2022 06 04 1509

야~ 여긴 화음이자낭~~
Hey, this is harmony.

왕 자동재생으로
It's automatic.

사랑은 미친짓 나와여 ㅠ ㅠ 이거도 넘 조아요 알죠?!
Love is crazy. I love this too. You know that, right?

왕 저 완전 극 데뷔초 때
When I debuted,

On the first month of our debut,

어느편의점에서 주스고르다 옆에봤는데 제이미 선배님 계셔서
I was choosing juice at a convenience store and I saw Jamie next to me.

일방적으로 알아보고 우와
They recognized it unilaterally. Wow.

우와 대박 안녕하세요 이달의소녀입니다 하고 90도 인사 꾸벅했는데
Wow, awesome. Hello. I bowed 90 degrees to LOONA.

엄청엄청 당황하셔서 죄송했던 기억
I remember being really embarrassed and apologizing.

전 편의점에서 왜 그랬을까요? ㅠ
Why did I do that at the convenience store? (T)

근데 그땐 습관이엇음 ㅜ __ ㅜ
But it was a habit back then.

숙소 엘베에서도 가끔 아직도 활동기때는 모르는사람들한테 안녕하세요 안녕히가세요
When we're in Elbe at the dorm, we sometimes say hello to people we don't know. Goodbye.

하고 아차 싶음 ㅠ
And I think it hurts.

음방편의점 아녀요 진짜 그냥 길가다 편의점 ;..
It's not a music show convenience store. It's just a convenience store on the street.

와 제이미선배님 노래 나와요 ㅋㅋ💖
Wow, Jamie's song is coming out. LOL 💖

선배님 사랑합니다
I love you.

그 썰 ㅜㅠㅠ 아시는 분
Does anyone know that story?

어떤 사람이 승진한거 까먹구 카페에서 팀장? 호출받으니까 자기가 불러오겠다구하고 가서 좀있다 자기가 다시온거 ㅜㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Someone forgot that they got promoted. Team leader at the cafe? I was paged, so he said he'd call me back, so I'll go and see you later. He came back.(Laughs)

갑자기 생각남ㅇㅇ..
I suddenly remembered...

왜 갑자기 생각나지요
Why do I suddenly think of it's

ah ah

I was a manager.

🍎 [모바일배려] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ커피전문점 알바할때 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 총 8잔이였음 ㅋㅋㅋ 뭐 라떼 세잔 아이스아메리카노 한잔 따뜻한 아메리카노 한잔 아이스초코 세잔 나왔습니다~!! 이런식으로 했었어야되는데 바쁘고 정신없고 잔수도 너무 많고 이래서 말꼬임 ㅋㅋ아이스초키세잔 아이야스메리카노 한잔 아메리카노한잔 아이스라따!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!하고 나 기절ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ매니저님은 아이스초키에서 부터 기절ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ그러더니 그이후로 매니저님계속 주문하신 아이야!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
🍎 [Mobile Consideration] (Laughs) (Laughs)When I worked part-time at a coffee shop, (Laughs) There were 8 cups in total lol. 3 cups of latte, 1 cup of iced Americano, 1 cup of warm Americano, and 3 cups of iced chocolate came out! I should've done it like this, but I was busy, distracted, and had too many sleepers, so I got confused. Iced chokie cézanne, Iya-smericano, Iced Rata, Iced Rata, I fainted.(Laughs) (Laughs)The manager fainted from the ice chocolate.(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)And since then, the manager has been ordering this kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Laughs) (Laughs)

I don't know this either.(Laughs)

아이스라따 ~!~!~!~!!~!!!!🔥
Iced Latta!🔥

This is fun.

제친구들이랑 저희언니도 인터넷중독이라
My friends and my sister are also addicted to the Internet.

웃긴거만 잇으면 보내주시거든요
Whenever there are funny things, they send it to me.

서로 웃긴거 보내고 안웃으려고함 ;
Send funny things to each other and try not to laugh;

Utchambui app.

준비물 : 바솩이들이 나를 웃길만한 웃긴썰 가져오기
Ingredients: Bring me a funny story that will make me laugh.

저 잘 안웃어여
I don't laugh a lot.

집에 혼자 잇을때도 진짜~~~~ 웃겨야 혼자 피식- 하고 아 웃기네 ㅋ 하고 공유함..
When I'm alone at home, I have to be funny to laugh alone. - Oh, that's funny. I shared it with you.

거의 ㅡ_ㅡ 이러구 봄
It's almost like -_-

저 웃음장벽 짱 높은데
I have a lot of laughing barriers.

거짓말을 못해서
I can't lie.

웃겨야 웃어여
You have to make me laugh.

진심으로 웃기도해 하지만 대부분네 가짜웃씀으로 도배돼버린하루
I laugh from the bottom of my heart, but most of the days are filled with your fake laughter.

🍎 그럼 이달소 멤버중에 언니를 가장 많이 웃게하는 웃수저 멤버가 누구에여??
🍎 Then who is the member of LOONA who makes you laugh the most?

고원이? 해주? 티키타카가 잘돼욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Go Won? Do it? He's good at tiki-taka.(Laughs) (Laughs)


근데 셋이 잇으면 아무도 안웃으려고함
But when the three of us are together, no one tries to laugh.

저텐션으로 서로 웃기고싶어만함
We just want to make each other laugh with low tension.

그래도 셋즁엔 고원이가 젤 마니 웃어줄걸요
But Go Won will be the one who laughs the most.

고원이 곧 죽을 것 처럼 웃는거잇어요
There's GoWon laughing as if he's about to die.

그래서 해주랑 맨날 “뭐야 저러다 죽는거 아니여”
So with Haeju, "What? You're not going to die like that."

흑 흑흑 흑흑 이렇게 웃어요 박고원
He laughs like this. Park Go Won

난 잘 웃어주는 사람이 좋아
I like someone who smiles a lot.

물론 같이 웃겨주는 사람도 좋아
Of course, I like people who make me laugh.

난 일단 개그코드가 맞으면 쫌 호감이야
If you have a good sense of humor, I like you.