2022 08 21 2827


자기전에 왓어요
Come before you go to bed.

이제 자려구여
I'm going to bed now.

마자 금방일어나야혀 😂
I have to get up soon 😂

그래도 케이콘은 그만큼 팬분들한테서 에너지를 받을 수 있으니까여
But K-CON can get that much energy from the fans.

다 답해주지 못해서 미안하구려
I'm sorry I couldn't answer everything.

하지만 바솩이들 한명한명이 저를 일어나게합니댜..
But each and every one of them makes me get up.

거두절미하고 사랑해요 <3
I love you so much. <3

이부 오늘의 티엠아
Lee Boo. Today's TMI.

이부는 얼마전에 물고기를 생각하다가 물고기는 호수가 ,바다가 세상의 전부라고 생각하겠지라는 상상을 햇서요
Ibu was thinking about fish a while ago, and he imagined that fish would think that lakes and oceans are everything in the world.


다중우주 ..

글리제581 이런거 보다가
I was watching Gliese 581.

갑자기 생각이 그렇게 튀엇어
My thoughts suddenly popped up like that's all of a sudden.

그래서 혼자 물고기로 시를 썼어여
So I wrote a poem with fish alone.

근데 이거 들려주면은
But if I play this...

다들 물고기 못 먹을까봐
I'm afraid everyone can't eat fish.

I can't decide.

아니옄ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이건 거창한 가사도 아니구 .. 그냥 저는 어렸을때부터 이렇게 상상하다가 글로적는 행위를 좋아했어요… 어이업게도.. 닭볶음탕 먹다가 적기도하고 그랫음 ㅜ
No, it's not that big of a lyric. I just liked to imagine and write down things like this since I was young... Oh, my God. I wrote it down while eating braised spicy chicken.

웅 약간 쓰고보니 간장게장 느낌야 ㅜ
It kind of feels like soy sauce marinated crab after using it.

스시먹는단 사람이잇어서
There are people who are going to eat sushi.

다음번에 들려드릴게요
I'll play it for you next time.

10년안에 알려드릴게요^^^
I'll let you know in 10 years.^^^

Just tell me the title.



푸른 나의 생명 푸르름을 들이마쉬고 내뱉으면 푸르르 태어나는 온기의 거품 따뜻한 차가움의 색으로 물드는 이 곳은 내 지느러미가 스치는 육지
My blue life. Breathe in the greenery. If you spit it out, you'll be born green. a foam of warmth With the color of warm coldness, This place that's colored is... the land where my fins rub against me

요것은 1연임..
This is for one consecutive term.

근데 이제 2연부터 간장게장 바이브임
But starting from the second year, it's soy sauce marinated crab vibe.

그거는 10년안에 알려드릴게요
I'll tell you in 10 years.

저는 잠오는잴리 두개먹엇더니 잠오네요
I ate two jellies that make me sleepy and I'm getting sleepy.

드르렁 잘자영
Sleep tight, snarlol.

꿈에서만큼은 물고기처럼 자유로이 유영하는 밤되셔요
Have a night of swimming freely like a fish in your dreams.

Good night.

들이마쉬고 오타는 새벽3시의 시적허용입니다
Breathe in and typo is poetic license at 3 a.m.

🥶 잘ㅈ ㅏ
🥶 I'much.

Hair and makeup.

오늘은 예뿌니컨셉
Today's concept is AB6IX.