2022 04 27 980
하슬이가 안깰때 큰일나는거아녀?
What if Haseul doesn't wake up?
나는 머 일단 깨긴햇으니까 술만 깨면되겠지만
I'm sober now. I just need to sober up.
하슬이는 그냥 안깨어나는거자나
Haseul just doesn't wake up.
음 근데 저는 스케줄전에 그렇게 숙취가 생길정도로 술을 먹는걸 이해할 수 없어서 몰입이 안되네요 ㅡ.ㅡ
Well, but I can't understand drinking to the point where I get such a hangover before my schedule, so I'm not immersed in it.-ㅡ
하지만 저도 인간인지라 숙취있는날 왜없어요 아 당연이 잇지!!!!!!!
But I'm a human being, so why don't I have a hangover? Of course there is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
하지만 스케줄있으면 그러면 안되죠잉
But you can't do that if you have a schedule.Ing
🍎 헉..그럼 만약에 멤버가 그랬다면?@?!?!?! 혼낼거야?!?!?!
🍎 What if a member did that? Are you going to scold me?!?!?!
화낸다기보단 얘기하지않을까요?.. 근데 그런일이 없어섴ㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Rather than getting angry, why don't we talk? But that didn't happen.(Laughs)
다들 나를 요정으로 생각하는 구야..?
Everyone thinks I'm a fairy?
It's not, is it?
맞는데 들키면안돼서 비밀로해주라주ㅜ
That's right, but I can't get caught, so please keep it a secret.
🍎 수영아 취중토크 나가서 술 얼마나 마신 거야?? 영상에서는 조금밖에 안 마신 거 같아서 나였으면 아쉬웠을 거 같아
🍎 Sooyoung, how much did you drink on "Drunken Talk"? I think I only drank a little in the video, so I would be sad if it were me.
와 대박
Wow, that's awesome.
맞아요 한잔도 안마신거 ~,~
That's right. You didn't drink a single drink.
다들 브라운박사가 됐네
You're all Dr. Brown.
(Singing a song)
기여운 바솩이루 돌아와
Come back as cute as you are.
I'll go wash up.
잠오면 자
Go to sleep if you're sleepy.
Oh, my.
왜 안자는가
Why aren't you sleeping?
얼른 자자
Let's go to bed.
잠안와도 눈감고 자보자
Even if you can't sleep, let's sleep with our eyes closed.
🎧이루마 - passing by
🎧 Yiruma - passing by
이거 들으면서 잘자 !❤️
Good night while listening to this!❤️
내일 일찍나가야해서 ㅜ.ㅜ
I have to go out early tomorrow.ㅜ
잘 자 !!! ❤️
Good night ❤️!! ❤️
좋은꿈 꿔 🫶
Sweet dreams 🫶
굿모닝 웅냥냥
Good morning, Woong-nyang.
I came to the shop.
오늘 라이브있자나 !!
There's a live today !!
7시30분 시작
It starts at 7:30pm.
음 우리가 받은거엔 7시30분 시작이라 돼있는데..?!
Well, what we received says it starts at 7:30?!
우리는 리허설 해야해서 샵 빨리왔엉 !
We came to the salon quickly because we had to do rehearsals!
앱에서 7시 시작이라 돼있는건 아마 팀마다 시작시간이 달라서 그럴거예요 ㅎㅎ
The app says it starts at 7 o'clock because each team has a different start time.
저희는 두번째~!
We're the second~!
머야 내 메뉴 언제 털렸어 ㅠ ㅠ
When did my menu get stolen?
흑 흑
Like you, Bibi.
생머리 vs 웨이브
Straight hair vs. wave.
🍎 웨이비 노제님이요..💖
🍎 Dear Wavy Noje,💖
🍎 생머리 김립...❤️😎🖤
🍎 Straight hair Kim Lip...❤️😎🖤
🍎 난 그럼 난 아이키님..❤️
🍎 Then I'll say Iki...❤️
🍎 모니카 선생님⋯🦧
🍎 Teacher Monica 🦧
🍎 아 다른 반 애들 다 나가라고~~~!!! 구경났냐고~~!
🍎 Everyone in the other class, get out! Did you see it?
a smirk