2022 06 24 1807
나는근데 차에서 울음
But I cried in the car.
안웃기긴한데 그 상황이 어이없어서 웃김 ㅜ ㅜ
It's not funny, but it's funny because the situation is ridiculous.
아니 참고로 웃겨서웅거야 걱정마셔
FYI, it's funny. Don't worry.
마자 내가 해명햇자낰ㅋㅋ
As soon as I explained it lol
저기제가 아까 아닙니다가 안괜찮다는게 아니구 괜찮다는 뜻이엇는디 말이 잘못나가서 주절주절 오해마시구 주절주절
Don't get me wrong when I said "no" earlier, it didn't mean it wasn't okay, it meant it was okay.
근데 옆에 또다른 스텝분이 야 구냥 사과드려라!!!! 이래서 아눀ㅋㅋㅋㅌㅋ 아닙니다ㅠㅠㅋㅌㅋ
But there's another staff member next to me. Apologize! So I was like, "No, no, no, no, no.(Crying)
Watch the official Twitter account.
gather up
가서 메시지보낼게
I'll go send you a message.
갑자기 잠이와여
I suddenly feel sleepy.
Oh, my.
I came home.
He passed out.(Laughs)
오빛 봤던게 꿈이었던것마냥 나름 푹잠
Orbit, as if it was a dream, I slept well.
오빛도 집가면 이런기분이엇을까영?
Would Orbit feel like this when he goes home?
먼가 안본거같고 한여름밤의 꿈같고 먼지아시져
It's like you haven't seen it, it's like a midsummer night's dream, you know, dust.
오늘 팬싸도 다 너무 감사하고 즐거웠어용💖
Thank you so much for today's fan signing and it was fun. 💖
오신분들 다 너무 감사해서 제 마음 가득 담아서 보답해드리고 싶었는데 뭐 어떻게 표현은 잘 못하지만 잘 닿았길 바래용 ㅜ💖
I was so thankful to all the people who came, so I wanted to repay you with my heart, but I'm not good at expressing it, but I hope you touched it well 💖
짧은시간이지만 우리보려구 그렇게 와준게 넘 감사하고 신기하고 매번 그래여~!~!~!
It's a short time, but I'm so thankful and amazed that you came to see us like that and every time~!~!~!
전 오늘도 이달소와 오빛이 낯가리는 현장속에 엠씨를 자처햇구요…
I claimed to be the MC today in the midst of LOONA and ORBIT being shy...
속으로 식은땀을 흘리고잇엇슴
I was sweating inside.
그리고 팬싸첨오신다고해도 긴장하지마셔요
And don't be nervous even if you're coming to the fan signing event.
저 인프제인간이라 마 뜨면 질문폭탄 던지니까 막 식은땀 흘리지 않으셔도돼여
I'm an INFJ human, so you don't have to sweat cold because I'm throwing a bomb of questions.
제가.. 제가 대신 흘릴게요
I... I'll spill it for you.
마가 뜬다
The devil is rising.
이런말.. 안쓰나
I don't know if you use this word.
나쁜말인가 ?
Is that a bad word?
아하…. 검색해보니 방송현장속어 이르케 뜸 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Aha... I searched for it and found that it was a slang for broadcasting. (Laughs) (Laughs)
정적이 생긴다로 정정하겟심더
I'll correct it to silence.
잠 오는데 배고프니까 뭐 먹고자까요
I'm sleepy but I'm hungry. What should I eat before I go to bed?
나 어제 마라탕먹구 잠
I ate malatang and slept last night.
아 그리구 미팬은 말해놨구
Oh, and Meefan told me.
활동끝나기전에 꼭하기로햇어용
I decided to do it before the activity ends.
원래 미팬은 미리 공지해주죠?
Mi-fan usually makes an announcement in advance,
그럼 미리해주지않을까요 ?
Then won't they do it in advance?
음 그면 그것도 말씀드려놓을게여
Well, then I'll tell you that, too.
Just in case!
근데 안될수도 있다는거 ~~~~~~~~
But it might not work.
🫵 명심하시길 ~~~~!
🫵 Keep that in mind!
지금까지 이달소 미팬 신청하는법이었습니다😃
This was how to apply for LOONA's fan event.😃
이 블로그포스트는 블베에게 소정의 어쩌구저쩌구 지급받아 작성된 게시물이 아닙니다
This blog post was not written by Blbe with a certain amount of money.
🫵 이거 ㅁ몬가 블로그에서 자주 본 느낌
🫵 I think I've seen this a lot on Mmonga's blog.
몰라 느낌이 그럼
I don't know. Then...
아 그 이모팈ㅎㄴ 잇자나 삿대질하는 이모티콘
Oh, that emoticon. The emoticon that points at the letter.
일단 잠들기전ㄹ에밥시킹고오ㅓ야겟거요
I'm gonna go to bed before I go to bed.