2022 07 01 1937

I'm going home, Joo Woong 🚗

나 근데 셀카 잘 찍는 편이야?
Am I good at taking selfies?

난 잘 몰겟어
I don't know.

그려 ?..
Do you draw it?

근데 아직 찍어주는걸 더 잘하는둣
But I'm still better at taking pictures.

오늘 애들 레전드사진 마니 찍어줌
I took legendary pictures of them today.


낼은 무슨 머리하까
What kind of hair should I do tomorrow?

나 퍼스널 컬러 몰라 .. 담에 고언이랑 받으러가랴구
I don't know my personal color. I'm going to get it with Goon next time.

난 히피펌 할까햇오
I was going to do a hippie perm.

오늘 무대에서 못했짜나
I didn't do well on stage today.

사과머리 정녕 보구시퍼?
Apple hair. Is it really?


아니 내가 해도될까싶어서 😂
No, I was wondering if I could 😂