2022 06 10 1588

저희 언니는 매운걸 못느껴여
My sister doesn't feel spicy.

저희 엄마도 불닭 삿는데
My mom bought spicy chicken too.

보니까 핵불닭이엇대요 근데 그냥 드셨대여 할머니랑
It's a super spicy chicken. But she just ate it with her grandmother.

저희 엄마는 속안좋으시면 매운거 시켜달라하셔요
My mom wants me to order spicy food if I feel sick.

그럼 저는 아구찜 매운맛 시켜드림
Then I'll order spicy steamed monkfish.

속이 안조은게 약간
My insides aren't tight because...

느글거리고 그럴때
When you're feeling languid.

저희집 느끼한거 진짜 시러해서ㅠ
I really hate greasy food at my house.

소고기뭇국은 빨간색이져
Beef radish soup is red.

저희집은 콩나물국도 재첩국도 빨개요
Bean sprout soup and corbicula soup are red.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

제사지낼때 탕국에 조개들어가는사람
A person who puts clams in Tangguk during a memorial service.


새우랑 조개 맞아
Shrimps and clams. Right.

쥐포튀김 올리는 사람
Who puts fried dried filefish fillet on top?


부산바솩 얼마업네
How much is Busan Basak?

제삿상에 튀김 안올려여 ? ㅇㅅㅇ
Don't you put fries on the table? ㅇㅅㅇ

오징어튀김 쥐포튀김 새우튀김 고구마튀김
Fried squid, fried fish fillet, fried shrimp, fried sweet potato.

Put it up like this.

두부전 생선전 동그랑땡 산적꼬치
Tofu pancake, fish pancake, meatball, sanjeok skewers.

전이랑 튀김 둘다올려여
Put both jeon and fries on top.

경상도는 쥐포 올린다구 들엇는뎅
I heard that Gyeongsang-do raises dried filefish fillet.

경상도라도 집마다 다르니까요
Gyeongsang Province is different from house to house.

그럴 수 잇져
That's possible.

그래도 올리는 바솩 잇어서 반갑따
But it's nice to see Ollie's Basu.

Are you a drunkard?


It's a secret.

어릴때 음복하라구 술한잔씩 주잖아요
When you're a kid, you give them a drink to drink.

근데 넘 어릴때는 안마셨어여
But I didn't drink it when I was too young.

그냥 튀김 집어먹고 음복! 이랫어여
I just eat fried food and drink! It was like this.

맞아 맨날 입술만 대라고 하심
Right, they always tell me to just touch my lips.

그리고 제사 끝나면 항상 사촌들이랑 촛불 한번에 끄기 배틀
And after the memorial service, I always put out candles with my cousins.

손으로 꺼야함
Need to turn it off by hand

밥먹고 수영아 노래한번뽑아바라 가스나 가수될라카믄 어른들앞에서 노래해야지
Sooyoung, pick a song after you eat. You have to sing in front of adults who want to become a singer.

I'm embarrassed.

If you do

마 니는 가수몬하겟다!!! 그래갖고 뭔 가수를 하노!!!
My mother must be a singer! So, what kind of singer are you doing?

그래서 한곡 뽑으면
So if I pick one song,

사촌언니가 엄마보고 수영이 가수시키라고 설득하면
If my cousin persuades my mom to let Sooyoung sing,

울엄마 야가 무슨 가수를 하노 이 촌구석에서~ 그라고 야보다 노래하고 이뿐아들 쌧다!!!!!!!!
How can my mom be a singer in this village? That's why I sing Yaboda and only my son!

뜬구름 자꾸 잡아봣자 소용없따!!!
Let's keep trying to catch floating clouds! It's no use!

그렇게 19년을 보냄 ㅜ
I spent 19 years like that.

그래서 나는 명절때마다 엄마 너무 강경해서 힘들엇음 ㅜ _
So, I had a hard time every holiday because my mom was so hard on me

저희 엄마 맨날 대학가요제 나가라고 하심 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ

My mom always tells me to go out on the college song festival (Laughs) (Laughs] (Laughs] (Laughs]


하 엄마 저는 아이돌이 하고싶다구요
Mom, I want to be an idol.old song

I'm Home

지금 들어옴
They're coming in now.

잠온다 3_3
I'm getting sleepy. 3_3.