2022 08 23 2855
부이앱봣어 ?
Did you see the Vui app?
식다 조명이 별루다
get cold. the lighting is not good.
담에 더 이뿌게 킬게
I'll make you smile more next time to sleep.
근데 나 진ㅁ자 안예쁘게 먹드라
But I don't eat Jin M. in a pretty way.
하지만 어쩔수쩔수없지 ㅜ.ㅜ
But it can't be helped.ㅜ
그렇게 먹어야 맛있는걸
That's how it tastes.
그리고 나 흰티에 안묻엇따
And I didn't get it on my white shirt.
늦은시간인데 얼른자영 💖
It's late, so hurry up and sleep 💖
나도 리허설 전에 쪽잠 자보껭 💖
I'll take a nap before the rehearsal 💖
내가 여러 빗소리를 들어봣지만 얘가 최고
I've heard a lot of rain sounds, but this is the best.