2022 09 20 3147

아니 더 잘 수 있었는데 시계보고 놀라서 깼어 ..
No, I could have slept more, but I woke up because I was surprised to see the clock.

"미녀답게 잠많이주무셨네요"
"You slept like a beauty."


긴장감이 풀려서 푹 잤나바여
I hope you slept well because you were relaxed.

아니 더 잘 수 잇어 3_3
No, I can sleep more. 3_3.

Weather recommendation song.

정승환선배님의 보통의하루
Jung Seung Hwan's ordinary day.

이 노래들을땐 믹스커피 먹어줘야함…
When I listen to this song, I have to drink mixed coffee...

"나의 아저씨 열심히보셨네ㅠ"
"My uncle watched it hard."

편안함에.. 이르렀나?
Comfortable... Did you reach it?


아무도 안봐서
No one's watching.

대화가 안이어지는군
I can't communicate.

"오다가다 봐도 몰라보겠네…"
"I can't recognize it even if I see it on the way..."


"나의 아저씨는 이선균님의 거품맥주밖에 생각이 안나..ㅠ"
"My uncle can only think of Lee Sun-kyun's bubble beer.(T)"

Bring back my emotions.

"나 사장이야 이제…"
"I'm the boss now..."

(Laughs) (Laughs)

야 이지안~~~~! 빨리와~~~~!!
Hey, Lee Jian! Hurry up and come!

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 수영 선배, 밥 좀 사주죠! "
"(Laughs) Sooyoung, why don't you buy me a meal?"

아놔 ㅜ 이런거만기억하지요
I only remember things like this.

할무니 누가와도 문 절대 열어주지마🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Don't ever open the door for anyone 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

"(눈을 감아보면~~~ 내게 보이는 내모습~~~)"
"(When I close my eyes, I see myself in myself)"

지치지말고~~~~ 잠시멈추라고~~~~~
Don't get tired and stop for a while.

*"좋아서… 그 사람이 내 친구라는 게… 좋아서✊🏻

맞나 근데 이거 잘 기억이 안 나네"
"It's good... that he's my friend... I like it. ✊🏻

Right? But I don't remember this."*

맞아 !!!!!! ✊✊✊✊✊🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
That's right!!!!✊✊✊✊✊🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹

"언니가 봤을 때 가장 마음아픈 장면은 뭐야..??"
"What is the most heartbreaking scene you think?"

나는 지안이가 할무니한테 고기 갖다드렸는데 할무니가 너무맛있어서 황송해.. 한거두 맘아파ㅛ셔
I'm sorry that Jian brought meat to Grandma and she was so delicious. It hurts me to do one thing.

하지만 나의 인생 드라마는 눈이부시게.. 💖
But my life drama is blinding. 💖