2022 05 14 1245

아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오키
Ah. (Laughs) Okay.

마!!!!!@ 마!!!!!
Ma!@ Ma!

It's this.

아 첨보는 선수한테 마!!!@ 쉽지안ㄹ은데
Don't tell a new player!@ It's not easy.

유교걸인 저한테 좀 어려운 숙제네요…
It's a difficult homework for me as a Confucian girl...

하지만 언젠가 하고잇겟죠 ㅋ
But I'll do it someday.

🍎 걱정마 나 6살때 야구장에서 마!!! 했어
🍎 Don't worry, I'm six years old at the baseball stadium! I did it.

아하 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ

아이돌의 세계와 야구의 세계는 다르군요
The world of idols and baseball are different.

🍎 여담이지만 오늘 안영미,뮤지님 라디오에 yyxy 프로즌 잠깐 나왔어요ㅎㅎ
🍎 By the way, Ahn Young-mi and Musician's radio show "yyxy Frozen" came out briefly today.Haha

오~ yyxy 뜬다
Oh, yyxy is coming up.

아 퇴근 ~~!~!~! 젤신난당 크크
Oh, going home~!~!~! The most exciting lol

몸은 피곤해도 재밌슴다
The body is fun even though it is tired.

내 걱정은 마셔요
Don't worry about me.

우리 바솩이
Our Basak.

오늘도 고생했따 💋
You did a great job today 💋

근데 내 걱정 안햇다니 그건 또 그거대로 서운하네
But you didn't worry about me? That's disappointing.

히히 장난이야
I'm just kidding.


성년의 날이래
Coming-of-Age Day.

성년의 날 맞은 바솩이
Basak celebrated Coming-of-Age Day.


🍎 아솩아 성년의 날 기념으로 성년 이행시 어때
🍎 How about an acrostic poem to celebrate Coming-of-Age Day?

성:공해서 년:봉 많이받자
Sung: in public. Nyeon: Let's get a lot of money.

바솩아 이행시중독이다 너
Basuk, you're addicted to acrostic poems. You

🍎 성 시경이 부릅니다 년 감동이었어
🍎 sung by Sung Si-kyung I was so touched.


당신이 이부 하세요
You take care of it.

전 이 방 나가겟습니다
I'm leaving this room.

밥먹고 저 웃길생각만 하시는지요
Are you thinking about making me laugh after eating?

웅 난 집왓찌 방금
I just got home.

아 근데 저 이행시는 쫌 인정임
Ah, but I acknowledge acrostic poems.

난 왜 생각못햇지?
Why didn't I think about it?

언니 머할거냐고?
What am I going to do?

나 너랑 쫌 수다떨다가
I was chatting with you.

씻을고야 ~~~~~~~!~!~!~
I'm going to wash up!

깨끗한 웅니가 되어야지
I need to be clean Woong.

🍎 언니 나 먼저 가도 돼..? ㄹㅇ 쓰러질듯 샤워는 안했는데..ㅐ
🍎 Can I go first? I didn't take a shower.Yes.

어엉.. 언니오니까 가는팬 어떤데
Oh... How about a fan who's leaving when you're here?

Good night!

Bye bye!

다들 잘쟈
Good night, everyone.

난 게시글 올릴거임 !!!
I'm going to post a post!!!

먼저 자셈
First, sit down.

안자는바솩이들이랑 놀아야징~!~!~
I'm going to play with Basak who's not sleeping!~!~

아~~~ 설렌당 히히!!
Oh, I'm excited. Hehe!

아니아닝 자두돼~!~!~!~!!~
No, no! I'm going to become a plum!

하 게시글 렉걸려서
Oh, it's lagging.

세번이나 다시 썼어요
I used it three times.

하지만 다 쓰기 완료!
But I'm done writing!