2022 05 09 1182

진솔이 없을때 진솔이 침대에 누워서 찍었어
When JinSoul wasn't there, I took it lying on JinSoul's bed.

내 기억상
As far as I remember.

아니다 아닌가 맞나
No, no. Is that right?

그 우리 청 ptt 의상입고 ptt한 날인데ㅔ
It's a very ptt day in blue ptt costume.

해주가 수박빵 먹는거
Haejoo eating watermelon bread.

그 날
That day

케이 컬처~..더보기 날이라네여
K-Culture...It's a day to see more.

211106 이라네요
It's 211106.

자 이제 내공을 줘
Now give me my balls.

언니가 답해줬잖아
You answered me.

내공냠냠 에반데
It's my ball, yum yum yum yum yum yum.

🍎 지금 이 프사 눈썹과 앞머리 그리고 날렵한 턱선, 안 그린듯 그린 자연스러운 아이라인, 오똑한 코, 아련하게 쳐다보는 듯한 저 똘망한 눈빛, 살짝 올라간 입꼬리, 눈덩이에 칠한 저 빤짝이까지의 조합이 완벽하다고 생각해. 내공 대신 칭찬 어떤데?
🍎 I think the combination of these profile eyebrows, bangs, and sharp jawline, natural eyeliner drawn as if not drawn, high nose, those glaring eyes, slightly raised corners of mouth, and those glitter on the snowball is perfect. How about compliments instead of experiences?


하수영 다루기 만점
Excellent handling of Ha Soo-young.

🍎 못댄바솩이엉덩이에skrrrrrr
🍎 Skrrrrrrrrr on the butt of the basket

다들 skrrrr
Everyone, skrrrrr

오늘 skrrrr간 사람 있음?
Did anyone go to Skrrrr today?

Study cafe

근데 엉덩이에 skrrrr이 무슨 뜻인가요? 내공냠냠은 사절합니다
But what do you mean by skrrrrr on your butt? I'm not allowed to eat anything inside.

They say it's poetic license.


오늘 날씨조으니까
Since the weather is not good today,

이부 행빌 들으며 행복하게 보내세요
Have a happy time listening to this song.

그래요 원곡이랑 번갈아가며 들어요 우리언니처럼
Yes, I listen to the original song alternately like my sister.

🍎 이브 볼효임. 이브 볼수록 효녀
🍎 Eve Ball Hyo-im. The more I see Eve, the more I'm a good daughter.

볼효자는 웁니다
Cheek filial piety cries.


It's 4:44.

Oh, my.

진짜 ㄹㅇ 킹밧내
It really smells like a king bat.

누가 내 생각을 했을까~~~~?💖
Who would have thought of me?💖

바로 너!!!!!!!!
It's you!

안티프리즈 듣는중
I'm listening to anti-freeze.

I came home

레슨하고 왔찌
I had a lesson.

아나 저녁때놓침 ㅠ
I missed it in the evening.

집왔는데 갑자기 노래부르고싶어서
I came home and I suddenly wanted to sing.

혼자 티비로 노래방켜서 부름
Singing at karaoke alone on TV.

여기 방음처리된 벽이긴한데 그래도 작게 불렀시유
It's a soundproof wall, but you sang it quietly.

아까 낮에 바솩이들이 얘기한 노래들
The songs that Basak talked about earlier in the day.

담에 불러줄라고
I'm going to you later.

zero랑 사건의지평선~,,
Zero and the horizon of the case.

팝송 머불러줄까요
What pop song do you want me to sing?

연습갈겨 ~~~~~🔥

찰리푸스ㅛㅓㄴ배님 노래 넘 조은데
Charlie Puth's song is so tight.

an old video

하나 올려주까?
Should I post one?

머가 많긴핮데
There's a lot of stuff.

올렸다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I put it up. (Laughs) (Laughs)

아 쫌 웃기네
Ah, that's kind of funny.