2022 10 01 3258
근데 나는 하쿠보다 하울이 좋아
But I like Howl more than Haku.
그리고 하쿠는 이름 까먹을만 하던데..
And Haku can forget his name.
원래 이름 너무 길더라
The original name was too long.
"그분들도 다 하씨네요"
"They're all Ha, too."
역씨 하가네
That's a bad name.
"언니 갠답 실수하신거 아닌까요"
"Did you make a mistake?"
어디. ??.?!
Where. ??
하쿠보다 하울이 좋아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I like Howl better than Haku.
아냐 다들 영화 물어보길래
No, everyone asked about movies.
나의 느낀점얘기한것뿐
I just talked about how I felt.
애니메이션도 커서 보는게 더 이해가 잘 되고 슬프드라
I can understand and feel sad when I watch the animation because it's big.
그리고 가마할아범 치히로 이불 덮어주는거 쏘스윗
And Chihiro, the father of Gamahal, covering him with a blanket. So sweet.
하 저는 마지막에 치히로가 하쿠 손 놓을때 하쿠 손 계속 남아있는거보고
When Chihiro let go of Haku's hand at the end, I saw Haku's hand was still there.
넘 가슴 아렸음
It was so heartbreaking.
해석 찾아봤는데 하쿠는 그곳의 규칙때문에 유바바한테 죽는다면서요ㅜ
I looked it up, and you said Haku was killed by Yubaba because of the rules there.ㅜ
그래서 다시 만나자한게 더 슬퍼 ㅜ
So I am sadder that I said let's meet again.
"언니 왜 스포해ㅡ.ㅡ"
"Why are you giving spoilers?-ㅡ"
왜 안봤냐고 ㅡ.ㅡ 국민영화심
- Why didn't you watch it? - Yes.- the National Film Council
학교에서 음악샘이 틀어주실땐
When Sam plays music at school,
doing something else
"수영이 지브리 애니 좋아해??"
"Sooyoung, do you like Ghibli animation?"
넹 ㅎ.ㅎ
근데 저는 하울의움직이는성 ost가 레전드같애여
But I think Howl's moving voice OST is legendary.
"그럼 오늘 뭐할건지 생각해봤어유? "
"Have you thought about what you're going to do today?"
Oh, my.
I'll think about it.
노래 추천
Song recommendation.
이선희선배님의 추억의 책장을 넘기면 💖
If you turn over the bookshelf of Lee Sun-hee's memories 💖
난 이거 듣는즁 🎧
I listen to this 🎧
low ability
카페에와서 가사를 쓰고있아여
I came to the cafe and I am writing the lyrics.
하지만 비염이 도져서
But my rhinitis got better.
저를 괴롭히는즁 ㅜ
It's bothering me.
전 집순인데
I'm a homebody.
저희언니가 나가자고 햇으요 ㅡ . ㅡ
My sister asked me to go out.
저는 비오는거조아해용
I like it when it rains.
근데 낭만적인노래가 아니예욬ㅌㅌㅋㅋㅋ ㅠ
But it's not a romantic song.
몬가 청량하고 비트있는 알앤비트랙
It's a refreshing and beat-like R&B track.
"외출한김에 포토이즘 한컷 찍으실?"
"Since you're out, will you take a photo-ism?"
ㅜ.ㅜ 넘나 먼 것 …
ㅜ.ㅜ It's too far…
I'm sorry.
당신의 최애는 집순이입니다
Your favorite is a homebody.
가사쓰다가 안써지고 코간지러워서 팹들으왓어요
I came here because I couldn't write the lyrics and it was itchy.
"언니는 근데 쉬는 날에 잘 쉬어???
나는 쉬는 날 조차도 집에 있으면
나태해진거 같고…안될거 같고…
못해도 산책은 나가는 편…
집에만 못 있겠움…ㅠㅠ"
"But you rest well on your day off??
Even on my days off, when I'm at home,
I feel like I've become lazy...I don't think I can...
Even if I'm not good at it, I tend to go for a walk...
I can't just stay at home...crying"
나두 뭐라도 하는편..
I'm kind of doing something, too.
Infusion system
오늘은 끝장나게 포뇨를 보고왓어
I watched Ponyo today.
저 요즘엔 트랙안써용
I don't use tracks these days.
탑라인이랑 가사위주로
Top line and lyrics.
I'm doing it.
트랙은 같이 작업하는 작곡가님이
The songwriter I work with
Team EVE
라고 우리끼리 만듦
That's what we made.
(Laughs) (Laughs)