2022 04 27 966

아 너무 옛날 필터야?
Ah, it's such an old filter?

예 친구머리 펌이여 저때 잘됐다고 자랑했어요
Yes, my friend's hair perm. He bragged that he did well.

저 친구 머리 길었을때도 있었는데 숏컷이 훨 예뻐요
There was a time when he had long hair, but his short hair is much prettier.

나도 나중에 40대쯤 되면 숏컷멋있게 해보고시푸
When I'm in my 40s, I'll try a cool short cut.

as soon as soon as possible.

카스도 했었지
I used to play LUCAS, too.

저 친구들이 나 낯가려서 친구못사귈때
When they can't make friends because I'm shy,

다가와준 칭구들🥲❤️
Those who approached me. ❤️

🍎 지금 프사같은 표정을 하고 있을 때 다가왔나요
🍎 Did it come when you were looking like a profile picture?

예 저 무표정이면 완전 무서운데도 다가와줬어여
Yes, that expressionless face made me approach even though it was scary.

저때 걸린 짝지랑은 한학기동안 한마디 했을걸요 ;
I think I talked to my partner for a semester. ;

🍎 무표정할 때, 언니는 여전히 약간 위협적입니다.
🍎 When she's expressionless, she's still a little intimidating.


🍎 수영아 저때도 키 지금이랑 같았어? 성인돼서도 큰거야?
🍎 Sooyoung, were you the same height back then? Do I grow up even when I'm an adult?

저 중학교 입학할때 146이엇어요
I was 146 when I entered middle school.

근데 갑자기 쑥쑥 컷어여 ㅎㅎ
But it suddenly grows so fast.

나는 과거사진 별루 안예뿌다 생각해서 안올렸었는데
I didn't upload my past pictures because I thought they were pretty.

다들 귀여워해주니 좋구만…
It's good that everyone thinks you're cute...

담에도 올릴게
I'll put it on the wall, too.

맘껏 귀여워해줘 ~…🫠
Please adore me as much as you want.🫠

바솩이한테 사랑받는 삶
A life loved by Basak.

I'm happy.

마지막 사진은 진짜 왜 저러구 찍었을까
Why did I take the last picture like that?

약간 미투데이 감성
Kind of like a Me Today vibe.


저거 엠엘비핑크스냅백임 ;
That's an MLB pink snapback;

그리고 저때의 저는 흑발에 미쳐있었어여
And at that time, I was crazy about black hair.

무조건 오징어먹물
Squid ink no matter what.

그리고 디어달링 뱀파이어..
And Dear Darling Vampire.

저번에 나한테 추천해줬던 노래 머있었지?
What song did you recommend to me last time?

엉 불러줬음하는거요
I want you to sing it for me.