2022 06 01 1450
I decided to buy you meat.
고원이는 벌레잘잡아요
Go Won is good at catching bugs.
Thank you.
나 완전완전 무서웠는데 바솩이들이 지켜줬따
I was so scared, but Basak protected me.
아직 거울밑에 잇어 각씨는..
He's still under the mirror.
고원이는 나중에 부르기루햇어 나 씻고나중에
I was going to call GoWon later after washing up.
각씨 칵~~씨
Mr. Gak! Mr. Kak!
Just come more~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
이번에는 소독제말고 바퀴벌레약뿌려준다 !!!
This time, I'll spray cockroach medicine instead of disinfectant!!!
하 나이제 눈물닦고 집좀치우고 샤워하고올게…
I'm going to wipe my tears, clean up my house, and take a shower...
Thank you.
I'm exhausted.
🍎 https://kongbiti.netlify.app/
웅니 내가 새로운 테스트 갖구 와써 ~ ~ ~
콩비티아이 ?? 래요 언니두 한번 해바요 🫶🏻
나는 원래 INFP인딩 여기서는 ISFJ 나와써요
🍎 https://kongbiti.netlify.app/
Woongni, I came here with a new test.
Kong-VITY Eye? You should try it too. 🏻
I'm originally INFP inding. I'm ISFJ here.
나더 isfj 나왔따
I got the isfj.
가는즁 ~
I'm going~
편의점에서 스팸김치주먹밥 그거먹구
I ate spam kimchi rice balls at the convenience store.
I ate croffle.
It's JUYEON who's drinking a shot.
나 진심 1도안떨랴 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
I'm not nervous at all.
Don't worry.
스팸김치 먹는게 왜 기엽죠 …? ㅇㅅㅇ
Why is it so cute to eat Spam Kimchi?? ? ㅇㅅㅇ
난 근데 하나도 안떨려진심
I'm not nervous at all.
내 걱정은 마셔요
Don't worry about me.
재밌겠어서 빨리 하고시픔
It sounds fun, so I'll hurry up and do it.
역시 서바이벌의 끝은 성장인가보오
The end of survival must be growth.
How can you not be nervous?
멤버들? 누가 긴장했댕????
Members? Who is nervous?
아잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 알겠어 가서 재밌게풀어줄테니 걱정말어
Oh, my.(Laughs) All right, I'll make it fun for you, so don't worry.
전 막 직전되면 떨려서 긴장되기보다는 막 이쒸내가보여주께~ 이르케돼여
When I'm about to do something, I'm not nervous because I'm nervous, but I'll show you. Like this
그래서 무대하면서 계속 ‘흥분하지마~ 워우어ㅓㅓ워’ 생각
So while I was performing, I kept thinking, "Don't get excited! Wow! So cute!"
흥분하면 실수하더라구
He makes a mistake when he's excited.
정신 딱 붙잡고 그 순간의 디테일을 생각해야함
You need to focus and think about the details of the moment.
다음거 생각? 해도 실수함
Thinking about the next one? I made a mistake.
마지막 무대 앞두고 각오여?!
Resolution before the last performance?!
우승은 이달소😎❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
The winner is LOONA 😎❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
난 나를 믿고 이달소를 믿고 오빛을 믿는다요😎🫶❤️🍎
I believe in myself, in LOONA, in Orbit.😎🫶❤️🍎
진심 이 날을 위해 데뷔한거지 후후…🔥
I really made my debut for this day, huhuhuh...🔥
Ugh. 💋
빨리 보고싶다 우리 오빛들
I want to see ORBIT soon.
나는 우리는 준비한 무대를 멋찌게 실수없이 즐겁게 해보일테니까 걱정말구
I'm going to make a great performance without any mistakes, so don't worry.
편하게 기다려용
Just relax and wait.
아직 무대까지 많이 남았는데 벌써 떨리면 어떡해!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's still a lot left until the stage, but what if you're already nervous?
Going to work pli.
보아선배님 원샷투샷
BoA sunbae's one shot, two shot.
오랜만에 들으니 좋군요
It's nice to hear it after a long time.
행운을빌어줘 이부버전도 듣고왔슴다
Good luck. I listened to this second version.
백예린선배님 안티프리즈 듣는즁
I'm listening to "Anti-freeze" by Yerin Baek.