2022 06 04 1500
Hi, everyone.
나는 귀가 자주 먹먹하고 막힌 느낌? 이 들어서 기분이 나빴는데 어제 검색해보니
My ears are often numb and clogged. I felt bad when I heard it, but when I searched it yesterday,
귀가 안좋으면 그런가벼
It's because I have bad ears.
그리고 제가 오래 서있거나 앉아있거나 그러면 항상 어지러운데 어지럼증도 적혀있드라구여
And when I'm standing or sitting for a long time, I'm always dizzy, but it also says dizziness.
나 담에 병원가보구 알려줄게
I'll go to the hospital and let you know.
삐 소리나면은
If there's a beeping sound,
우와 내 전생에 사랑하던 사람 죽었나바
Wow, the person I loved in my previous life died.
하고 말긴하는데
I do say that.
지금 !! 지금 삐소리나여
Right now!! I hear the beep sound right now.
나 전생에 팜므파탈 이었을지도
Maybe I was a femme fatale in my previous life.
To get rid of the salt?
내가 할 수 잇을까
Can I do it?
저 남자팬 전혀 안 싫어하는데요…?
I don't hate male fans at all....?
저 완전 좋아하는데..? ㅇㅅㅇ
I really like it. ㅇㅅㅇ
다만 제가 남자팬이 많이 없어서 매번 이브언니라는 말을 자주 듣다보니 저도 언니라는 말을 많이 쓰게 되는 것이고..
However, I don't have many male fans, so I often hear the word "Eve unnie" every time, so I use the word "unnie" a lot.
My my
속상하게 해드려 죄송합니다
I'm sorry to upset you.
그리고 안좋은말은 굳이 복붙하지 말라고 하신거도 충분히 이해했어요 저도 이제 복붙하지않을게요!
And I understand that you told me not to copy and paste bad words. I won't copy and paste anymore!
팬분들을 위한 어플인데 가끔 악플이 막 올라오면 저도 당황스러워서 그랬던 것인데 생각이 짧았던 것 같아용
It's an application for fans, but I was flustered when malicious comments were posted sometimes, but I think I thought too short.
그런건 제가 감수해야하는부분이니까
That's something I have to live with.
앞으론 신중해질게요
I'll be careful from now on.
그런데 근본적인 악플은 사라져야 한다구봐요 이세상에 그누구도 악플을 당연히 받아야할 사람은 없다구 봐서 허허
But I think the fundamental malicious comments need to go away. I don't think anyone in the world deserves bad comments of course haha
아무튼 저도 더 노력하겠습니다 !
Anyway, I'll work harder, too!
It's hard.
전 남자팬 여자팬 가른적도 없고 다 똑같이 좋아하는데
I've never split between male and female fans. I like them all the same.
저는 다 좋아해요
I like them all.
넹 저두 모든사람들이 저를 다 좋아할수는 없다고 생각해여!!!
Yeah I don't think everyone likes me either!!!
죄송해요 제가 말을 하면 다 오해로 번지는 것 같아서 팹을 잠깐 쉴까봐요ㅠ ㅠ
I'm sorry. If I say something, it seems like it's all going to be a misunderstanding, so I'm going to take a break from fab.
안녕 좋은하루보내💖
날 싫어하는 사람들 때문에
사랑하는 사람들이 피해보는게싫어서 ㅋ
내가 바솩이들한테 피해주고있는거같애서
전 괜찮으니 제 걱정은 마시구!
사랑해 나의바솩빛들 💖
신고와 차단은 꾸준히 하고있으니 걱정마여
Bye have a nice day 💖
Because of people who don't like me.
Because I don't want my loved ones to avoid it lol
I came here because I was worried.
I think I'm hurting them.
I'm fine, so don't worry about me!
I love you my Basak lights 💖
Don't worry, I'm constantly reporting and blocking.
저는 단단사과임니다
I'm a hard apple.
난 우리 바솩이들이랑 사랑하기에도 시간이 짧다
I don't have much time to fall in love with Basak.
너네 안울면서 운다구 그러지
You guys cry while not crying.
나 어제 편지가 700통 넘게 쏟아졌엉
I received more than 700 letters yesterday.
사랑하는 마음 고마웡
Thank you for loving me.
읽으면서 위로 받았쟈나💖
I was comforted while reading it. 💖
내 걱정말구 산뜻한 일요일보내!!!
Don't worry about me and have a fresh Sunday!!!
내 걱정하기에는 바솩이의 하루도 짧어…
To worry about me, Basak's day is short...
밥도 맛난거 많이먹고 커피도 먹구 그렇게 지내구있엉 알겠지?!
I eat a lot of delicious food and drink coffee. Let's stay like that, okay?