2022 08 03 2553
퇴근하고 피자먹엇따 !
I ate pizza after work!
이거 무슨 고기??? 피자같애
What kind of meat is this? It's like pizza.
It was random.
나는 하슬이랑 먹엇엉
I ate with Haseul.
엄마랑 영통했는데 고구마줄기된장찌개 먹었대서 갑자기 먹고싶어젺어
I had a video call with my mom and she said she ate sweet potato stem doenjang jjigae, so I suddenly want to eat it.
오늘 대기실에선 제육볶음먹었엉
I ate stir-fried spicy pork in the waiting room today.
한식도 먹구 미국음식도 먹구~~~
I eat Korean food and American food.