2022 05 11 1203

끝 헤어져
It's over. Let's break up.

Oh, my.

🍎 언ㄴ니 삼행시 해죠
🍎 Let's do an acrostic poem.

엉: 성하게 자라난 나뭇가지 위 덩: 어리째 피어난 꽃 한 송이에 이:토록 찬란한 봄은 여전하다고, 보낼 수 없다고
Uh: On a branch that has grown holy. Deng: In a flower that bloomed young Lee: It's still such a brilliant spring, I can't spend it.

어때요 엉덩이 삼행시임
What do you think? It's an acrostic poem with "butt

(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)

🍎 엉덩이에서 뽑아낸 아름다움
🍎 Beauty extracted from the buttocks

아 이거 진짜 짜증나게 웃긴 한줄이네요
Oh, this is a really funny line.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

🍎 엉덩이들을 위한 시
🍎 Poems for the Butts

It's like this.

아니 삼행시 해달라길래 엉덩이로 해달라는 줄 알앗지
I thought you were asking me to do an acrostic poem with my butt.

전 엉덩이 안조아합니다
I don't like my butt.

🍎 엉간히 해라 이것들아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
🍎 Come on, you guys. (Laughs) (Laughs)


🍎 제목 : 할머니 하늘에 아름답게 수놓인 많은 별들 중 영롱히 빛이 나는 별 하나
🍎 Title: Grandmother beautifully in the sky Of the many stars embroidered, a shining star

근데 왜 제목이 할머니인지 아시는 분 연락바랍니다
If you know why the title is "Grandma", please call me.

Isn't it too touching?

제목이 할머니인건 좀 반칙같네요
I don't think it's fair that the title is Grandma.

저는 엉덩ㅇ이로 삼행시햇는데
I made an acrostic poem with "bung-ee".

제목만 저건데 지금 감동을 뽑아먹고계신거잔아요
It's just the title, but you're eating the heart out.

제목: 할머니 오늘저녁으로 장어덮밥을 먹었다
Title: Grandma. for dinner tonight I ate rice with grilled eel.

이거봐요 슬프잖아요
Look at this. It's sad.

제목이 반칙임 저건
The title is cheating.

예 저오늘 장어덮밥먹엇어요
Yes, I ate rice with grilled eel today.

🍎 심금을 얼리는 시네요
🍎 It's a poem that freezes the heartstrings.

Thank you.

얼린 오빛
Frozen Orbit

🍎 근데 언니 엉덩이와 궁둥이의 차이 아세요?

바닥에 앉았을 때 지면과 닿는 부위는 궁둥이, 지면에서 떨어진 부위를 엉덩이래요.
🍎 But do you know the difference between butt and butt?

When you sit on the floor, the part that touches the ground is called the butt, and the part that falls off the ground is called the butt.

와 그닥 알고싶지 않은 정보 알려주는 이부팹
Wow, I don't want to know much about this corruption.

What do you think?

감동실화 !💖
Touching story! 💖

엉덩실화 이러네
It's like this.

a fish-eat-dog.

엉 금지어로 지정합니다
It's designated as a banned word.

하면 엉으로 대답하는 바솩들 출몰예정
They're going to go out and answer with their thumbs.

궁! 이러네
It goes like this.


이제부터 금지 엉덩이합니다
From now on, it's forbidden. Butt.

팹 선생님 이부방에서 엉덩이 쓰면 5분간 채팅금지 당하는 기능 만들어주셔요
Mr. Fab, if you use your butt in this room, you'll be banned from chatting for 5 minutes.

언니가 갑자기
She suddenly...

니 날개 어디갓음?
Where are your wings?

하길래 먼소린데?
That's why I said that.

니 날개 어디갓냐고!!!!!
Where are your wings?

아니 먼소리냐고
No, it's not far away.

After that,

니 잠자리 컵에 날개 하나 어디갓냐고!!!
Where's a wing in your dragonfly cup?

That's it.

난 또 울언니가 나한테 주접떠는줄알앗음
I thought she was making silly comments to me.

저번에 산호초컵이랑 세트로 잠자리달린 컵잇거든요
There's a cup with a coral reef cup and a dragonfly on it's a set.