2022 06 21 1753

그냥 밥먹고 웃고 카페가고 웃고 추팔 ..
I just ate, laughed, went to a cafe, laughed, and...

It's the same lol

Right now, Kakao Talk.

680개 밀려잇어요
There are 680.


전 그래서 친구들 만나면 연락으로 겁나 혼납니다 ..
So when I meet my friends, I get scolded a lot for contacting them.

하지만 귀 참ㅎ 아..
But my ears.. ah..

고언이랑 얼마전에 얘기햇는데
I talked to Goon a few days ago.

저는 연락이 이어지는게 넘 힘들거든여
It's so hard for me to keep in touch.

근데 사람들은 아닌가봐여
But people don't seem to be.

그럼 매일 여러사람들과 끊이지 않는 연락을 끊이지않게 하고 계신거예요?..
So you keep in constant contact with many people every day?

다들 내 팬이라
They're all my fans.

나랑 비슷하군
It's similar to me.

🍎 수영아 그럼 연락할때 계속 칼답받으면 기분이 어떠니...
🍎 Sooyoung, how do you feel if you keep answering me when you contact me?

아우 이건 바솩이도 비슷하지않을까ㅔ
Oh, this is similar to Basuk.

괜히 답햇다 싶고.. 스리슬쩍 안읽기시작…
I feel like I shouldn't have answered. Start not to read...

근데 팹에서 오빛들이 답을 잘안한다?
But ORBIT doesn't answer in Fab.

새로고침 계속하명서
Refreshing Continuation Order

어라? 싶음
I was like, "Oh?"

웅 답별로 안올때도 많어
There are a lot of times when I don't get a lot of answers.

이제 나도 바솩이들한테 밀당 좀 해야겟다 …
Now I'm going to play hard to get with the Basak...

안녕 . . .

🍎 저녁 메뉴만 골라주고 가라.. 배달삼겹 vs 쌀국수 + 분짜
🍎 Just pick out the dinner menu and go. Delivery pork belly vs rice noodle bun cha.

쌀국수 + 분짜 !
Rice noodles bun cha!

Oh, my sister.

아뇨 저희집에영
No, at my house.

울언니는 저랑 한살차이여요
My sister is a year older than me.

27살 ~
27 years old.

언니도 서울에 살아여
My sister lives in Seoul, too.

하울의 움직이는 성 봣덩
Howl's Moving Castle Beetle

My favorite scene.


그 소피가 하울의 은신처가 있는 꽃밭갔을때 와본적있는거같다고 눈물날것같다햇자나요
I think I'm going to cry because Sophie has been to the flower garden where Howl's hideout is.Let's do it.

근데 나중에 소피가 어린하울 만난 그 곳이었을때 ~~~~~~~
But later, when Sophie met young Howl,

My favorite character?

하울 ~~~~~~

(Laughs) (Laughs)

아무래도 하씨니까
Since it's Ha's family name,

Watch SHICHU video.

my phone is still alive😂
my phone is still alive😂

다들 궁금해하는군
Everyone's curious.

and i have a new phone 😎
and i have a new phone 😎

잘 자
Good night

🫠 드르렁
🫠 snarling

사진 올렸는데 안올라어넹
I posted a picture, but it's not going to be uploaded.

Oh, my.

I'll tell you.

팬케익 먹고싶당
I want to eat pancakes.

왕 올라왔다 ~~~~~💖
The king came up~~~~~~💖

저기서 봥
See you there.