2022 08 29 2941
일단 가장 기대되는건 인체감지전기매트 인데
The one I'm looking forward to the most is the human-sensing electric mat.
상자 넘 커서 나중에 뜯을거야
The box is too big. I'll open it later.
그냥 전기장판인데
It's just an electric pad.
난 사계절내내 전기장판을 틀거든
I turn on the electric pad all year round.
근데 조아보여서 삿어!
But I bought it because it looked like Jo Ah!
그리고 먹고싶은거 시켯어
And I ordered what I wanted to eat.
the real thing
Republic of Korea
배달원분들 항상 감사합니다
Thank you, deliverymen.
all of a sudden
감격스럽고 죄송스럽고 감사한
I'm so touched, sorry, and thankful.
인터넷 속도 미쳣다
The internet speed is crazy.
(잠시 감동타임)
(Touched for a moment)
나 정말 한국에 누워잇구나…
I am really lying down in Korea...
전 전생에도 한국인이엇을까요
Was I Korean in my previous life?
사람이 아니었다면 그래도 한국에 있는 동물이나 식물이엇을까요
If I weren't a human, would I still be an animal or a plant in Korea?
"아무래도 전생에 나랑 부부엿을 것 같아요^^!"
"I think we'll be like a married couple in our past life.^^!"
Is that so?
If you look at us talking like this,
다들 저랑 인연이 깊게 있었겠져
I'm sure everyone had a deep connection with me.
전생에 흥선대원군이엇을거라고요?
You're going to be Heungseon Daewongun in your previous life?
하 이런 고도의 유머를
Wow, such a high level of humor.
이건 제가 이미 중학교때 불리던 별명 중 하나입니다
This is one of the nicknames I was called when I was in middle school.
그때도 엄청난 한식파엿기에
I was a big fan of Korean food.
쉴 수 있는 동안 몸도 마음도 건강해져서 가야겟어요
While I can rest, my body and mind will get healthier and go.
내침대에 누워잇으니 그 게임에서 바에 충전퍼센트 늘어나는 듯
Lying in my bed, I feel like the bar is charging up in that game.
한 느낌
It feels like that.
a hospital
내일부터 투어다닐예정💖
I'm planning to go on a tour from tomorrow
Don't worry.
구체적으로는 몬 알려주겠따
I'll tell you more about Mon.
더 걱정할거자나용
You're gonna have to worry more.
컨디션관리도 저의몫이니까 넘 걱정마세여
It's up to me to take care of my condition, so don't worry.
나는 이렇게 오빛이 내 편에서 든든하게 잇어주는게. 보약. 이다
The fact that ORBIT is on my side. It's a supplement
걱정. 말어라
Don't worry.
ㅇ근데. 조금은. 해라
Do it a little bit.
이부는. 알아서 잘할거야. 걱정안돼. 내가 회사분들께 가장많이. 들은 말이다.
Lee Boo. He'll do well on his own. I'm not worried. I'm the most popular one. That's what I heard.
조금. 속상하다.
A little. I'm upset.
그러니. 오빛은. 내 걱정. 조금만 해줘라
So. Orbit. Please worry about me.
근데. 조금망💖💖💖💖
But. Little bit messed up 💖💖💖💖
"그 .은 왜 해요? 이상해.."
"Why do you do that? It's weird..."
It's fun.
오빛은 어떤 말투든 글솜씨가 어떠하든 다 좋구 기엽다
Orbit is cute, whatever his way of speaking or writing is.
그러니 걱정마여
So don't worry.
오빛은 나보고 이상하다 하지만
Orbit says I'm weird.
근데 저진짜
But I really...
I cleaned up Coupang.
be cringey