2022 07 31 2484
그거 고민하다보면 가시고 없음
If you think about it, you can't go.
아유~~ 아유~~ 하라구욬ㅋㅋㅋ
🍎 ㅇㅈ 나두 한국어 어려워
🍎 I agree. Korean is hard for me, too.
너무 잘쓰고 계신데요 당신 ㅜㅜ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
You're using it so well. You ㅜㅜ (Laughs)
i really appreciate your help💖
i really appreciate your help💖
미국 유행어는 뭐가 있어여
What are some American buzzwords?
i know “slay” already 😎
i know “slay” already 😎
🍎 Americans use the word "like" a lot
하슬이 문장에서 한국어 등가어를 많이 사용한 것과 비슷합니까? 정확히 뭐라고 표현해야할지 모르겠지만 ㅋㅋ
i got it right away
🍎 Americans use the word "like" a lot
Is it similar to Haseul using a lot of Korean equivalents in his sentence? I don't know how to express it exactly lol
i got it right away
How can i use “like”?
How can i use “like”?
약간 쫌 이런거구만
It's kind of like this.
🍎 소리 없이 멈추는 대신 생각할 수 있는 필러 단어입니다
🍎 It's a filler word that you can think of instead of stopping silently.
i got it〰️〰️〰️〰️🤓
i got it〰️〰️〰️〰️🤓
🍎 I like you = すよん、すきすきだいすき愛してる💖
🍎 I like you = すよん、すきすきだいすき愛してる💖
Ski Ski Diseki Aishiteru 💖
🍎 Can you teach us something to say in korean?
🍎 Can you teach us something to say in korean?
“쩐다” means slay
for example, u can use it like this
와 하수영 오늘 얼굴 쩐다
wow yves’s face slay today
"It's amazing". Means slow.
for example, u can use it like this
Wow, Ha Sooyoung's face is amazing today.
wow yves’s face slay today
아 요즘 쩐다 안써여?
It's awesome these days, isn't it used?
저는 옛날 사람이라 씁니다
I use it because I'm old.
요즘 아기들은 뭐 쓰는데요?
What do babies use these days?
현 중학생오빛 규모양, “쩐다” 많이 써,
Current middle school student ORBIT scale, use "Awesome" a lot.
누리꾼 “경악”, 이브 “내말맞지”
Netizens "Amazing", Eve "I'm right".
누리꾼 “바른말 가르쳐야…”, 갑론을박 펼쳐져
Netizen said, "You have to teach me the right words...", with open discussion
쩐다 말고 뭐쓰는데여 도대체
What else do you use?
오진다 지린다 래요
They said it's awesome.
진짜 학생같네욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
You really look like a student.(Laughs) (Laughs)
울반 담탱이 지대 짱나 라뇨
What do you mean "Ulban Damtang" is the best country?
당신 최소 90~95년생
You were born in 1990~95.
저는 담임이라고 했어여
I said homeroom teacher.
하삼 하셈 쓰면 늙어보인다고요
I look old when I use it.
알겟삼 ㅋ
All right.
저 삼 셈 많이 써요
I use Sam a lot.
다들 나한테 나이많아보인다해서 그만얘기하겠어요
Everyone says I look old, so I'll stop talking.
26밖에 안됐구만
It's only 26.
괜찮아여 타격감제로
It's all right, it's all right, it's a zero hit.
나이 먹어갈수록 성숙해지고 아름다워지는거랍니다 ^^💖
As you get older, you become more mature and beautiful. ^^💖
하슬이랑 바깥구경중
Watching outside with Haseul.
저흰 자다깨다 자다깨다 얘기하고 해여
We sleep and wake up and talk.
하슬이랑 잘 맞아요 하슬이는 어케 느낄지모르겠지만
Haseul and I go well together. I don't know how Haseul feels.
자다깨서 서로 방금 꾼 꿈 얘기하구
We woke up and talked about the dream we just now.
가서없는 피아노노래 틀어놓구
I played a piano song that wasn't there.
You're excited?
근데 La 밖에 사람이 정말 없네용
But there are so many people outside of La.
안나갔어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I didn't go out. (Laughs) (Laughs)
나 못나가..
I can't go out...
Let's look out the window.
밤엔 강아지도 없네여
There are no dogs at night.
강아지도 자야지 맞아
Puppies need to sleep, too. That's
자는 강아지 나도 보고싶다
Sleeping puppy, I miss you, too.
a hot livestock puppy