2022 09 18 3131
제가 말이 너무 많은거같애서 좀 줄일게여 아무튼 변함없이 곁을 지켜줘서 감사해용..💖
I think I talk too much, so I'll keep it down. Anyway, thank you for staying with me.💖
아니그리구… 내 생각 전하는거도 오빛들이 이젠 지칠거같은거야 .. 그래서 쓸까말까 고민하다 여기까지왔네
No, and I think ORBITs will be tired of conveying my thoughts. So I'm not sure if I should use it or not. We came all the way here.
아무튼 이런 생각많고 피곤한나를 응원해줘서 넘 고맙고 미안해 😂
Anyway, thank you so much and sorry for supporting me who has a lot of thoughts and tiredness 😂
앞으로도 보답할게 진짜 투어내내 너무 고마웠어
I'll repay you in the future. Thank you so much for the whole tour.
웅 그리고 투어일정이 힘들었던것뿐이지 우리 해외오빛들 만난 순간들은 너무 감사했어
Yes, and the tour schedule was just hard, but I was so thankful for the moments when I met ORBIT abroad.
먼가 내가 한국와서 너무 행복해하니까 서운할수도 있을거같넹
I might be sad because I am so happy to come to Korea.
hs and s
"수영이 작은아씨들 봤어? tvn 드라만데 재밌내 이거"
"Did you see Sooyoung's little ladies? It's a TVN drama, but it's fun."
나 보고있징~~~
I'm watching!
비행기에서 2화보고있었어
I was watching episode 2 on the plane.
유럽투어동안 나의아저씨, 오월의청춘 그리고 작은아씨들시작 ..!
During the Europe tour, my uncle, May's youth and little ladies started...!
오월의청춘 마지막화 비행기에서보다가 후드뒤집어쓰고 오열햇어
I cried while watching the last episode of May's youth on the plane with my hood turned upside down.
오월의청춘 꼭봐여!!!
Make sure to see May's youth!!!
나는 짐정리 하러 간당
I'm going to unpack.
Monday morning.
미라클모닝으로 5시에 일어났답니다 …
I woke up at 5 AM for MIRACLE morning. …
As a song for work.
Lovely Yoojung's...
Sunflower 추천합니다💖
I recommend Sunflower.💖
다음곡은 루미너스 !!!
The next song is Luminus!
"이부누나랑 유댕이누나 챌린지 기대해도 되나 혹시!.."
"Can I look forward to your challenge?"
가보자고 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Let's go 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
새삥챌린지 보구싶다고?
You want to see the new challenge?
나는.. 새삥 모든게 다 .. 새삥
I... everything... Saffing
리허설때 맨날 박고언이랑 손해주랑
During rehearsals, Park Go-eon and Son Sang-joo...
I danced to it. It's so sweet.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
이제 블랙핑크선배님의 핑크베놈 듣는즁
It's time to listen to BLACKPINK's "Pink Venom".
Hip morning...
"언니 저 오늘 길거리에서 시츄 만났는데 보자마자 헉 수영언니 완전 수영언니 취저강아지다 하고 지나감👍"
"I met Shichu on the street today, and as soon as I saw her, I thought Sooyoung was a puppy. 👍"
나도 시추~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I'm also drilling~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
하늘이가 이제 아파서 못걷잖아요
HA:NEUL can't walk because he's sick.
얼마전에 할머니가 하늘이 안고 가다가 둘다 넘어져서 둘다 다쳤다는거예요ㅜ
Not too long ago, my grandmother said that she fell down and hurt both of them.ㅜ
할머니 얼굴 무릎 다치고
Grandmother's face got hurt on her knee.
하늘이는 날라가서 넘어지고ㅜ
Haneul flew away and fell down.
그래서 좀 편하라고 강아지유모차를 시켰는데
So I ordered a dog stroller to make it more comfortable.
엄마한테 혼날거같아서 내내 심장떨림
My heart is shaking because I think I'm going to get in trouble from my mom.
저희엄마 뭐 사면 겁나 혼내거든여^*^
My mom scolds me a lot when I buy something.
미친나 이거 말라삿노
I'm crazy. This is dry.
니꺼사지 말라삿노 얼마고 이게다머꼬
Don't buy yours. It's how much.What?
아니 근데 부모님들 좀 더 편하게 삶의질 향상시켜드리고픈 딸의 마음 뭔지알죠
No, but I know how a daughter wants to improve her parents' quality of life.
"그럼 에어컨 살 때도 혼났나"
"Did I get in trouble when I bought the AC?"
진심 ㅇㅇ 이마트매장에서 둘이 싸우고난리엿ㅁ음
Seriously, the two of us fought at the E-Mart store.
나: 사라고! 내가사준다고!
엄마: 니가 돈이 어딧노!!!
나: 아따마 사준다고 모앗다고!
엄마: 돈이 한두푼이가!!!
나: 아따 내가 사준다는데 와이라노!
엄마: 안한다고마!
나: 아진짜로 사준다면 좀 받아라!
B: Buy it! I'll buy it for you!
Mom: You don't have money!!!
B: I collected it to buy it for you!
Mom: One or two pennies!!!
B: Oh, I said I'd buy it for you!
Mom: I won't!
B: If you really buy it, take it!
에어컨직원님: 🙄
Air conditioner staff: 🙄
근데 어떻게 내가 더버서 집에서 몬살겟다는 식으로 우겨서 사기루햇음
But how could I have insisted that I would earn more and live at home?
다음날 아침..
엄마: 영아 저거 선풍기 하나 더 사도
The next morning...
Mom: Baby, if you buy another fan,
저거 머지 에어컨 바람 퍼지게하는.. 암튼 그거
That's the air conditioner that's blowing... Anyway, that...
엉 서쿨레이터다
It's a coolator.
난 이사간다
I'm moving.