2022 05 09 1178
진솔이랑 달플리? 나두 하고싶당
JinSoul and Dalply? I want to do it too.
진솔이의 보컬이 좋아
I like JinSoul's vocal skills.
예전에 같이 노래도 부르고했었는데
We used to sing together.
린 선배님 노래도 부르구
I sang Lynn's song.
🍎 사랑했잖니 부른 적 있서?
🍎 I loved you. Did you ever sing it?
사랑했잖니?… 사랑했잖아 말하는거지
You loved me? I'm telling you I loved you loved me.
나 웃는거아니야
I'm not laughing.
재채기나와서 푸학
I sneezed and laughed.
It's stuck.
Just kidding.
상처받지마~~~~ 뽑뽀💋 움쪽
Don't get hurt~~~~ Ppoppo💋 Umpo
음 사랑했잖니 보낸 바솩이가 진도가 넘 빠르다고
Well, I loved you. The Basak I sent was moving too fast.
I was rejected.
그럼 제 뽀뽀 받을 바솩 구해요
Then get my kiss.
I chose you.
드르렁 이러네
He's saying "Drool".
My buzzword these days.
ㅇㅇㅇ 이러네
It's like this.
There's a pandemic?
어쩔티비 !
Whatever TV!
🍎 xxyx라고 TVN 드라마 하든데 봄?
🍎 It's a TVN drama called "Xxyx". Spring?
솔직히 yyxy ost 기대해도되겠지요
Honestly, you can look forward to yyxyost.
tvn : 드르렁 이러네
tvn: It's like this.
🍎 이브라는 드라마도 곧 한다더라 이브가 오에스티 불러야하는거아니묘?
🍎 I heard that a drama called Eve is going to air soon. Don't you think Eve should call Oeste?
한층 더 어려워진 이브의 검색
Eve's Search Becomes More Difficult
저희 엄마는 데뷔직후부터 검색이 힘들다고 하지 않으십니다
My mom doesn't say that it's hard to search right after our debut.
이브로 검색하기엔 너무 어려우시니까여
Because it's too hard to search for Eve.
하지만 저는 제이름 조아요
But I like my name.
먼가 이뻐요
It's pretty far away pretty.
하이브로 검색하라구요?
You want me to search for a high profile?
제 이름인데 제 이름 같지않아요
It's my name, but it doesn't sound like my name.
Jeong Eun-si 2
제아선배님 후유증 듣는중
I'm listening to JeA's aftereffects.
🍎 그 혹시 콘서트 연습실vcr 찍은 날 회식비니 쓴 날 셀카는 없나요?
🍎 Do you have any selfies on the day you filmed the concert practice room VCR and wore a dinner beanie?
저 그날 넘 못생겨서 셀카가 읎어요
I was so ugly that I don't have any selfies.
머리안감아서 허겁지겁 비니를 썼걸랑요
I didn't wash my hair, so I wore a beanie in a hurry.
진짜 춤출때 땀나서 죽는줄알앗짜나요
I was sweating so much when I danced.
요건 ?
다 봤찌?
Did you all watch it?
You're changing something else.
Look at this.
동숲에 선풍기랑 똑같따
It's like a fan in Animal Crossing.
저 날 의상시안도 내가 보냈어 🫶
I even sent you a draft of the costume that day.
나 이제 잠온당
I'm sleepy now.
잘자 웅냥냥
Good night, Woong-nyang.