2022 05 27 1384

the Great Banggu

수윤이가 생일선물로 보내준 올영깁티
SUYUN sent me an all-young gift.

🍎 헐 수윤이가 뉘기임
🍎 Wow, Suyun is Noogi.

천재말랑아기고양이 로켓펀치비주얼담당
Genius soft baby cat in charge of Rocket Punch's visual.

저희 둘은 아주 예전부터.. 그렇고 그런사이 🫶
The two of us have been... In the meantime 🫶

수윤이 좋아하시면 이달소 파이널 투표해야돼여
If you like Suyun, you have to vote for the final this month.

왜냐그여? 제가 정함 ..
Why? I'll decide...

You miss me?

나도 보고시퍼
I want to see it, too.


항상 보고싶찌
I always miss you.

감기는 나아가고 있어 !
The cold is getting better!

밖에서는 오해하실까봐 기침을 꾹 참기도한답니다
I hold back my cough in case you misunderstand me.


빨리 나아야지요
I need to get better soon.

정승환 선배님의 안녕이란 말을 듣고있어요
I'm listening to Jung Seung Hwan's "Hello."

이 노래 오늘 화장하면서 들었는데 좋더라구
I listened to this song while putting on makeup today and it was good.

대화체의 가사가 좋은데 딱 그렇더라구여
I like the lyrics of the dialogue, but it's just like that.

방청오는 바솩빛들 있구나아
There are those who come to the audience.

나두 얼른 보고싶넹
I can't wait to see you, too.

못 가도 너무 속상해마!!!
Don't be so upset if you can't go!!!

우리의 마지막이 아니자나
It's not our last.

이걸루 속상하면 평생 놀릴거다 ~~~~~~~~
If you're so upset about this, you'll make fun of it forever. ~~~~~~~~

🍎 이제 남은건... 문투... 주변에 영업중이야 나 언니 남친한테까지도 부탁함...전애인들함테도 연락 드릉해 지금
🍎 All that's left is... Muntu... It's open around here. I even asked your boyfriend...I'm calling all my friends right now.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

It's not easy.

하지만 귀엽다
But it's cute.

당신의 노력
your efforts

굿네이버스는 봤어여?
Have you seen Good Neighbors?

Good job 💖

Thank you.

댓글도 아까 좀 봤는데 더 봐야겟당
I saw some comments earlier. I should've read some more.

🍎 잘 지내..? 보고싶은 건 아니고 부탁 하나만 해도 될까..? 혹시 퀸덤2 이달의 소녀 문자 투표 한번만 해줄 수 있어..?
🍎 How are you...? I don't miss you, but can I ask you a favor? Could you please vote for the text message of LOONA in QUINDOM 2?

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 보고싶은겅 아니고
(Laughs) (Laughs) It's not that I want to see it's not that.

포즈 응원법이 나왓너요?
Did the fan chant come out?

I'm looking forward to it

현장오는 바솩빛들 눈치보지말구 크게 외쳐주기야 !!!💖
Please shout out loud for the Basakbit who are coming to the scene!!!💖

나는 수윤이랑 영화관 데이투하고 집가는중
I'm going home after a movie date with SUYUN.

이제 거의 다왓슈
It's almost everything.

범죄도시2 !
Crime City 2!

너무 재미써요…
It's so much fun…

근데 쫌 마니 잔인해요
But it's a little cruel.

근데 그 정도는 이제 볼 수 있어여 이달소 숙소 특훈을 거쳐서 …
But I can see that much now. After this month's lodging special training...

손석구선배님을 다 자기꺼라고 하시네요…
They're saying that Son Seok-gu is all yours...

언제는 나밖에 없다더니
There's always only me.Donny

Oh, my.

아무튼 재밌더군요 볼까말까 고민하는 바솩이들 추천해
Anyway, it's fun. I recommend you guys who think about whether to watch it or not.

보고 지하철타고 슝슝 방금 집왓어여
I just got home by subway.

나의 해방일지??? 재미써요?
My liberation journal? Is it fun?