2022 07 09 2082

아 그리고 푸사에 내 인이어 이뿌지 ㄷ ㄷ
Oh, and my in-ear on PUSA.

이제 이거 끼고 세계정복 간 다 .. ㄷ ㄷ
I'm going to conquer the world with this on. shivering

가 보 자 고
Let's go.

집에서 이거끼고 혼자 이리저리 춤 춰봣는데 절대 안빠짐 ;
I've been dancing around alone at home with this on, but it never falls out;

고마워여 ..🫵🏻
Thank you. 🏻

진ㅁ짜 잘 자 !!!!!!!!
Really, good night!


웅웅 오빛도 깊고 까만꿈 🔲
Orbit is deep and black dream 🔲

Good morning

오늘 머리 머하지요
What should I do with my hair today?

나 이마에
On my forehead...

왕버튼 생겻다..
There's a big button.



아프겟다, 괜차나여언니 그래도 이뻐요 ➡️ F유형 띵동 ➡️ T유형
It must hurt, it's okay. You're still pretty. ➡️ Type F Ding dong ➡️ T type

🫵🏻F인데 띵동을 말한 당신, 다시 검사해보세요!🫵🏻
You who said ding dong when you're 🏻 F, check it again!🫵🏻

생머리 vs 자연스러운웨이브
Straight hair vs. natural wave.

🍎 수엉아 이 엠비티아이는 나랑 잘 맞았다 이런 엠비티아이 있오?

infj enfj entp intp .?.?
🍎 Is there a MVI that fits well with me?

infj enfj entp intp .?.?

  • infp

아냐 근데 다 잘맞아요..
No, but they all fit.

인프제는 보통 다 잘 맞춰쥽니다
INFJ is good at everything.

안 적었다고 싫은 유형이 아니라는것 🫵🏻 잘 맞는 유형이라는 것🫵🏻
Just because I didn't write it doesn't mean I don't like it 🏻 It's the type that fits well. 🏻

안맞는다고 안한것🫵🏻
I didn't say it didn't fit 🏻

확대해석하지말것 🫵🏻
Do not enlarge 🏻

네네 축소해석해쥬새요
Yes, yes, yes. They're going to shorten it.

오늘 제 버튼은 모른척 해주세요
Please pretend that you don't know my button today.


시러ㅜㅜ 띵동 싫어요 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
I don't like it. I don't like it. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️

🍎 누가 총대메고 띵동 한번만 하자,,,
🍎 Let's do a ding-dong with someone on the gun...


🍎 하지말란걸자꾸하려는당신🫵..으이그금쪽입니다
🍎 You keep trying to tell me not to.It's near here.

As soon as I got hit,

놀리지마러 ..
Don't make fun of me.

스트레스라구 🫠
It's stress 🫠


🍎 알았어 않뭃어봃개 띵동도 진짜 초인종에다가만 할개. 근데 햇갈리면 어떡개?
🍎 Okay, I won't. Ding dong is only for doorbells. What if I get confused?

Oh, my.



나 자연스러운 웨이브 하려구
I'm going to do a natural wave.

왜냐면 학생때에 나는 축제나 끝나고 어디놀러가거나 하면 항상 고데기로 웨이브를 말앗스니까
Because when I was a student, when I went somewhere after a festival, I always curled my hair with a curling iron.

🍎 그럼 오늘 스타일링도 직접 하시나요?
🍎 So you're styling yourself today?

아니요🫵🏻 정성스레 응모해주신 여러분들을 위해 저도 정성스럽게 꾸미고가야죠🫵🏻
No. 🏻 For those of you who applied sincerely, I'm going to decorate it with care.🫵🏻

I'm at a shop. 🏻

제가 꾸미면 다들 팬싸안오실것같은데툐🫵🏻
If I decorate it, I don't think everyone will come to the fan signing event. 🏻

Oh, my.

passport photo

넘 별로여서
It wasn't good.

I can't.

(Laughs) (Laughs)