2022 08 10 2699

나도 부이앱하고 바로 잠들었어 3_3
I fell asleep right after I did Vui app. 3_3.

키키 💖
Kiki 💖

나 요즘 왼쪽얼굴로 사진 많이 찍는당
I take a lot of pictures with my left face these days.

I don't know.

진솔인 오른쪽이쟈나
JinSoul's right.

나두 오른쪽얼굴이이뽀
My right side of my face is pretty.

안 푼 사진 많징
There are a lot of pictures that I didn't reveal.

고건 아마 포토카드로 제작이 될 거 예용
It's going to be made into a photo card.


You want me to show you?

보여주면 못써여 😂💖
I can't show you 😂💖

갤러리에 58000장잇서
58,000 copies in the gallery.

올릴게없졍 .. 거의 다 올렸써 잘나온거는
There's nothing to post. I uploaded almost all of the good ones.

낼 또 찍으께영💖
I'll film it again tomorrow. 💖

예전거는 다시보면 뭔가 맘에안드뤄
I don't like the old one when I watch it again.

그럼그럼 난 다 올리니까 걱정마요〰️
Then I'll post everything, so don't worry. 〰️

브이로그 투어 때 찍고잇어욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I'm filming it during the VLOG tour.(Laughs)

근데 제가 또 제가 각잡고 편집해야 승에 차가지고예..
But I have to edit it in a good way.

이런 완벽주의자 거북이를 사랑해주시죠
Please love this perfectionist turtle.

브이로그 촬영 역사는 쏘왓 쟈켓촬영장에서부터 시작일걸요
The history of vlogs is probably starting from the set of Sawat's jacket.

근데 저의 문제점은 막상 시간이 생기면 멍때린다는거예요..
But my problem is that I space out when I have time.

고치고싶은 나의 문제점 시간을 알차게쓰고싶은데 텀이 생기면 진심 게으름뱅이가 돼여
My problem that I want to fix, I want to spend my time well, but when I have a break, I become a real lazy person.

갑자기 뜨끈한 쇠고기미역국 먹고싶다
I suddenly want to eat hot beef seaweed soup.

난 빨간 소고기뭇국이 조아
I like red beef radish soup.

이제 곧 네시다
It's almost four o'clock.

난 내일 선발대라서
I'm in the advance team tomorrow.

다시 자볼게 안녕
I'll go back to sleep. Bye.
