2022 09 22 3172

*"웅니 이건 좀 다른 질문인데... 언니는 좋아해 라는 말이 더 설레시나요 아니면 사랑해 라는 말이 더 설레시나요?

물론 난 언니를 사랑하지만..."
"Woongni, this is a different question. "I like you" makes your heart flutter more? Or do you feel more excited when you say "I love you"?

Of course I love you, but..."*

조아해가 더 간질간질 아닌가요? 긁적 ㅇㅅㅇ
Isn't Joahae more ticklish? Scratch ㅇㅅㅇ

"술 먹고 울거 같애"
"I think I'm going to cry after drinking."

오우 전혀 기분좋아집미다
Oh, I'm so happy. I'm a homebody.

"마시기전에 깨수깡먹으면 담날 두통없음"
"If you eat sesame before drinking, you won't have a headache."

That's what they say!🔥

"힝~~ 인용창피해 못하게써🫣 안핼래🫣"
"Hing~ I can't be embarrassed by the quote. I won't do it."

쓰읍~~! 아솩팹에 적응하세용~~~💖
Get used to Asuk Fab! 💖

"아무 이유없이 저도 인용 한번 부탁해요~😉"
"Without any reason, please quote me too.😉"


"수영양 히든싱어에 최정훈님 나와여!!"
"Choi Jung Hoon comes out in Sooyoung's hidden singer!!"

허걱 ~ 몇번인가요
How many times is that?

"수영이 술버릇 모야요"
"What's up with Sooyoung's drinking habits?"

You want to know?

jtbc 기다려~~~~~
JTBC, wait for me!~~~~

"술버릇 "안 취한 척 하기" 일 거 같아"
"I think it's "Pretending not to be drunk"."

땡~~~~~ 전 취한 것 같으면 오 나 좀 취했다!!!!! 라구한다구요
If I think I'm drunk, I'm a little drunk!

"I feel like I'm texting with my dog."

He's growling.

"언니 뭔가 말수 많아질 거 같애 근데 이제 대화 주제가 인생 철학... 삶이란 무엇인가... 사랑이란 무엇인가... 우리는 무엇을 위해 사는가... 이런 늑낌"
"I think you're going to talk a lot. But the topic of conversation is philosophy of life... What is life... What is love... What do we live for? It's like this."

아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Ah. (Laughs) (Laughs)

You're wrong. :)

전 텐션이 올라가는 타입
I'm the type that gets excited.

*"도어락 문 못 열기

"Can't open door lock door

It is."*

지금은 잘 염!😂
I'm sleeping now!😂

"쑤잉이 취하면...잘 웃을거 같은데"
"When Suing gets drunk...I think he'll laugh a lot."


"저 근데 오늘 프사바꿔준다하셨어용"
"But he said he'll change my profile picture today."


"히히😙💕 귀엽겠당 수영이랑 짠 해보고 싶다"
"Hehe 😙💕 That sounds cute. I want to make a toast with Sooyoung."

쨘 !!!!!!!!!!!!! 🍻
Ta-da! 🍻

"우리 랜선짠하자!!!(휑~)"
"Let's cheers online!"


"나도 짠해주라ㅠㅠㅠ수영아 🍻✨✨✨"
"Please make a toast for me too, Sooyoung 🍻✨✨✨"


"왜 저사람은 해주고 나는 안해줌 ㅜㅠ"
"Why did he do it and not me?"

하 ㅋ 언닌 술먹지뫄라 .. 언닌 바나나우유먹어롸 촤~..
Ha ha. Don't drink. You drink banana milk.

"하뿌영 오늘 텐션 굉장히 높네…"
"Habuyoung is very excited today..."

그래? 나 굉장히 이 표정으로 팹중인디 😐
Really? I'm fabbing with this expression 😐

"근데 짠하라는데 왜 뿌야~~~요게요게~~딱밤"
"But why are you bboo when you're telling me to make a toast!This, this, this! Finger flick!"

👨‍🎤 악! 언니 나 눈에 멍든 것 같애
👨🎤 Argh! I think I have a bruise on my eyes.

"엉니 근데 프사 강아지 누구야?"
"Who's your profile picture puppy?"

글쎄요? 바솨기의 강쥐
I'm not sure. The puppy of the bassoggy.

"이브: 개 알레르기가 있는 애견 애호가 "
"Eve: A dog lover with dog allergies to dogs."

맞아 …
That's right.

"언니는 바솩이의 토끼~~💖"
"You're Basuk's rabbit~💖"

That's right, right.

"이부바부 메롱"
"Ibubabubu Merong"

반사 ~.~💖

"언니 필름 끊길 때까지 술 마셔본 적 없겠지요 ..? "
"Until the film is cut off. You've never drunk before, have you?"


"이부 슈퍼스타루나 닉네임 뭘루할거야"
"What are you going to do with the nickname of "Ibu Superstar Luna"?"

저도 정할 수 있어요?
Can I pick one?


친추도 가능 ?
Can you recommend it to me?

Too bad.


What should I do?

"이제 닉네임 말하는 순간 뺏긴다 언니.."
"As soon as I say my nickname, I'm going to take it away."

That sounds like it.

It's a secret!

"근데 수영 소주파야 맥주파야 소맥파야"
"Do you like soju or beer or soju or beer?"

와인파!!!!!! 막걸리파!!!!! 위스키파!!!!!
Wine team! Makgeolli team! Whiskey faction!

그거 커피맛나는 그거 뭐지요ㅜ
What is that coffee-flavored thing?

우유랑 먹는
Eating with milk.


It was delicious.

웅 깔루아밀크 영지가 만들어줬었는데
Woong Kahlua Milk Youngji made it for me.

I fell in love!!!!

"약간 맛있는 술파??"
"Kind of a delicious drinking group?"


"깔루아 더 맛있게 먹는 꿀팁: 베일리스랑 같이 먹기"
"Tips on eating Kahlua more deliciously: Eating with Baileys."

그건 뭐지요?
What's that?

나 감기몸살걸려서
I have a cold.

You laughed like a pill.

I'm sleepy.


히든 싱어 보다가
I was watching "Hidden Singer".

잠들어야지 ㅎㄹ
I'm going to fall asleep.