2022 08 05 2597

해주랑 반반 먹음
Half and half with Haeju.

아아는 고언이랑
I know Goon and...

요기는 오전 10시 46분 !
It's 10:46 a.m. here!

아 거김 새벽이구나
Ah, it's dawn there.

Good night.


씻고 누워잇지롱
I'm lying down after washing up.

South Korea

It's 4:47.

나도 하슬이랑 차쥐뿔 보고왓서
I saw the horn with Haseul.

골뱅이 … 맛있겠다
Sea snails... It looks delicious.

영상 올리려했는대 젛대 안올라가네요ㅜㅜㅜ
They were going to upload the video. It's not going up.ㅜㅜㅜ

내일 올릴게ㅜ
I'll upload it tomorrow.

30 minutes.

I want to eat sashimi.

해주랑 고앵이랑 아까 6시쯤 밥먹고
Haeju and the cat ate around 6pm.

숙소오자마자 기절해서 밤12시에 일어낫어
I passed out as soon as I arrived at the dorm, so I woke up at midnight.

여긴 새벽 두시 삼십삼분
It's 2:33 a.m. here.

아무래도 야식먹던 습관땜에 계속 배가 고픈가봐여😂
I guess I'm constantly hungry because of the habit of eating late night snacks. 😂

한국가면 비빔면에 삼겹살먹ㄹ어야지
When I go back to Korea, I'm going to eat bibimmyeon and pork belly.

투어는 굉장히 재밌게 잘하구있으니 걱정마셔요
We're having a lot of fun on the tour, so don't worry.

투어준비하면서 다른 선배님들 콘서트영상도 많이 보기도 했고 이렇게해야지 저렇게해야지 하고싶은 것도 많았는데
While preparing for the tour, I watched a lot of concert videos of other seniors. There were a lot of things I wanted to do.

막상 무대하면 기억 하나도 안나고 그냥 순간순간 즐기고 있어여
But when I perform, I don't remember a thing and I'm just enjoying every moment.

미국에 있는 오빛분들은 저희 무대 실제로 처음보는경우가 대부분일테니까 한 곡 한 곡 120프로 최선을 다하구있어여!
ORBIT in the U.S. are doing their best for 120% of each song because most of them are watching our performance for the first time in real life!

마지막에 댄스곡 와다다 할 때에는 진짜 와 죽겠다하는데도 내가 여기서 힘 풀면 그건 예의가 아니지 정신차려 하면서 저를 매번 참교육 중
At the end of the dance song, I thought I was going to die, but if I let go of my energy, it's not polite. I try to get myself together and train myself.


근데 관객들 보면 그렇게 안 할 수가 없어
But I can't help but do that when I see the audience.

사랑받는만큼 더 열심히해야져
I need to work harder as much as I'm loved.

체력은 안 좋지만 지구력은 있어여
I don't have good physical strength, but I have endurance.

건강하게 무대하고 갈게여〰️〰️〰️〰️
I'll be healthy on stage〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️

무대든 멘탈이든 더 성장해서 가겠읍니다
Whether it's on stage or mentally, I'll grow more and go.

🍎 긍데 언니 저 1 하는데 너무 졸려요..잠깨는 방법 공you좀
🍎 I'm doing 1 and I'm so sleepy.How to wake up Gong you

그것 또한 지구력, 정신력이야🔥 버텨🔥🔥🔥🔥
That's also endurance and mental strength 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Hang in there 🔥

저메추 음
Dinner menu recommendation.

골뱅이무침+소면, 꼬막비빔밥, 육회, 물회
Spicy whelk noodles, cockle bibimbap, yukhoe, cold raw fish soup.

그러게요 소주가 먹고싶은것일까 …?
I wonder if I want to drink soju...?

아무튼 맛있게드셔여
Anyway, enjoy your meal.

해산물 싫으시다면 … 우동..! 유부우동, 땡초우동, 김치우동..
If you don't like seafood... Udon! Fried tofu udon, dancho udon, kimchi udon...

저는 이제 자보께여
I'm going to sleep now.

잠 오는 젤리를 먹었어
I ate jelly that made me fall asleep.

잘 자 💖
Good night 💖

하슬이랑 조식기다리는즁
Waiting for breakfast with Haseul.

morning coffee

한국오빛은 이제 잘 시간이지
It's time to sleep for ORBIT in Korea.

잘 자💖 걱정없이 좋은 꿈 꿔〰️〰️〰️〰️😪
Good night 〰 Sweet dreams without worrying 〰️〰️😪️〰️💖️😪

해외에 있는 오빛
Orbit overseas.

나처럼 미국에 있는 오빛들은 오늘 하루도 행복하게 화이팅 〰️〰️〰️〰️💖
Orbit in America like me, fighting happily today 〰 〰 〰 〰 💖 ️ 💖 〰 ️ ️

덴버의 좋은점이요 ?
The good thing about Denver?

구름이 잘 보이구
I can see the clouds well.

조용한 것 같아서 좋아요 😃
I like it because it's quiet. 😃