2022 06 08 1555

무신사 비회원으로 살걸여 보통..
I would have lived as a non-member of Musinsa.

저 로그인 포인트적립이런거 귀찮아해서 …
I'm lazy about accumulating login points...

옷사려고 막 다 햇다가 로그인 회원가입 절차 귀찮아서 에잇 안 사 이런적 많음
I did everything to buy clothes, but I didn't buy it because I was lazy to sign up for the login membership process.

너가 이럿케 나오면 난 안사지 안사 하고 안삼
If you come out like this, I won't buy it. I won't buy it.

🍎 빨간바지가 강렬해섴ㅋㅋㅋ 한 두번만 입어도 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다음번에 또 입으면

야 너 또 빨간바지냐 ㅠ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 라는 말 맨날 들음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

내 파란 바지가 그래 🥲 그냥 나 맨날 파란바지 입은 애 됨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 10번도 안입었는뎈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
🍎 The red pants are strong lol Even if you wear them once or twice (Laughs) If I wear it again next time,

Hey, are you red pants again? I always hear that. (Laughs) (Laughs)

My blue pants are like that 🥲 I'm just a kid who always wears blue pants lol. I haven't worn it 10 times.(Laughs) (Laughs)

맞아 이거닷
Right, this is it.

염색하고 흰 옷 못입은지 꽤 됏어
It's been a while since I dyed my hair and wore white.

잘 입는 연습복…
a well-worn practice suit...


마자 집히는거 입오
Put on the one you pick up.

인프제는 종종 p같은 인간
INFJ is often a human being like P.p.

막 착착 옷 정리해서 빼놓고 그정돈 아녀요
I organize my clothes and take them out. It's not the right thing.

약속잇으면 전날에 뭐입지하고 행거 스캔하다가
If I have an appointment, I'll scan the location and hangers the day before.

딱히 입을거업ㄹ으면 핀터레스트 외국스트릿패션 둘러봐욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
If you're going to wear anything, look around Pinterest's foreign street fashion lol.

오 이르케 입으니 예쁘네.. 낼 저렇게 입어야지 하고 그냥 드르렁
Oh, you look pretty in that. I thought that I should dress like that and just growl.

저근데 쇼핑안한지 진짜 오래됨스
It's been a really long time since I went shopping.

제가 옷이 많은 이유는 그저 스펙트럼이 넒어서
The reason I have a lot of clothes is because my spectrum is wide.

저도 제 취향이 하나면 좋겟어요
I wish I had one preference.

옷 취향은 빈티지 러블리 힙한거 모던한거 보헤미안…더보기
For clothes, vintage, lovely, hip, modern, bohemian...To see more details

인테리어는 빈티지한데 묘하게 현대스러운걸 좋아함 그래서 찐한 원목에 모듈가구 섞여있는 괴기한 조합…
The interior is vintage, but strangely modern, so a strange combination of module furniture mixed in thick wood...

그래서 이젠 그냥 포기하고 적절히 섞고 있음니다 우하하
So now I'm just giving up and mixing it properly haha

기엽고 하찮고 뚱뚱하고 따뜻하면서 말랑하고 축늘어진 시추와 침대에 누워잇고 시픈 2시40분…
Cute, insignificant, fat, warm, soft, droopy drilling and lying in bed at 2:40 p.

저번에 길가다가 멍청~하고 기엽게 생긴 퉁퉁시츄보고 고원이랑 둘이 꺅~~~~ 했는데 주인분이랑 시추가 동시에 돌아보심
Last time, when I saw Tung Tung Shih-chu, who looked stupid and cute on the street, Go Won and I screamed, but the owner and Shih-chu turned around at the same time.

응 난 시츄가 젤 좋아 젤 귀여워..
Yes, I like Shih Tzu the most. She's the cutest.

시츄 키우는 사람들 대부분 노견이많고
Most of the people who raise Shih Tzu have old dogs.

시츄 한번 키웠던 사람은 시츄만 키우거나 이미떠나보낸 강아지가 잇어서
The person who raised Shih Tzu once had a dog that only raised Shih Tzu or left.

시츄 유투브보면 꼭 슬픈댓글 있음..
If you watch Shih Tzu YouTube, there are always sad comments...

그리고 길에서 시추보면 나처럼 묘하게 슬픈눈으로 보는사람들 잇음 ㅜ
And there are people who look at drilling with strangely sad eyes like me.

It reminds me of my baby.

다들 슬퍼하넨
Everyone is sad.

I'm sorry.

나 이런얘기 아무렇지않게 자주하는딩
I talk about this often.

다들 울고잇어서 당황해써
Everyone was crying, so I was flustered.

I have to eat.

a rice cup

뚜앤미 유튜브인데 시츄 기여웡😀
It's Su&Me YouTube. Shichu is so cute. 😀

핫도그 시켯따
I ordered a hot dog.

I'm getting motion sickness.

우엑 ㅜ
Oh my god.

나는 자동차가 시러요
I don't like cars.

운전하는 사람은 멀미안난다던데
I heard people who drive don't get carsick.

난 어렷을 때 소풍가면 두자리 주셧어
When I was young, they gave me two seats on a picnic.

Lie down.

앞자리는 선생님 힘드실까봐
In case the teacher in the front seat is tired,

그냥 혼자 뒷자리 누워서 눈물콧물 흘리면서 감 ..
I'm just lying down in the back and crying.

도착하면 엄마가 싸준 유부초밥 하나도 못먹고 돗자리에 그냥 누워잇기..
When I arrive, I can't eat any fried tofu rice balls that my mom made for me and just lie on the mat.

키미테도 붙이구
I put Kimite on Kimite, too.

멀미약도 먹지만
I take medicine for motion sickness.

결국 다 토함스
Eventually, it's all Tohams.

저는 그래사 봉다리 필수
For me, it's a must.