2022 09 21 3164

Today as well,

Let's have a good day.

All of us.


Oh, my.

개인답글이랑 공개답글 버튼붙어있어서 매번 달리 누르네여ㅜㅜ 죄송..
I press differently every time because there are individual and open reply buttons. I'm sorry.

제가 손꾸락이 커서 잘 못 눌러요ㅜ
I can't press it well because my fingers are big.

a cold sweat

뭔가 버튼 간격이 떨어져있음 좋겠긴하네요…?
It would be nice to have a button gap apart...?


난 요즘 일렉기타 다시 배우고싶다 ..
I want to learn electric guitar again these days.

이런 게으른 나 .. 할 수 있을까
You lazy me... Can I do it?

곡작업도 해야되는데
I need to work on songs, too.

정말ㄹ 펼쳐놓고 하나도 손에 안잡히는 요즘이야 🤔
These days, I can't get a single thing out of my hands 🤔

그래도 작업은 조금씩 하고있답니다
But I'm working on it little by little.

"저도 그럼 하수영씨한테 작업 조금씩 걸어두 댈까여..?"
"Then should I put some work on Ha Soo-young?"


"역시 수영이는 음악 관련 일들을 많이 하려하는군 매번 노력하는 수영이 머싯어~~~"
"As expected, Sooyoung tries to do a lot of music-related things. What is Sooyoung who tries every time?~~"

본업이니꽈 .. 난 이걸 잘하지못하면 아무 소용없어 !!!!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥
Is this your main job? It's no use if I'm not good at this.🔥🔥🔥🔥

It's time for lunch.

멋진 점심드세용
Have a nice lunch.

"수영아 그럼 부업으로 연기는...어때? 나 가끔 드라마에 나오는 수영이 상상하곤 해"
"Sooyoung, then acting as a side job...What do you think? I sometimes imagine Sooyoung in a drama."

저번에 회사에서 배우다가 끊긴게 아쉬워서 개인적으로 배울까도 고민중이에요!!! 음악에있어서 표현하는것도 도움될 거 같구 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
I'm thinking about learning it personally because I'm sad that it got cut off while I was learning at work last time!!! I think it would be helpful to express it in music.

"하이킥 : 아기 사과의 역습"
"High Kick: Baby Apple's Counterattack"


"우만나 시즌4 나오나...??🥹🥹"
"Is season 4 coming out? 🥹🥹"

… 원하셔요?
… Do you want it?

*"저번에 아솩양 자작곡 다음앨범쯤에 실릴수도 있다고 하셨옸는데 고건 요새 상황이 어떤가욮? ㅍ . ㅍ

"Last time, you said that your song might be in the next album. How's the situation these days? P.P

(I don't remember, but...)I was scared at the fan signing...)"*

회사에서 자꾸 다른곡을 넣으셔서😂.. 제가 약속 지키시라구 해볼게요!!!!!!!!!!🔥
The company keeps putting in other songs. 😂.. I'll tell him to keep his promise!🔥

"그래서 무슨 머리 할꾸야"
"So, what kind of hairstyle am I going to do?"

I'm worried.

난 흑발하거싶은대
"I want to dye my hair black".

It's such a waste.

회사에서 빨간머리시키셔서 내 두피죽었던거 생각하면 뭐라도 하고 덮어야할것같은거있지
When I think about my scalp dying because the company made me have red hair, I feel like I should do something and cover it up.

지금 머리색은 옷 입을 때 예뻐서 좋아
I like this hair color because it's pretty when I wear it.

단정하게 입어도 단정하지않은 느낌
Even if you dress neatly, it doesn't look neat.


하지만 제가 흑발을 하면 변호사느낌이 날걸요
But if I dye my hair black, I'll look like a lawyer.

"그러케 말하니 꼬옥 교문에서 자갈이라고 우기는 학생 같어"
"That sounds like a student who insists on pebbles at the Kok school gate."

자갈…? 자연갈색..?
Gravel...? Natural brown...?

That's awesome.

"너 근데 그냥 흑발하고 싶어하는거 같은데🤔 아쉬워도 흑발하고 싶어하는거 같어 아님말구"
"I think you just want to dye your hair black. 🤔 I think you want to dye your hair black even if it's sad or not."

마자요 ㅋ
That's right.

"그래 마음대로 하세요 언니, 어차피 네 머리잖아"
"Do whatever you want. It's your hair anyway."


번역돼서 그렇지만 반존대 신선한걸 꽤
It's because it's translated, but it's quite new.

당혹스럽지만 날 위하는 느낌
It's embarrassing, but it feels like it's for me.

왜 다 푸사 바꾸래ㅜ ㅜ 완전 기여븐디
Why are you all telling me to change Pusa? It's totally cute.

내일 바꾸겟심더 흐흐
I'm going to change it tomorrow.