2022 08 16 2766

좀 슬푸겠지만
I'm going to be sad,

내가 기억하께
I'll remember.

그럼그럼 바솩이가 보낸 하나의 메시지? 문득 기억나구 그러는걸 몇년뒤 어느순간에 스치듯 떠오르면 우리 바솩이 생각하구 바솩이는 모하구지낼까 그런거지
Then one message from Basuk? I remember it all of a sudden, and if it comes to mind at some point in a few years, I think about our Basak and what Basak will be doing.

전애인포지션이라고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅜ?
It's called "Jeon Ae-Position". (Laughs) What?


다음날 …

기전에 양치했니?
the next day 다음날

Did you brush your teeth before?

너 충치많던거 생각나서 카톡햇었어
I texted you because I remembered you had a lot of cavities.

별 의미없어
It doesn't mean much.

충치잇던거 기억해줘서 의미부여할거같다고요
I think it'll be meaningful because you remembered that I had a cavity.

in big trouble

🍎 자 ,,,?

기전 할일

  • 씻기 ( 끝 )
  • 책상 정리 ( 안함 )
  • 내일 짐 미리싸기 ( 끝 )
    🍎 Now,...?

an electrical task

  • Wash (Done)
  • Organize your desk (do not)
  • Tomorrow's pre-packing (finished)

It's okay.

Pretending to be a notepad.

🍎 언니같은 전애인 있으면 진짜 킹받다가도 너무 기여울 듯 ..
🍎 If there's an ex like you, it's really... I think I'll be so cute even if I'm the king.

Because it's a mess.

울 바솩이

Because I'm a real lover.

I don't know.

전애인 되보고싶으새요?
Do you want to be a lover?

헤어져 보내고 팹 한달잠수타고 자..? 하면서 복귀하는 버전
After breaking up, Fab sleeps underwater for a month? The version that comes back.

근데 바솩이들 맨날
But Basak always...

수영아 자..? 보내잔아요
Sooyoung, are you sleeping? Let's go.

근ㄷㅔ 봐봐요 자..? 라고 보내면 응 이라고 어떳케보내요
But look. If you send it like this, how can you send it like this?

너 나가서 무릎꿇고 손들고 서있어
You go out and kneel down and stand with your hands up.

Isn't it this?

조용히하고 입닫고 빵먹어
Shut up and eat bread.


결석한 사람 손들어
Raise your hand if you're absent.

헤어질 결심 재미써?
Are you having fun deciding to break up?

나 어렸을 때 탕웨이선배님처럼 생기고싶어서
When I was young, I wanted to look like Tang Wei.

사진 겁나 저장하고
I saved a lot of pictures.

트렌치코트 사려고 찾아보고그랫음..
I was looking for a trench coat.

Oh, my.

젤 조아하는 해외 여자연예인이여
My favorite foreign female entertainer.

저 근데 조아하는 사람이 너무 많아서요
But there are so many people I like.

옛날에 위노나라이더 언니의 사복을 보고 빠져서
I fell in love with Winona Rider's clothes.

사진을 쓸어모으던 시절이 있었어요
There was a time when I used to collect pictures.

또또 누구잇지
Who else is there?

Angelina Jolie.

좀 졸리요 지금
I'm a little sleepy right now.

데본 아오키
Devon Aoki

Avril Lavigne Onni

I'll stop.

낼 아침까지 얘기할수잇음
I can talk to you until tomorrow morning.

내 취향 모르겟다고..ㅜ?
I don't know my taste.What?

Is that so?

그냥 예쁜 여자를 좋아해요
I just like pretty girls.

아니 근데 느낌비슷한데
No, but it feels similar.

I'm washing up.
