2022 08 24 2873
권진아 - 여행가
Kwon Jinah - Traveler
하입뽀이 춰달라구요
You want me to do the lower lip kiss.
시간나면 도전 ~~~~~..
If you have time, I'll try.
요즘 살 오른 거 같다구여?!!!
Do I look like I gained weight these days?
나름 해명하자면 비행기타거나 버스타서 붓기라고 하겟어요
To explain it, I would say swelling by flying or riding a bus.
근데 앞으로도 예전처럼 다이어트 심하게 안할거예용~~~
But I'm not going to go on a diet as bad as before.
여러분도 몸도마음도 건강한 다여트하셔요
I hope you stay healthy, both physically and mentally.
나는 하입걸이지
I should've worn the pants.
저는 하이브니까요
Because I'm a hive.
조식 … 내가 먹을 수 잇을깡
Breakfast… I can eat it.
왜케 앞머리 얘기가 많은겨
Why are you talking about my bangs so much?
조식 안먹엇엉 어제 아무도 안먹는다길래 안갔는데 아침에 보니 다 갓더라 ㅡㅜ
I didn't eat breakfast. I didn't go yesterday because no one was eating, but when I saw it in the morning, it was all fresh.
내가 애들 잘 때 물어봣나벼
I asked them when they were sleeping.
저희 애들은 막 깨우고 그런 스트 아님다
Our members aren't the ones who wake them up.
가서 점심먹으면돼요 ㄱㅊ
You can go and have lunch. G and j.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 앞머리에 다들 진심이넹
(Laughs) Everyone's serious about the bangs.
하지만 저는 기르는 중이랍니닷
But I'm growing it out.
지금 이 색에 자르면 텁텁해보일 것 같아여
If I cut it with this color, I think it'll look dry.
그리고 콘서트 중에 땀을 감당할 수 없으여ㅜ
And I can't handle the sweat during the concert.
앞머리 없는 저도 사랑해주세여…🥲
Please love me even if I don't have bangs...🥲
🍎 휴.. 앞머리야.. 못만나겠구나..🥲
다음생에는 꼭보자..
🍎 Phew... My bangs... I can't meet you.🥲
Let's see each other in the next life.
그 정도는..😂 언젠가 하고싶으면 할거예여
That much.. 😂 I'll do it someday if I want to.
그리고 저는 이왕 자를거면 투어나 공연보다는 컴백이나 화보같은게 나을 거 같아서 컨셉 맞는 앨범을 준비하게 될 때 자를 거 같아요 ㅎㅎ
If I'm going to cut it, I think comebacks or pictorials would be better than tours or concerts, so I think I'll cut it when I prepare an album that fits the concept. Haha
다음엘범 컨셉이 맞으면 하구!
I hope the next album concept is right!
그리구 아무래도 멤버들도 많다보니 안겹치는걸 또 고려해야해서ㅠㅠ
And since there are a lot of members, I have to consider not overlapping.
죄송해요 좀만 이해해주세요 ㅜ🥲
I'm sorry. Please understand. 🥲🥲
지금 저는 앞없에 깔끔한 느낌에 꽂혀있기도하구 💕
Now I'm stuck in a clean feeling without front 💕
아무래도 많은 바솩이들이 앞머리 잘라달라고해서 지금 머리가 별론가? 싶은 생각이 들어서 내 생각을 설명해줬어여 ㅎㅎㅎ
A lot of Basuk asked me to cut my bangs, so is my hair not good right now? I explained my thoughts because I thought so.
앞으류 바솩이들이랑 함께할날 많으니까 좀망 기다류 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
I have a lot of days to spend with the Basuks in the future, so please wait a little.
다음투어나 공연때 헤어샘한테 앞머리피스 말씀드려볼게 ㅎㅎ
I'll tell the hair stylist about the bangs during the next tour or performance.
그러면 탈부착 가능하니까
Then, it can be detached.
🍎 그러다 무대하는데 뚜껑처럼 열리면 어뜩해여
🍎 What if it opens like a lid on the stage?
안 빡센 안무일때 해야할듯😂
I think I should do it when it's not hard 😂
어제 점심메뉴 콩비지찌개라길래 기대만땅하고 잠들엇는데
Yesterday, I fell asleep with high expectations because I heard it was bean-bizzie stew for lunch.
순찌김찌된찌로 바꼇다네여 …
It's been changed to Soonjji Kimjji.
청국장 조아해영💖
I like cheonggukjang. Haeyoung 💖
또 다시 시작된 음식얘기
Let's talk about food again.
🍎 언니가 어릴땐 싫어하다가 지금은 좋아하게 된 음식들 잇나요?!근데 언닌 어릴때부터 한결같은 한식사랑단같내
🍎 Is there any food that you didn't like when you were young, but now you like it?!But you always seem like a Korean food lover since you were young.
음 … 오히려 어릴때는 번데기나 천엽같은거도 잘 먹다가 지금 못 먹는듯 ㅜ
Hmm… I used to eat chrysalis and omasum well when I was young, but I don't think I can eat it now.
길가다 번데기 잇으면 무조건 사먹엇던 어린수영
Young Sooyoung, who always bought chrysalis on the street.
어렷을 때 닭발을 할머니가 처음 해주셨는데.. 제가 신기해서 자세히 보려구햇음 근데 할무니가 에잇 그렇게 볼거면 먹지마라! 하셔가지고 아니다 먹겟다 해서 묵음
My grandmother cooked chicken feet for me when I was young. I wanted to take a closer look because I was amazed, but if you're going to see it like that, don't eat it! So I thought I was going to eat it, so I turned it down.
그래서 혼날까봐 그냥 대충보고 뜯어묵음
So I didn't want to get in trouble, so I just took a peek and ate it.
저는 관찰하고 싶엇다고요 할무니
I wanted to observe, Grandmother.
하지만 울할무니 요리넘잘해서 맛났다고한다
But it was delicious because she cooked so well.
🍎 오.. 아 생각났다 나는 선지 되게 아무생각 없이 잘 먹었는데 지금은 정체를 알아서 그런지 잘 못 묵어.. 아는 게 힘이 아니라 아는 게 많아지니까 못먹는 게 많아져서 가끔 생각해보면 슬픔 ㅠ 그래도 한 때는 맛나게 잘 먹었을 음식들인디
🍎 Oh, I remembered. I ate Seonji well without thinking, but now I can't eat well because I know who she is. It's not the power to know, but the more I know, the more I can't eat, so I'm sad to think about it sometimes. But they were foods that I would have enjoyed deliciously at one time.
I know what it is.
하지만 선지해장국 … 넘 맛잇음 먹을때 까먹고 흡입
But Sunji Hangover Soup... It's so good. When you eat it, you forget and inhale it.