2022 04 30 1037
권진아선배님 황소윤선배님💖
Kwon Jin Ah and Hwang So Yoon. 💖
다 내 사랑들이자너
You're all my love.
저 약간 안개 낀 목소리?.. 조아하는 것 같어요
My voice is kind of foggy? I think he likes it.
호흡섞인소리~,,, 너무 조음💖
Breathing sound~,,, too much articulation 💖
권진아 선배님 knock 틀었어여💖
I turned on Kwon Jin-ah's knock. 💖
오 마자요 저 박진영선배님 노래도 좋아하는데욬ㅋㅋㅋ
As soon as I came, I like Park Jin Young's songs, too.
유영진선배님..? 선생님이라고 해야할 것만 같은
Yoo Youngjin...? It's like a teacher.
노래 완전 좋아하자나요 저
Do you really like the song? That
유영진 x D.O - tell me (what is love)
유영진 x D.O - tell me (what is love)
저 이 노래 짱 조 아 함
I love this song.
Wow, wow, wow, wow. ↗️⬇️⤵️⤵️⤵️➡️⤵️⤵️⤵️
내 눈을 보고 말했던 ~~
You looked into my eyes and said~
두 글자가 낙인처럼 아파와아아
The two letters hurt like a stigma.
박진영선배님 못 잊은 거죠 짱조아요💖
I couldn't forget JYP. I'm the best 💖
대낮에 한 이별 노래방가서 혼자 불러줘야함
You have to go to karaoke and sing it alone in the middle of the day.
십년이 지나도 이거도 조아요
I like this even after 10 years.
🍎 맞다 언니 갑자기 뜬금없는데 나 오늘 꿈에서 갑자기 이달소 13번째 멤버 되어서 버플 무대 갑자기 올라갔는데 저 안무도 잘 모르는데 우뚜케요? 하니까 웅니가 자기 그림자처럼 움직이라고 해서 뚝딱거리다가 무대에서 우는 꿈 꿨자나.. 🥹
🍎 That's right. It's out of the blue. I suddenly became the 13th member of LOONA in my dream and went up to the buff stage. I don't know the choreography well. Woo-tuke? When I said that, Woongni told me to move like his shadow, so I had a dream of crying on stage. 🥹
와 근데 저도 이런 꿈 짱많이 꾸자나요
Wow, but I also have a lot of dreams like this.
저 원더걸스 선배님 조아할때
When I liked Wonder Girls,
jyp nation - this christmas
jyp nation - this christmas
이 노래 짱 조아했어요
I really liked this song.
이노래는 도입부가 ‘찐’
The intro of this song is "Jjin".
Sunye unnie ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
쭈블링 vs 마라탕
Jjubling vs Malatang.
Jjukkumi bibimbap.
와 나 쭈블링이머야 질문 500개 받음
Wow, I got 500 questions.
열띤 성화 감사드립니다
Thank you, Seong Hwa.
쭈꾸미 승 ~
Jjukumi wins!
쭈블링 가게이름이야ㅜ
It's the name of the Jjubling store.
내가 쭈꾸미에게 애칭이 잇겟냐구ㅜ
Will I have a nickname for jukkumi?
애착쭈꾸미 이러네ㅜㅋㅋㅋㅋ
They're saying that I'm attached to them.
🍎 주꾸미가 맞는 말😀(현직 국어국문학과)
🍎 What webfoot octopus is right 😀 (current Korean Language and Literature major)
Son Hyejoo.
손혜’주’가 올바른 표현입니다.
Son Hye 'Ju' is the correct expression.
My Jouge
밥이 왓어
What's with the food?
문 앞에 두고가주셔요
Please leave it at the door.
이제 가지러간다 흐흐
I'm going to get it now.
내 쭈블링 누가 다 먹엇어
Who ate all of my jjubling?
오랜만에 먹으니 더 맛있음
It tastes better because it's been a while since I ate it.
🍎 엉니 맨날 우리한테 한입 권유도 안하구
혼자 다 먹어놓고서능 맨날 누가 다먹엇다고 뭐라하구
🍎 You don't even ask us to take a bite.
You ate it all by yourself and someone always says that you ate it all.
뼈 맞음..
It's a bone.
후식은 마카롱 약과
For dessert, macaron yakgwa...
∧ ∧
(´・ω・) =3 후 맛있따,,,
/ 🐙\ヽ
∧ ∧
(´···) After =3, it is delicious...
/ / 🐙\ヽ
아니아니 마카롱 and 약과
No, no. Macaron and yakgwa.
게시물 올림
Posting a post
저기서 만나
I'll meet you there.