2022 07 28 2431

It's a kika.

It's awesome.

혀는 별루 안매운데
My tongue isn't that spicy.

피부가 넘 따가워
My skin is burning.

저 입술에 점 있다요
I have a mole on my lips.

It's fascinating.

Give it to me.

넘 자세히 보셔서 바꿉니다
I'll change it because you've seen it so closely.

고원이가 골라준 안경
Glasses that Go Won picked for me.


the real thing

짐싼다 다시
I'm packing again.

제가 아까 고은애 캐릭터를 프사로 해서 많이 속상하셨군요 저는 달려라 하니 라는 만화가 한국의 고전 만화였기에 사용했던 것인데 불쾌감을 살 수 있다는 생각을 하지 못했네요 속상하신 여러분들께 사과를 전해요 다음부터는 캐릭터를 사용하기전에 오해를 살 수 있는 요소가 있는지 한번 더 확인할게요
You must have been really upset because I made Ko Eunae's character as my profile picture. I used the cartoon "Run Hani" because it was a classic Korean cartoon, but I didn't think it could be unpleasant. I apologize to all of you who are upset. Next time, I'll check if there's any misunderstanding before using the character.

저는 괜찮아요 ^^
I'm fine ^^

잘자요 바솩이들💖💖💖💖💖
Good night, Basak. 💖💖💖💖💖

제 걱정은 마셔요 ^^
Don't worry about me ^^

전 지금 캐리어 무게 초과돼서 뭘 빼야할지 고민중입니다 ..
I'm thinking about what to take out because my suitcase is overweight.

기내 캐리어도 초과돼서 빼고..
I took out my carry-on luggage because it's too much.


If you take it out...


정말 필요한 것만 넣엇는데
I only put in what I really need.

That's a big trouble.

밤새고 가겟군요
I'm going to stay up all night.

먼저 주무셔요
Go to sleep first.

Friday morning.

저는 제 자신을 매번 교육해왔으니 걱정말아요😉
I've been educating myself every time, so don't worry.😉

어제 짐싸다가
I was packing yesterday.

오늘아침에 피곤해서 못 일어날뻔함
I almost couldn't get up this morning because I was tired.

아무리 생각해도 뺄게 없는데 말이죠
There's nothing to lose.

전 비행기에서 잘자요..
I sleep well on the plane.

영화보고 노래듣고 하다가 기절
Watching movies, listening to music, and then fainting.

저번엔 불어둡게 해줄때 혼자 책읽었는데 잼썻음
Last time, I read a book by myself when it was darkened, but it was fun.

전 그냥 비행기에 있는 영화보는디여
I'm just watching a movie on the plane.

근데 평소엔 책 안읽슴다..
But I don't usually read books.

옛날 영화도 재밌자나요
Old movies are fun, too.

예전엔 책을 많이 읽었져
I used to read a lot of books.

When I was young,

지금은 .. 기절ㄹ
Right now, I'm fainting.

제 옆자리 ?.. 글쎄여
The seat next to me? I don't know.

I'll know when I get there.

노래 다운받아가야지
I'm going to download the song.

거북이선배님 비행기 추천한다구용
I recommend Turtle's airplane.use of use

저는 이 노래 조은데 넘 슬퍼여
This song is so sad.

먼가 가사가 슬픔
The lyrics are sad.

하지만 띵곡💖
But it's a great song

동방신기선배님 풍선
TVXQ's balloon.

I like it.

맞아 나도조아해
Right, I like it, too.

그래, 이브가 부른 하림선배님의 출국 듣자
Yes, let's listen to Harim's departure by Eve.