haha

"마쟈 진짜 그런 말 한마디가 누군가의 인생까지도 바꿀 수가 있지"
"Wow, such a word can change someone's life."

맞아 말한마디가 사람을 울게도 하고 웃게도 하고 하는거같애
Yes, I think a word makes people cry and laugh.

울 오빛들한테도 좋은말만 해줘서 평생을 살아 갈 힘을 주고싶네용
I want to give ORBIT good words and give them strength to live forever.Dragon

*"여기 지금 감성 폭발이다

물고기 시 들려주기 딱 좋은 타이밍"
"This place is full of emotions.

Perfect timing to read a fish poem."*

이제 잘 시간이야…
It's time to go to bed...

근데 진짜 제 본체는 엄청 무뚝뚝하고 남사시려운거 못하고 그렇거든요
But my main body is really cold and I can't do things that make men feel bad.

근데 오빛들한테는 진짜 표현많이하는건데 더 노력해야겠죠 ? ㅎㅎ
I'm expressing this a lot to ORBIT, but I should work harder, right? Haha

"넌 좋은 사람이라 네 단점들이 스스로 더 크게 보이고 연연하게 되는 것 같지만 너를 진정 사랑하는 사람들은 네 단점까지 사랑해 그러니까 너를 평가하려고 사소한 흠집을 내려는 사람들의 말은……………. 그래도 넌 신경쓸 것이므로 내가 나서서 욕해준다 수영이 괴롭히지 마세요 "
"You're a good person, so your shortcomings seem bigger and seem to dwell on themselves, but people who really love you love your shortcomings, so people who try to make minor scratches to evaluate you...…………. But you'll still care, so I'll come forward and curse you. Don't bother Sooyoung."

(Laughs)Thank you.💖💖💖🥹

그래도 제가 있는 위치는 엄청난 사랑을 받는 만큼 가져야 할 부담과 엄격함도 있는거니까여
But my position is the burden and strictness that I have to have as much love as I receive.

너무 걱정하지마세여
Don't worry too much.

"ㅇㅋ 1도 안함"
"Okay. Not at all."

이건 좀 너무한데?
This is too much.

너무 걱정하지 말란거지 1도 안한다는건 좀 ㅡㅡ
I'm telling you not to worry too much. Not doing anything is a little bit.

아 갑자기 생각난건데
Oh, this just came to mind.

음 얘기안할래
I don't want to talk about it.

(Laughs) (Laughs)


I love you ❤️

난 연습하러떠남
I'm off to practice.

밥 챙겨먹고
Make sure to eat well.

*"우유 사러 갈게, 하고 나갔다가 돌아오지 않은 여자가 있다

생각해보니 여자는 우유사러 갔다 올게, 하지 않고 우유 사러 갈게, 그랬다

우유는 슬픔 기쁨은 조각보, 유형진"
"I said, "I'll go buy milk". And I went out. There's a woman who hasn't returned.

Come to think of it, women are... I won't say, "I'll go buy milk". I'll go buy some milk. I see.

Milk is sad, joy is sculpture paper, Hyungjin."*

무ㅏ야..? 넘 슬픈디요
What? It's so sad.

"연습하러 할게 하고 나갔다가 돌아오지 않은 여자가 있다•••"
"I said I'll go practice and went out. There's a woman who hasn't returned.•••"

Legendary quote.