2022 09 26 3218
"수영이 아침메뉴는 뭐야?"
"Sooyoung, what's your breakfast menu?"
버섯전골 만들어먹을거예요 !
I'm going to make mushroom hot pot!
"난 더덕구이에 떡갈비 먹구시픈디.."
"I want to eat grilled deodeok and grilled short rib patties."
나 더덕구이 사랑함
I love grilled deodeok root.
130명 감사합니다
130 viewers. Thank you.
It's early.
5분동안 130명이면 화력 나뿌지않가
130 people in 5 minutes. I'm not going to throw the fire away.
다음에 또 투표해볼게요
I'll vote again next time.
나 근데 흑발하면 이제 평생 탈색은 없을거야
If I dye my hair black, I won't bleach my hair forever.
괜춘 ?
Is it okay?
"왜 머리가지고 협박하는데ㅠㅠ"
"Why are you threatening me with your hair?"
"바솩이들아 한 번만 더 생각해봐 젭알"
"Basak, think about it one more time."
얘기된거야? 바솩들끼리? ㅇㅅㅇ
Are you talking about it? Just between you guys? ㅇㅅㅇ
*"아솩이 나라라서 아솩이 법 따라야해요!
1항 아솩 공주의 심기를 건드리지 않는다.(갈변사과가 되지 않도록 주의)
2항 예쁜 말, 아솩 공주에게 힘이 되어주는 말, 사랑스러운 말 많이 하기. (이를 어길 시 나한테 혼나요.)
3항 과민반응 하지 않는다. (아솩 공주는 마음이 여린 예쁜 사람이기 때문에 굉장히 애기 다루듯이 해야합니다.)
4항 털 찐 강아지를 좋아합니다. 그러니 견주 분들은 강아지의 털을 찌운 뒤 프사를 해 두세요. 갠답 가능성이 높아집니다.
5항 이브를 사랑하세요. 그저 고맙다고, 예쁘다고, 사랑스럽다고, 이 말만 해줘도 아솩 공주에게는 큰 힘이 될 겁니다.
6항 악플쓰면 저한테 죽을 수도 있어요ㅎㅎ😎"
"Ashok is a country, so Ashok must obey the law!
the Ashok Constitution
Paragraph 1 does not offend Princess Ashok.(Be careful not to make a browning apology)
Paragraph 2 Pretty words, words that give strength to Princess Ashuk, and say a lot of lovely things. (If you break this, I'll scold you.)
Subsection 3 does not overreact. (Princess Ashok is a beautiful person with a soft heart, so she has to treat her like a baby.)
I like furry puppies. So, owners, make a profile picture after steaming the dog's fur. The likelihood of an individual answer increases.
Love paragraph 5 Eve. Just saying thank you, pretty, lovely would be a great help to Princess Ashok.
If you write malicious comments, you can die.Haha. 😎"*
(Laughs) (Laughs)😍
"아침음료하나 추천해주세요"
"Please recommend a morning drink."
고소한 원두가 들어간 아메리카노 !
Americano with savory coffee beans!
"그러면 분홍머리 한번만 더 하자
나 그거 못봐서 너무 억울해 ㅠㅠ"
"Then let's do pink hair one more time.
I'm so upset that I didn't see it."
보고싶어유 ?
Do you miss me?
"이제 쏘왓때처럼 단발할 생각은 없는거야?"
"You don't want to cut your hair short like you did in Sawat anymore?"
음 .. 아직은 ? 긴머리가 좋앙
Well, still? I like long hair.
"지금 무슨 노래를 듣고 있니?"
"What song are you listening to now?"
듣고있진않지만 크르르 나의안부 추천합니댱
I'm not listening, but I recommend you to say hello.
"I think any hair you do will look good 🍎🤵♀️🫡🦧"
"I think any hair you do will look good 🍎🤵♀️🫡🦧"
"프사를 강쥐로 잠깐 바꿀 거임
골라주숑 웅니
1. 울 반 허스키 반 늑대 강쥐 (이름: 이브)
2. 울 포메 (이름: 플로키)
3. 이모의 화이트 포메 (이름: 고스트)
4. 삼촌의 시츄 (이름: 크리스피) "
"I'm going to change my profile picture to a puppy.
Pick one, Woong.
