2022 09 22 3168
"완존 예뿌다 천사같아"
"She's so beautiful. She's like an angel."
ㄱㅅㄱㅅ💖 감사합니다
Thank you. 💖 Thank you.
"천사이브웅니 하입보이 커버해줄생각 없어???"
"Do you have any thoughts of covering "BWOONG's High Yip Boy"?"
원조가 너무 짱이라 제가 감히 못하겟으요
I can't do it because the original is the best.
비교될 것 같은 느낌스 …
Feelings that are likely to be compared …
"근데 쪼매궁금한거..혹시 메컵할때 점을 좀더 진하게 찍나요? 아님 걍 기본인가요...?"
"But I'm a little curious...Do you make the mole darker when you make the main cup? Or is it just basic...?"
파데가 두껍기때문에 점을 찍습니다
Since the foundation is thick, I draw dots.
저는 분장을 하거든요…
I dress up...
생얼보시면 기절하심
If you look at my bare face, you'll faint.