2022 05 08 1162

Allio olio (meaning 'allio olio'.


🍎 대박~~ 고원이 짱~~~~^^
🍎 Awesome! Go Won is the best!^^

라고 고원님이 댓글 남겨주셨읍니다
"Fan ID" left a comment.

나 진짜 싹싹 다 먹엇어
I ate it all.

아무것도 남기지않앗어
I didn't leave anything behind.

포크정보 달라는 분들이 많군요
There are a lot of people asking for fork information.

오늘의집에 곰돌이 포크치면 많이 나온대요
If you type in the bear fork, you'll get a lot.

🍎 설거지 누가 해?ㅇㅅㅇ
🍎 Who does the dishes?ㅇㅅㅇ

요리해줬으니 내가해야지
You cooked for me. I'll do it.

복돼지빵 먹음
I had a lucky pig bun.

It's good.

나어제 맥주 블루문? 먹었는데
Yesterday, I drank blue moon beer? I ate it.

It was delicious.

오렌지향이 나요
It smells like orange.


It's good.

진짜 안팔아…
They really don't sell...

자시 도전해봐야지
I'm going to try it.

No brand?

I see


아니 다시 도전해봐야지! 엿어
No, I'm going to try it again! in a pinch

자시 도전해본다고 보내졋구나
He's been sent to try it.

아니 그래서 어떤 바솩이가
No, so a bassok...

자시가 술이름인줄알고 검색해봤잖아
I thought it was the name of the drink, so I searched it.

라길래 무슨소리지? ㅇㅅㅇ
What are you talking about? ㅇㅅㅇ

나보고 이자식아 라고 하시는건가..?🥹
Are you calling me this punk?🥹

했는데 내가 오타낸거엿음
But I made a typo.

쉐퍼호퍼 그냥 주스같아요
Shaper hopper. It's like juice.

맥주맛 안나
It doesn't taste like beer.

아니 쉐퍼호퍼 얘기하는데 주량이 왜 나와요🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!🥸
Why do you drink so much when you're talking about "Chef Hopper"?🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!🥸

저는 여러분들처럼 퇴근후 맥주한캔을 즐깁니다…
I enjoy a can of beer after work like you guys...

Whoo Whoo Whoo

🍎 근데 나 정말 퇴근 후 맥주한잔 즐겨본적이 없음...
🍎 But I've never enjoyed a beer after work.

오아 전 자취할때도 한캔씩 사가곤했어요 후후
Oh! I used to buy a can when I lived alone. Whoo Whoo Whoo

그러고 영통으로 부산친구랑 비대면 맥주 짠
And then video call with my Busan friend, beer!

근데 이제 비대면시대가 돼버린
But now it's a non-face-to-face era.

📞 Let's do Facebook.

넷플릭스에서 리락쿠마와 가오루씨
Rilakkuma and Kaoru on Netflix.

봤는데 귀엽다
I saw it and it's cute.