2022 09 25 3208

Jo Eun Haru's Cooling

시차가 아직 적응이 안됐는지?
Are you still jetlagged?

자도자도 졸리고
I'm sleepy now.

8시반쯤엔 잠들어서 새벽3,4시엔 꼭 깨…
I fall asleep around 8:30 and wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning.

맛있는 아침먹엉
Have a delicious breakfast.


"나이가 들어서 그런 거 아니야? ㅋㅋㅋ 적어도 언니는 지금 충분히 쉬고 있어 👍"
"Isn't it because you're old? LOL At least you're getting enough rest now 👍"


아침메뉴 추천받습니다
Please recommend a breakfast menu.

머야 다 알림이 안왔던거여 ?
What? You didn't get a notification?

난 또 다들 탈덕했나했음…(진심)
Did I quit being a fan again?[Sincere]

게시글 다른데 있나 싶으서 다른데도 다녀옴
I thought there was a post somewhere else, so I went somewhere else.

나 바솩이들 다섯명이랑 수다떨엇자나
I chatted with five of them.

수면모드 해놔서 그런거아녀?
Isn't it because it's in sleep mode?


다행이군 ㅎㅎ
I'm glad to hear that's a relief

I thought there were only 5 people left.

하지만5명도 사랑해
But I love the five of you, too.

일단 이사가쟈
Let's move first.