1. Ulvan Husky Half Wolf Dog (Name: Eve)
2. Ulpome (Name: Floki)
3. Aunt's White Pome (Name: Ghost)
4. My uncle's Shih Tzu (Name: Krispy)"
Krispy Krispy
"당신의 광대뼈는 점점 더 장미빛을 띠고 있습니다"
"Your cheekbones are becoming more rosy."
오잉 ?
"could you recommend an alcoholic drink to a new adult crunchy apples? 🍺🍻🍷🍸🍹🥂🍾🍶"
"could you recommend an alcoholic drink to a new adult crunchy apples? 🍺🍻🍷🍸🍹🥂🍾🍶"
good day
good day
"응? 술 추천해달라는데요"
"Huh? They're asking for alcohol recommendations."
좋은.. 데이
Good... day.
좋은데이 is soju
Good day is soju
a brand of soju
a brand of soju
"is soju your favorite alcohol?"
"is soju your favorite alcohol?"
"do you have a favorite soju flavor?🤓"
"do you have a favorite soju flavor?🤓"
without fruit flavor
without fruit flavor
"what is your favorite beer 🍺🍻🍺🍻👀👀👀👀"
"what is your favorite beer 🍺🍻🍺🍻👀👀👀👀"
"당신은 오늘 매우 알코올 중독입니다, 우리 마실까요?"
"You're very alcoholic today, shall we drink?"
아냐.. 그저 답했을 뿐😂
No, I just answered 😂
"진솔이는 모닝맥주 조졌다던데"
"Jinsol said that morning beer was salty."
쩐다 ..
It's amazing.
걘 저랑은 안마심
He doesn't drink with me.
몰라여 저두
I don't know either.
삘 받는 타이밍이 안맞아요
It's not the right timing.
"그럼 수영이의 술메이트는 보통...?"
"Sooyoung's drinking mate is usually...?"
a cat.
"팬싸때 쏘왓때가 마지막이었다는거 농담이 아니라 진짜야...? 🤣"
"It's not a joke but is it true that the fan signing event was the last time? 🤣"
넵 😂
Yes 😂
"아 언니 아직도 고봉이라고 부르시나요???"
"Do you still call me Gobong?"
박고봉 박엉덩 박고앵 박꼬봉
Park Go Bong! Park Go Ang Park Kko Bong!
"Eat, eat, eat, eat."
마자 박고엉도 잇다
There is also Park Goong.
"박엉덩은 박밖에 맞는게 없는디요"
"The only thing that fits is the gourd."
사과공주의 법을 따라
Follow the laws of the apple princess.
"혼술도 해?"
"Do you drink alone?"
넹 넷플볼때
Yes, when I watch Netflix.
"넷플 요새 뭐보닝!!
나이제볼게읍따 ㅎ"
"What are you watching on Netflix these days?
I'll watch it now."
작은아씨들 8화 안보신뷴 ㅡ ㅡ 없죠? ;;;
- Episode 8 of "Little Ladies" - Security Shinbun. - There's no one, right? ;;;
o m g
o m g
엄지원배우님 캐릭터 너무 매력있어요
Um Jiwon's character is so charming.
It's a stop.
난 이제 요리하러간다 !!!
I'm going to cook now!!!
여기 짤도 보낼 수 잇으면 좋겠다 ..
I wish I could send you a gif here.
"뭐 요리하노!"
"What are you cooking?"
언니야 위에 안봤제 .. 내 말했는데 ㅡ . ㅡ
Unni, I didn't look up... I told you.
Making it.
"재료 하나하나 산거야? 밀키트아니구? 대박마싯어보임"
"Did you buy each ingredient? Isn't it Milkit? You look like you've had a lot."
나 쑥갓이랑 미나리 조아해서
I like crown daisy and water parsley.
왕창 넣어써
You put a lot of it in.
Come and eat.
"수영... 콘서트 연기 발표 봤어.
보고 싶었습니다.
토크회도 사인회도 몇개 당첨되었어!
중지 말고 연기니까 또 오겠지?
"Swimming... I saw the announcement of the concert postponement.
I've missed you.
I won a few talk and signing events!
Not the middle finger. It's acting, so he'll come again, right
I'll wait for you 😞💕"
미안해 ㅜㅜ 많이 기다렸고 설렜었지?
내가 할 수 있는게 없네…
우리 다시 꼭 만나자
I'm sorry. You waited a long time and you were excited, right?
There's nothing I can do...
Let's meet again.