2022 09 24 3185
"아놔 언니 이건 예뿌니가 아니라 캘리포니아 핫걸이자나요"
"Hey, this isn't Yeppuni. She's a California hot girl."
"복근 멋있네"
"Your abs are cool."
없어졋는디요ㅜ ㅜ
It's gone.
"웅니 오마이갓 왓.. 곧 영통팬싸.. 기절.."
"Woongni, oh my god. What... Video call fan signing event soon... Fainting..."
영통팬싸는 내 바지를 못보니까 올려찌
I uploaded a video call fan signing because I couldn't see my pants.
"학생 바지 올려입자"
"Let's put our pants up."
white-collar worker
"사랑해유 너무 천사같다"
"I love you. You look like an angel."
천사는 로우라이즈를 입는다
Angels wear low-rise clothes.
"이러는 이유가 뭐야"
"Why are you doing this?"
"배탈날까 걱정하는거 나뿐이냐구 ㅠㅠㅠ"
"Am I the only one who's worried about getting a stomachache?"
"아 친구들이랑 같이있어서 사진보여주니까
너한테 사진 보내준거야? 이러네"
"I was with my friends and I showed them the pictures.
Did he send you a picture? It's like this."
안녕하세요 칭구들
Hello, Chingu.
"이부야 최근에 입덕한 오빛삼촌인데 팬싸 공지같은건 도대체 어디서보는거야??? 공식 트윗에도 없던데 ㅠㅜ"
"Ibuya is Uncle Orbit who recently became a fan. Where on earth do you see fan signing announcements? It wasn't even on the official tweet."
보통 앨범팬싸 관련해서는 저희 공식트위터나 공식카페에 올라오구 .. 응모나 결과는 음반사이트..? 맞을걸요?!!!!!
Usually, when it comes to album fan signing events, it comes up on our official Twitter or on our official cafe... Applications or results are available on the record site? I think it's right.
웰 컴 !!💖
Welcome 💖
"친구 같다
내 여자 친구 ㅋ"
"It's like a friend.
My girlfriend."
"울엄마두 오늘 너 입덕하셔따"
"My mom also became your fan today."
역시 프리패스상
As expected, the Free Pass Award.
"이부야… 내가 맨날 수영이 팹을 보고 살았더니 말투가 이부화 되어버렸어 ㅜ ㅜ 이게 머야"
"Yubu... I've been watching Sooyoung's fab all the time, so my way of speaking became Yubu. What is this?"
허걱 내 말투 어떤데 ????
What do you think of my tone?
"귀여운 말투!"
"Cute way of speaking!"
아하 ㅎㅎ
귀여운뽀짝말투 라네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
It's a cute way of speaking. Hahaha
I filtered it.
"음냐~ 이것도 잘하구
이것도 잘하구..암튼 기염"
"Mm-hmm. I'm good at this, too.
~What are you doing?
I'm good at this, too.Anyway, the atmosphere."
ㅋㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나 물결 많이쓰는것가태
(Laughs)(Laughs) I use a lot of waves.
"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ수영이ㅜ말투 회사단톡에서 써보겠아요"
"(Laughs)Sooyoung... I will write it on the group chat."
음냐 부장님 그건 좀 별론디요 ㅎㅋ
Umnya, that's not good lol.
이르케요 ???
Like this?
"~셔요 말투 사랑하요"
"~It's sour. I love your way of speaking."
ㅋㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 셔요💖
(Laughs)(Laughs) It's sour 💖
"음냐 부장님 전 짬뽕 먹을 건디요 ㅎㅋ"
"Umnya, I'm going to have jjamppong."
"sound like an Internet accent"
"너 임규나지"
"You're Im Kyu Na, right?"
저 하수영인디요 ㅜ
I'm Ha Soo Young.
"음냐 XXX상병님 전 PX갈건디여ㅎㅋ"
"Well, Sergeant XXX, I'm going to PX."
"블로그에 하수영 자랑만 올렸더니 내 친구들 다 입덕했는디요 기분이 조크든요 ~~~"
"I just posted Ha Soo-young's bragging on my blog, and all my friends became fans. I feel very nervous~~~~"
나도 블로그 보러갈래요
I want to go see the blog.
"요즘 최애 이모티콘 모야 궁금"
"What's your favorite emoticon these days?"